

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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What are your plans for the Valentine's Day?

I wanted to spend it with my beautiful girl but I have a family thing I am going to but I will miss her

"chu" is not a fucking word! You sound pathetic! Stfu!!

And you should fuck off and leave us alone. You are obviously a coward if you are hiding behind anon.

You told me you don't like kiya anymore and you don't care about her?

Well you obviously dont know me properly then.

Why have you tried killing yourself?

Because I hate myself
am fat
am ugly
I cannot cope
life is difficlt
I had no one
I wasnt even invloved in my family
my friends were dying around me
I thought everything and everone was out to get me
my head started telling me things and how to do it and why
I was different
But now I have Kiya and that has changed.... She has changed my life

Your brother is proper funny in his tiger thingy suit hahahaha x

Ahahahaa yeah I know I fucking loved it he was so funny in the play

Life story...?

Well I was bron 14th of january and I was such a complecated birth, they didnt know what was happening one mintue I was dead the next screaming and crying. I was kept in the hospital for ages and I finally got out when premantly when I was 18 months. I couldnt talk, move or eat . I was not normal. I didnt have a disablity I just didnt want to do anything. I was suicidal from birth. A few months later I started to eat and talk a littlebut when my mum split with my dad and I became even worse, everything was painful because I made it. I was sick ever time I had food. Then my brother was born... He was two months eary and born with what the doctors called a backwards foot and all attention was on him. No one even noticed me but my nan and it was like that all the way through my life. My nan didnt see my brother in the hospital because she didnt want to get to attached incase he died so she never really had that first emotion bond. Two years later when I started school things got worse. I had started hurting my self by anything I could . My dad slowly stopped seeing me and I had lost all hope. In my fourth year of primery school I was already seeing theropist and nuses about the some what "depression". My mum ignored me and said I was just jealous of my brother.
When I was in year four I started full on self harm in everyway possible.
I got to year six and by this time I had tried killing myself for times... I was only 11.
I thought that when I got to high school it would all change but no it got even worse. No on cared no one bothered no one even thought about me. I was bullied for four years.
My self harm got worse. The suicidal thoughts started taking over and by the time I was in my second year there I had cut nearly every inch of my body and I have tried killing myself 12 times.
Someone would all was stop me or take me to the hospital before it was too late. People in school found out I self harmed and was suicidal and palyed on it. And thats when I found out I was bipolor and had mental issues. Things where starting to get better. I came out to a few of my close friends and I trusted them with everything but the whole school was making comments and jokes the next day so I gained trust issues. I couldnt trust anyone with anything. I became close friends with a guy who had said he had the same problem... But turns out he wasnt who he said he was... When I meet him he was just friendly but the more times we went out the more scared I got and in the end he beat me and left me for dead.... Just When I thought life was getting better.
In year 9 I found a new group of friends that didnt care what music I listened to or what sex I liked.
I felt life get a bit better. The suicidal thoughts werent as often I tried to stop cutting.
Then this year my girlfriend found out she had cancer and couldnt cope we were getting married. Then four other of my friends killed them self but it wont let me put about them.

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