

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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I thought shagging someone from the opposite sex and marrying someone from the same sex was bad ypu keep contradictin yourself and stop chattin shit

I am not contradicting myself. You don't understand. Please learn my religion before making assumptions.

summer or winter? cat or dog restaurant or BBQ?

I like both summer and winter but winter is slightly better
either dog or cat
restaurants are strange and bbqs are full of fatty foods

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fav. song?

I have loads Omg.
A match into water
lez be friends
I fink u freaky
effort doing all of them

you told me, that you'd slept with over 30 girls...

I obviously haven't told you because I haven't slept with that many girls.

you've slept with so many people...

No I haven't. Please tell me all these people I have slept with?

You say you're a gay catholic christian who keeps sexual contact to a minimum. You've shagged about 4 lads before. How does that work?

I haven't slept with four lads and it means gay sexual acts.

Who are you going to prom with?

Courtney, Emma and am going to see if Morgan will come with us too.

You know ages ago you said you are a catholic Christian but you are gay, isn't that against your religion?

I am a catholic Christian and I am a strong catholic Christian. But I am a modern one. We adapt the bible to today life and go off that and our own prospect of the situation.
We believe that love is love no matter who you love. It is ok to be gay.
But we also believe that sexual contact is kept to a minimum.
Gays are aloud to show their love for their partner but within reason.
Also we believe that we must seek help and guidance and make sure that we know for certain that we are gay. Otherwise it brings shame to our family if we do sexual acts with the same sex and then marries the opposite sex.

What are you doing next weekend?

Am going for a dress fitting on Saturday and I may be seeing an old friend who I miss allot on Sunday.


Language: English