@anonamouse89887#8 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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How often do you go through your closet and get rid of or give away clothes that you don’t wear anymore or that you’ve never worn once?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
Twice a year, usually! I tend to do it right before seasonal wardrobe shifts. Like, transitioning from Spring/Summer to Fall/Winter clothing, and vice versa. ☺️
How often do you go through your closet and get rid of or give away clothes that
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What season were you born in?

cyniska’s Profile Photoemi
The dead of winter… 😂 I was born at the end of December (the 30th, to be exact), so it’s always freezing on my birthday.
Also, fun fact, there was a massive snow storm that came through the day after I was born, and where my parents lived at the time got hit with almost TWO FEET of snow. 😳😅
What season were you born in

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Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

What’s your love language?

Quality time is my primary love language! There’s really nothing that makes me happier or that can cheer me up faster than being with the people I love and care about the most! 😄
And it doesn’t have to be that we’re out doing stuff all the time either. It can be hanging out and having a pleasant conversation, or simply being in each other’s presence. Those moments are also very fulfilling and valuable to me. 🥰
Whats your love language

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If one were to look into your wardrobe, what do you think it'd say about you? 👕👖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, for one thing, they’d get the sense that I am not trendy, by any means. I have no idea what is even trending, to be honest, I just dress the way I want to. Mostly for comfort, but also, what I feel most confident in. Notably… lots of dresses. 😆
Also, they miiight get the impression that I’m the daughter of a former professional organizer. My wardrobe is TIDY. And also, my clothes are arranged in a very specific way, by color and by style… They would see that I predominantly wear neutrals with some softer colors mixed in. Only exception really, is red. I love wearing bright red! 🥰
I think in terms of the outfits I wear, one might say that I dress quite formally when I go out, which they could say is either me putting too much effort into myself, or just taking pride in how I look. However, if one were to look at how I dress at home, it is completely for comfort. Whatever keeps me cozy and warm is what I wear. I don’t care what I look like at home, really. So, in that case one may say that I REALLY value my relaxation. 😂
It’s hard to say what the general consensus of my wardrobe is though, cause I feel like it’s potentially a bit contradictory. 🤔

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If one were to look into your wardrobe what do you think itd say about you

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Are for you brands important 😊 ?

SimonHess’s Profile PhotoSimon says
It really depends on what I’m buying, but for the most part, no.
Like, I do not care at all about which clothing brands I buy or anything like that. And I’m also willing to try out various brands to see how they match up to what I’m used to. Sometimes you can find off-brand versions that are cheaper, but actually better than name brands! And that’s always fun!
I would say, the only potential exception to that is hair products… Being a Cosmetologist, I have a tendency to rely on certain brands and products far more than others, as I know what works best for me. But, I am not against trying new things, by any means, I’m just stubborn sometimes, and can get a little too stuck in my ways. 😅
Are for you brands important

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When if you think is the best time to get married 💒?

SimonHess’s Profile PhotoSimon says
If/when you and your partner feel ready, that’s when you should get married. No sooner. There is no “right time” in my opinion. It is a very personal thing, and it varies based on the couple.
Some people never want to get married, and that’s great too! I don’t believe anyone should ever be pressured to do so. It’s a big decision, not to mention an expensive one. 😬
Also, marriage isn’t necessary to validate a relationship, or make it “official.” Each relationship has it’s own unique dynamic and therefore, it is up to both people to decide whether it’s a needed step or not.
When if you think is the best time to get married

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Did you play any educational games as a kid? Maybe describe one of those you played most? 🕹📚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I played educational games as a kid, but for some reason, despite thinking about it for a while, I only vividly remember one.
When I was 9-10 years old, I used to play ‘The Oregon Trail’ a lot. It’s a survival game that teaches you history, while also teaching you problem solving and life skills. You have to do things like hunt, fish, forage for food, talk to and trade with settlers, and basically make this epic journey across the Wild West, trying to keep as many people alive along the way as you can.
There are many versions of The Oregon Trail, the first one came out in the 1970’s. But the 5th edition that I played came out in 2000. ☺️
(Not my picture)
Did you play any educational games as a kid Maybe describe one of those you

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What's an activity that brings you joy?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
Ooo, I love painting! Whether that’s a canvas, or pottery, or wood, it doesn’t matter, it just brings me so much joy. I get to express my creativity, and truly, let my imagination run wild! And it just makes me feel so calm. 😌
Whats an activity that brings you joy

Are you usually a person that plans things ahead of time, or do you just go with the flow?

