

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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oh wow! you are so gorgeous ;o <3<3!xo im following :3 xox

Omg you are so beautiful ^.^ <3<3 I am following you now Ehe:3 xox

Why do you miss the R.E conference on Friday?

I don't miss it all I go to the first two sessions but about half twelve am going to the doctors again about my eye.

What team are you playing on Tuesday?

I don't know but we are away. I can't wait to get on the pitch and play. Am buzzing its the semi-finals

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So are you like into all poems and deep shit like that then?

Yes I have poem books on my phone. I just find poems just so inspirational and so vivid.

do you think adalia rose is beautiful?

No. She isn't beautiful. Everyone just says that so they get likes. And before I get any hate or whatever. Take a long look at her and ask your self 'is she beautiful?'

Single or taken?

Taken by the most beautiful girl ever. Ok? Vic is just perfect. Her personality is just perfect and her looks are just a bonus.
I love my vic.
Liked by: Courtney Wright

What happened to your eye

I have bad nerves and being on my phone is making it worse special I have to come off

What’s the first thing you did when you woke up today?

I won't be on here for a few days nor will I be able to reply to inboxes.
I will either get friend or someone close to me to answer with my words.
I won't be able to see any questions as I have a problem with my eye.

Why would Soph want to share her arse... Anyway.......I just want you to know that you're the most perfect person ever and I love you

I love you baba ^.^ <3


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