@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Why did you create a account on here ?

For the fun of it, mostly! And to try it out.
I had never had an Ask account before and figured I’d see if I enjoyed it. I had no intention of staying long, but… here I am like 7 months later, and still addicted to it. Haha
Plus, I’ve been able to find some really great people on here, and they are mainly the reason I stay. Despite the trolls and such, it can still be very fun! ☺️
Why did you create a account on here
Liked by: Tobbe

If you have an itch somewhere, are you able to resist scratching there? Does it often happen to you? 🤚💢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I can resist if I really need to! Even if it, admittedly, drives me a little crazy! 😆
It does happen to me fairly often. Like, I’ll get sudden itches in unreachable spots, or just somewhere that is inconvenient based on circumstance. Those are usually the worst for me. 😅
For example, if I get an itch on my back where it’s just out of my reach. Or, getting an itch after doing my nails, and all the nail polish is wet so I have to wait. I even get itches on my foot while I’m in the midst of driving somewhere and I can’t get it to go away until I take my shoe off and scratch it. 🙈
If you have an itch somewhere are you able to resist scratching there Does it
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you happy with your current living situation? ( The state, country and city) you live?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
Yes and no… I don’t know how I feel about living in the US, or if I’m necessarily happy about it. But at the same time, it’s all I’ve ever known, so it’s hard to say what I would feel living somewhere else. 😅
As for the state I live in, (not gonna say specifically where for privacy reasons) I definitely like it! And I’m, for the most part, very happy here. Like, again, it’s all I’ve ever known, but I do really like living in this state, in general. ☺️
Plus, I will say, this state has all four seasons, and I’ve always been a total sucker for that! 😍
I don’t think I’d enjoy living in a place where it’s basically the same climate all year around. 😬
Are you happy with your current living situation  The state country and city you
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1. Do you enjoy organising your things? (Example- clothes, makeup, books, etc.) 2. What's something that you love to organise and something that you hate to organise?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Yes! I love organizing, just in general. My mom actually used to be a professional organizer when I was younger, and would help people clean out their homes, as a lot of them were hoarders. She even worked for free when she was working with people who desperately need help but couldn’t pay. I learned a ton about organizing from her. ☺️
I would say her passion for it, along with her love of cleaning, donating, sorting, etc… was probably just passed down to me. As we still do these huge, monthly donation runs, to this day. So, needless to say, I organize EVERYTHING now. It’s just engrained into my daily life. 😂
My favorite thing to organize would have to be books, or clothes. It’s just so relaxing and I loooove the look of a well organized, tidy closet or a neatly arranged bookshelf! 😍
My least favorite thing to organize is probably awkward items like decorations that are weird shapes. It’s just like a really intense game of Tetris trying to find the perfect fit, if you’re like packing them up or moving them. 😵‍💫

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1 Do you enjoy organising your things Example clothes makeup books etc
2 Whats

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Liked by: Tobbe Star. i

Do you watch any shows?

I don’t. 🙈 I’m not a big TV person, nor do I particularly enjoy watching shows all that much. I’d much prefer to spend my time playing video games or watching games like DBD on Twitch. 😆
Not exactly something a lot of people can relate to as it’s a pretty niche thing, but it’s just how I’ve always been. I have very little interest in TV, in general. Haha
Do you watch any shows

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Do you tend to get freckles? How many do you usually get and do you get them on any specific parts of you? 👨‍🦰👩‍🦰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I was a kid, I had quite a few freckles on my face, most notably on my nose and cheeks! Unfortunately, they started going away as I got older, and by the time I was in my teens, they were basically gone. 🥲
Now, I primarily get freckles on my back and shoulders! Actually, I have more on my back then anywhere else, I would say. While I’m happy I still get them, I do wish I’d get them on my face again, cause I miss being able to actually see them. 😂
By the way, you’re looking at teeny tiny 11 year old me, in this picture. Haha 🥺🥹
Do you tend to get freckles How many do you usually get and do you get them on

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Have you ever had a panic attack?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
Unfortunately, yes. I’ve had countless panic attacks at this point. And even though, over the years, I have developed several coping mechanisms in an attempt to keep them under control, I still have periods of time where they are really bad. 🥲
Have you ever had a panic attack
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you drink tea? If so, what’s your preferred flavour? ☕️