I tend to be more of a planner as it eases my anxiety. I just like knowing what to expect, and I find planning to be fun! Like, it gives me something to count on and look forward to.
However, I would still say I’m fairly flexible, and am pretty willing to leave space for new things to pop up, or for plans to change! 😄
Are you usually a person that plans things ahead of time or do you just go with

Cats or dogs?

I’m a cat person. Largely because, that’s what I grew up with for my entire life… I haven’t had a lot of experience with dogs, despite still really liking them. But, I won’t lie, I just have a massive soft spot for cats. 🥰🥺
Cats or dogs
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

Here's another family related question. How would you explain what family is to someone who's never had one? 💌

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
As the saying goes, “Family is what you make it.”
In my opinion, family is transient, and is not as black and white as people who are related to you by blood. The idea of who/what makes up family is different for everyone. And it can shift as you get older, as you and those around you, change.
I would describe it like this… Family is anyone who allows you to simply be who you are. They are your ultimate support system. These are the people who you either have and/or develop a tight bond with and who are always there for you. They uplift, encourage, challenge, and love you, despite inevitable rough patches. You know you can always count on them.
I would say that family, no matter what it looks like, has the power to fulfill you. They continually make your life richer, and help you to thrive, and grow into the best version of yourself.
And finally, family shares roots, whether that’s heritage, history, or just a strong sense of commitment to each other. Or maybe all of the above, for some. Those roots can be there from the beginning or they can develop and get stronger and stronger as times goes on. But regardless, they are always there. 💛

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Heres another family related question How would you explain what family is to

How big would you say your social battery is? 🔋🗣

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It varies…
The people who I feel safest with and who I can have hours and hours of effortless conversation with don’t drain my battery at all, and in fact, they actually energize me. Those people make several hours feel like a few short minutes, and I just wanna be around them constantly. 🤩
It’s honestly so lovely to find people who you don’t have to always be “on” around, you don’t have to be chatting all the time, there’s comfortable silence as well. 🥰
And then, there are others who I just feel totally drained after a very short time spent with them. Sometimes, it’s because I don’t know them, or we don’t get along, or sometimes, I’m just straight up uncomfortable with them, and feel like I can’t be myself. And I find those situations to be totally exhausting, honestly. 😴
And in social events, same thing, it depends on the people who are there and how comfortable I am. Haha

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How big would you say your social battery is
Liked by: anonstar17654 Tobbe

When you've taken a picture and you want to post it online, do you usually edit it first in any way? What do you use to edit with? What do you usually like to achieve through your edits? 📸✂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I do edit pictures, yes! What I do, in terms of editing, very much depends on what I feel the picture needs, to be honest. But generally speaking, I don’t do a whole lot. Mostly because… I don’t know how. 😂
For example, I don’t edit pictures of myself too much. I mostly fix any lighting issues, and maybe do some minor touch ups. I also slightly blur out the background, a lot of times, if I’m just taking a picture in my bedroom, or if the background is uninteresting to look at.
When it comes to landscapes, or just scenery in general, I simply try to enhance what is already there. I’d say I mess around most with the saturation and exposure, maybe again, tweak it a bit here and there, but that’s usually as far as I go.
I use an app called Lightleap. I do pay for the premium version to get more out of it, and it’s honestly been worth the money, in my opinion. It’s incredibly simple to use, as I’m a total amateur when it comes to editing. And I can usually achieve what I’m looking for pretty quickly, as long as the photo I took was relatively decent. 😄🤳🏼

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When youve taken a picture and you want to post it online do you usually edit it

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What's something you’d like to learn?

I’d love to learn interior design! 🤩 I wanna be better at decorating, just in general, honestly.
I feel like I don’t really have a lot of vision for how to lay out a room, how to make each room feel well thought out and put together, what kinds of decor would stand out in said room, etc… 😬
Whats something youd like to learn

When listening to music, would you rather use headphones or on a loud speaker?

