

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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If you were to win $10 million, what would you do with all that money?

I would take my closest friends around the world and do what ever makes them happy

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Where do the happiest people live?

I am quite happy so I guess if I can be happy everyone can. In answer to your question; everywhere

Why cant you see that she is only playing with your head again?

I choose not to see it and to be happy for now and worry about what will happen when it comes

Name one real reason why you broke up with amie?

I can name six;
She wouldnt let me see my friends
she thought I was cheating on her when it was her who was cheating on me
she threatened one of my closest friends and thought it was funny
she slagged all my friends off to me
she beat me
and there was someone else

Was there someon else when you were with amie and who?

Yes, there was someone else through the whole relationship but I would rather not say, if you want to know inbox me.


Language: English