

Ask @SophieeLightsDonlan

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why are you so beautiful?

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... This has to be a joke? Ahahahahahahahaha

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I'm sorry too Dannii, I was angry, n yeah I'm sorry. I know straight away when somethings up with Sophie, yeah if lived in the same area as her, I would also be like you, always there for her, always by her side. So yeah, I'm sorry Dannii :)

No one has seen sophie the same as I have. People need to see her proberly at her worest before they say they know her because sophie doesnt show her true colours until she is really upest

Aint you a nice friend ey, saying you doubt people care about Sophie, fuck me you're a great friend Jesus christ.

Who was the one who has sat at the side of a road with her when she has drank jerself stupid and tried runing in front of cars... You? No, me.
Who was the one who pulled her of a bridge when she was about to jump...you? No, me.
Who was the one who had to make her throw up after she was taking bottles and bottles of pills... You? No, me.
Who was the one who tended her cuts when they were too big and she passed out...you? No, me.
Who was the one who pulled her out from under the water when she was drowning.... You? No, me.
Who is the one thay knows straight away that something is up with her...you? No, me.
Do you care? Take a second look at her from a different view.
Look am sorry about what I said about kiya I was angry.

I actually care about Sophie more than I care about myself tbh, I'm being honest right now okay? I care about Sophie more than I care anout anything. Obviously not, obviously do something if she tries to comit but don't go round calling Kiya a bitch cause she really isn't

I doubt anyone cares about sophie.

But there's noo need calling Kiya a bitch though is there?! Sophie don't think Kiya's a bitch I know you're sticking up for Sophie and everything but seriously shut up and tbh piss off out of their business, its got fuck all to do with you tbf.

Fuck all to do with me?!?!? Ok so should I say that when she ends up dead because thats the way she is going. I have to invlove myself or something baaf will happen but no one even cares about sophie.

Hey Dannii. Its cool that you're sticking up for Sophie n stuff but really?! Fucking grow up you stupid cow, stop calling Kiya a bitch, she's not a fucking bitch! You don't even know her! Serious?! Get a grip girl!

But she is... I know enough about her. I know what she has said to sophie for the past month and she has had sophie on an emotional rollercoster.
- Dannii

Stop it, you're just making things worse.

Making things worse?!? Things cant get any worse. You were the one making them worse. She fuckin loves you and you throw it in her face because of "distance"... Bullshit. You didnt even love her because if you did you would notice what has been going on or at lest thought something was up with her.

Why do you have bad memories of Pierce The Veil ??

Soph was meant to see them with her ex, kiya and the songs remind her of the times she has had with that kiya bitch.

Are you still taken?:/

No soph isnt, some.bitch ripped her heart out and left without a reason why.
- Dannii

How long hvu nd your gf been together?

I would rather not talk about "it". "It" left sophie in her time of need.
- Dannii
soph has gone for a nap guys so am answering her questions

I love you

One day people will finally realize that it wasnt funny for them to joke about it, lie about it, say I did it
It is making me ill.
It is hurting me.
It is killing me.
One day everyone who joked and said I did will feel guitly for what will happen.
I mean iy when I say am only alive beause of kiya.
I love her.
She is my world.
She is perfect.
She knows everything about me, I can tell her anything and know I wont be judged or left.

Ooo .. someones getting a little bitchy, i wouldnt if i were you aha - if i have to, i dont care how much i hurt you .. as long as kiya's alright, shes my priority :) .. end of conversation.

I love kiya.

I dont see why you would cheat on her anyway, shes fucking perfect .. but she tells me everythingg.. so i will find out if shit has happened, for all i know you're lieing throught your teeth .. im not saying you are! its just a possibilty .. she needs a fucking cuddle.

Am not fucking lying.
I love her why would I cheat.
She means everything to me.
She is perfect.
I love her so fucking much it is inreal.
I know she needs a fucking cuddle and I would give her one if I could.
Fuck sake. Why does no one believe me, I am being totally honest with you I have not cheated on her.

Love is a big word sophie .. and i can be a real bitch to people who hurt my friends BUT - I know she loves you, for a fact, and if you ever do hurt her .. i will come and see her and ill see you too .. Im being blunt because i have to be, im not meaning to upset you or anything, i just care. sorry.

I know it is and I seriously mean it amber. I will never hurt her. I hate the fact someone is doing this because uts hurting me and kiya. I know you care about her. I would do the same if it was one of my friends. But I promise you that I have not cheated on her and I have never broken a promise to this day.

Have you cheated on kiya .. i dont want any bullshit answers either.

I havent amber. I swear. I would never even think of it she means the world to me and I dont know why people are saying I have when I dont even leave my house. I havent touched another girl. I havent even looked at another girl in that way. She is my everything and without her I am nothing. I have been crying for hours because some dick has thought it would be funny to say I have cheated when they know I havent. It is pathetic. I love her amber. I seriously do. And no matter what people try and say am going to fight for her. I lost her once am not loosing her again. She is the most beautiful girl ever. I dont know why anyone would make up something so stupid. I promise you like I have promised kiya that I havent cheated on her. I love her for fuck sake. Like honestly love her.


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