

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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But then it wouldn't be the truth, derp.

I am not, ok? You can think whatever but in everything I do there is a reason.

Just end it. Nothing good is ever going to happen to you.

I have tried and tried and tried. I know, no need to tell me...

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What is your favorite way of wasting time?

cuddling with a close friend
watching shit tv or videos with lee

Why do you feel suicidal?

Why. . . ? Now thats a good question. . . I dont actually know why I feel like that bt I guess self harm is not enough.

How do you know when you're in love?

Love is not real. It is a mask of lust. And those lucky to have lust for many years understand it.

Sophie, if you want to talk ever feel free to inbox me ? I know we don't talk often but I'm happy to listen and don't judge :3 <3

Arya Stark
Thanks but am.not the talking type anymore. I give up trying.

What do you value the most in your life?

It was my friends but I dont even know who is my friend anymore so I guess my bible ...

Why did you turn to drugs, alcohol and cutting?

Because at the time it seemed like the best thing to do and it seemed like they were the only things that coupd help me in my time of need.

What acttualy happened to alex...?

She was my bestfriend and I was falling for her but I was with someone else. me and alex slept together one night when she came round to cheer me up and one thing lead to another that night. my girlfriend at the time found out and was really pissed at me. And around this time all I wanted to do is end everything and everytime I ever tried to kill myself alex stopped me. and because of my girlfriend me and alex stopped talking. The next week alex messaged me asking if I would meet her and I said yes. A week passed and the day came, in the morning she rang me and I picked kiya over alex for some reason. Half way through the day my mum calls me saying something has happened and I need to come home. When I got home alex's brother is stood there, he had been crying and then I knew what I had done. . . I had killed my bestfriend. She jumped in front of a car and was on a support machine. I ran out of my house back to kiya to find her all loved up with mikey, making me cry more. I went to the hospital and they said they couldnt save her. . . I watched them switched her off . . . I have cried everynight since because it was my fault... Three days later my ex girlfriend at the time killed her self. I havent been the same since.

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Why are you still here. . . Leave already.

Am here because my mother and father had sex and yeah so here I am. Am noy going anywhere . . . Well am just abiut to go out but you know whatever. Am not killing myself because of you pathetic cunts. Peace out pussy..

Lexi's girlfriend is pissed at you now. Why is lexi with you and not her?

Because lexi choose to come to mine for a break ok.

Name ten of your facebook friends you would kiss, if given the chance.

7) sasha


Language: English