Headphones are my preferred way to listen to music. I don’t know what it is, but a lot of times speakers just don’t cut it for me. Like, it’s fine in the car and such… But I just feel like when I have my headphones in, I can zone out, and be fully sucked into whatever music I’m listening to, if that makes sense! 😄
When listening to music would you rather use headphones or on a loud speaker

When was a time you were dissatisfied with the service you got? 😡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
For Christmas, I had bought my mom a fairly expensive, personalized necklace. I ordered it online two months in advance to give it time to be custom made and for shipping purposes. Now, I thought that once I had ordered it, I would receive a confirmation email. But I didn’t. I initially figured it just took a little bit to receive said email, as they were overloaded with orders due to the holidays, so I ended up waiting a week. Got nothing.
So, I reached out to them to double check they had even received my order to begin with. I got a response after another week of waiting… They passive aggressively told me it was processing and that they didn’t send confirmation emails until AFTER shipment, which was NOT something they mentioned on the website. They told me to stop being so “uptight” and they would ship it “whenever they got around to it.” 😐
I replied, kindly but firmly reiterating that I just asked for confirmation they had received the order, nothing more. I said I understood the delays, and that I would be on the lookout for the shipment email… Spoiler, I got no such email. Weeks went by, and I still hadn’t received anything. So, I emailed again to see how it was coming along, only to get no response.
Finally, shortly after Christmas had passed, I went looking for their website to find a number to call, to cancel the order and maybe get a refund, as I was incredibly frustrated, and I found out that said business… NO LONGER EXISTED. In fact, I found no evidence that business had ever existed. Even the name of it brought up no result whatsoever. And apparently, I was not the only person with this issue. Several people said they never got what they ordered, and could never get their money back. So I was totally out of luck. 🥴

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When was a time you were dissatisfied with the service you got

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would you rather be loved or be wealthy?

Without a single doubt, I’d rather be loved, I’d take that over being wealthy any day.
Sure, money is beneficial, it helps us live, and it CAN make you happy. Being financially stable, having food on the table, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, clean water, etc. Having your basic needs met definitely does contribute to your well being and happiness…
But, money cannot replace or replicate love, no matter how much it is, or what you buy with it. It doesn’t replace the impact, the experience, or the feelings associated with love, and being loved.
I’d much rather have just enough money to get by, so I can experience everything that comes with love, then be wealthy with a bunch of material items that maybe will give me temporary happiness, and be totally devoid of love.
Personally speaking, being without love just sounds like a miserable existence.

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would you rather be loved or be wealthy

What are some of the things that you constantly worry about?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I’m constantly worrying about my health… Like, what I should/shouldn’t be doing based on how I feel, my symptoms, etc. I worry about future plans and whether or not I’ll have to cancel, having another chronic illness flare, getting procedures done, having mobility issues, not being able to manage my pain levels, being hospitalized again… And so on. 😅🥲
What are some of the things that you constantly worry about

What would've been the most cozy place imaginable to you? 🏖🛁🛏🏞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
A log cabin! I looove them so much! They are the definition of cozy to me, with a nice fireplace, just all snuggled up in a blanket. Maybe have some hot chocolate or something. I don’t really care what time of year it is, I could be in one all year around and be okay. It is something I just always want. 🥰😂
What wouldve been the most cozy place imaginable to you

what kind of questions do you find repetitive and uninteresting when it comes to finding out what kind of person someone is?

Just basic, closed-ended questions that simply have a yes/no answer are particularly uninteresting to me. It’s hard to learn much about someone when all you get is a one word response. There’s nothing to drive the conversation forward.
Like, sure, short and simple answers can be nice sometimes, but every single conversation you have in attempts to get to know someone shouldn’t be like that, in my opinion. It just gets very repetitive.
I prefer open-ended questions that can branch off in several different directions and create even more dialogue. I also find that the more open-ended and thought provoking your questions are, the more you can really learn who someone is. 😌
what kind of questions do you find repetitive and uninteresting when it comes to

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