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
I do! But more often than not, it’s iced tea, as I’m not a fan of hot drinks, in general. And my go-to flavor, every single time, is peach. It’s just sooo refreshing to me! 😋
The only time I really drink hot tea is when I’m sick, and in those cases, my preferred flavors are lemon-honey, or mint! 😁
Do you drink tea If so whats your preferred flavour

How often do you do laundry?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
When I’m not procrastinating, which is often, I do a little bit every day or at least every other day. I try to keep up with laundry so it doesn’t feel as overwhelming.
Though, I’ll admit that despite my best efforts, I still sometimes find myself with piles of laundry, cause it’s one of the most tedious chores, in my opinion. So every other day could easily turn into like, once a week. 😂
How often do you do laundry
Liked by: Tobbe

Has it ever happened to you that someone said your name wrong? 💬🤨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooof yes! Not so much my first name (though, it is very frequently spelled wrong if that counts), but my last name is literally always mispronounced. Probably because it doesn’t exactly look like it would be pronounced the way it is, based on the spelling of it. 😅
It’s so hard to describe without actually saying what it is, but basically people either pronounce my last name as if it is a specific alcoholic beverage, an ice cream brand, or a wild animal. 😂
I’m sorry, I can’t get any more specific than that on here, without giving out too much info. 🙈
Has it ever happened to you that someone said your name wrong
Liked by: Tobbe

What's your favorite juice? 🧃 Do you ever go for something more "exotic" than regular orange juice? 🍍🍎🍋🍌🍒🍐

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo, my favorite has to be cranberry juice! It’s just so refreshing to me. I also love when it’s mixed with another flavor. Like cranberry-apple, cranberry-pomegranate, cranberry-raspberry, etc… 😋
I think, aside from that, and orange juice, the only other flavor I really enjoy is apple. Or like, other variations of mixed fruit juices.
Whats your favorite juice  Do you ever go for something more exotic than regular

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how often do you wash your hair?

javacow’s Profile PhotoJavacow
It changes based on the season and the weather!
When it’s hot, I wash my hair 2-3 times a week, depending on my activity level. But during cold weather, I tend to wash my hair less, as I’m not sweating as much, and it doesn’t get dirty as fast. So I usually drop it down to 1-2 times a week, and it works just fine!
And then if I need to, I can always just use dry shampoo in between washes. 😁
how often do you wash your hair
Liked by: Tobbe

Have you considered going to therapy? (Not calling you a crazy person, I swear! Lol SheeeeeeEeeesh) 🤪😝 Have you ever gone? If so, what was your experience like?

I’ve definitely considered it, yes! Several times, in fact. I’ve never actually gone though…
Mostly, because it’s expensive (even though I wish it wasn’t 😫), and I wanna be sure I’m ready, and fully committed before I just decide spend a bunch of money on it. If that makes sense.
Cause like, I know SO many people, both family and friends, who have gone or are currently in therapy and absolutely love it! And, I think it’s incredibly important. So, I’d definitely wanna give it a shot at some point. I think I could really benefit from it! 😄
Have you considered going to therapy Not calling you a crazy person I swear Lol
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have any tricks you employ to keep a conversation interesting / flowing? 🗣

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes! I have a quite a few… ☺️
-Talking about mutual interests, passions, hobbies, etc… helps a lot, as that’s an instant connection, and therefore, a great conversation starter. 🤓
-Trying to ask open-ended questions that don’t just have a yes/no answer, as that leaves lots of space for follow-up questions, and for the conversation to expand beyond just general small talk. 🤭
-Showing genuine interest in what people are talking about, so they feel like you are actually listening and not just waiting to reply. 🤔
-Being curious, and open to learning. A lot of people have no issue divulging into conversations about something they love. Plus, it benefits everyone! They get a chance to express a part of themselves, and you get to learn something new! 🤩
-Refrain from judgement and assumption as much as possible. People will feel a lot more comfortable with you, if they know they aren’t going to get ridiculed or critiqued for sharing something that you might not know much about and/or don’t like, yourself. Finding out what makes people who they are is part of the fun of getting to know them. 😁
-And finally, don’t be afraid of leaning into deep conversations. More often than not, you really get to see people’s hearts this way, and see more of how you connect with each other. Plus, having heart-to-heart talks can be just… so fulfilling and rewarding for everyone involved. 🥰

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Do you have any tricks you employ to keep a conversation interesting  flowing

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Liked by: Tobbe

A big or an small Christmas tree 🎄 ?

SimonHess’s Profile PhotoSimon says
A big Christmas tree! 🤩
I just love them so much! I mean, I’ve had smaller trees as well, and they are perfectly fine, but there is just something about the bigger ones that are so much more magical to me. 🥰
A big or an small Christmas tree
Liked by: Tobbe Simon says

Happy Autumn/Fall 🍁😄 how are you doing?

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
Thank you! Happy Autumn/Fall to you as well! 🍁🍂
I’m doing okay! Just trying my best to get through a tough time, as my step-dad unexpectedly passed away almost week ago now, and it’s really just been devastating, and a total shock the last few days.
In general though, and before this week, I haven’t been doing too bad at all. I’ve been apartment hunting, and just looking forward to the general coziness of the holidays coming up! Also, I’m gonna be prepping to go to barbering school in the Spring/Summer, if everything goes to plan! Very much looking forward to that!
How are you doing? ☺️
Happy AutumnFall  how are you doing

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What position do you usually sleep in? 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m a stomach sleeper, almost exclusively. I fall asleep on my stomach, and then I’ll sleep on my side sometimes, throughout the night. But no matter what, I pretty much always just wake up back on my stomach anyways. 😴😂
What position do you usually sleep in

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Liked by: Tobbe

Are you good about checkups? Like seeing the doctor, dentist, ect when you need to? 🥸

For a chronically ill person, I’m not nearly as good about it as I should be… Haha 🙈
My biggest problem is that when I’m doing well, I tend to procrastinate and delay doctors appointments, and I’m particularly bad about making any kind of medical phone calls. It just gives me anxiety. 😬
The only time I truly take initiative is if I’m having a flare up, or a medical scare of some kind and then I’m very much on top of things. Which, admittedly, is not the best way to be regarding important matters, such as my health. 🤪
Are you good about checkups Like seeing the doctor dentist ect when you need to
Liked by: Tobbe

If you could have a game studio make any game you wanted, what kind of game would that be? Like, what would be the ULTIMATE game according to you? 🎮

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Okay, this is gonna be long. I apologize in advance… Haha 🙈
To start, I’m an absolute sucker for apocalyptic/post apocalyptic games, so it would definitely need to be in that category. I’m not entirely sure what kind of apocalypse I’d want it to be though. All I know is, I’d steer clear of zombies, as that’s kind of the default choice, in my opinion. 🤔
Also, I’d want it to take place in a city. No spoilers, but a part of The Last of Us 2 takes place in Seattle, Washington and that is largely where I take inspiration from. 🤪
I’m totally obsessed with the idea of walking around, and exploring a city post apocalypse, after nature has totally taken over and it’s mostly empty. Like, that whole concept is fascinating to me. 🤩
I think, I’d want it to be an open world, survival based game, where you had various forms of combat, whether it’s with other people, or it’s to ward off whatever the apocalyptic “being” is. But like, I’d also want it to have moments of peace, and time for you to just enjoy the story, take in the graphics, and the scenery. 😍
However, I don’t want it to be overtly story driven. I absolutely LOVE games that throw you in with no real context, and then just let your imagination run wild and you kind of have to put together the story as you go through the game. (Games like Little Nightmares and Inside are good examples of this). 🤭
And finally, a little (yet not so little) thing… It HAS to have good music/audio. Like, it has to be able to set the mood/scene/atmosphere. I feel like any good game that really hits is gonna have that. 🥰
So, I think between all of those things combined, that would most definitely be the ultimate game for me! 😁

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If you could have a game studio make any game you wanted what kind of game would

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Liked by: Tobbe

Are you a logical or emotional person?

I think it largely depends on the situation, but for the most part, I’d say I definitely lean more towards the emotional side.
I’m just someone who feels deeply for people, and who wears my heart on my sleeve a lot of the time, so I do tend to think and respond based on how I feel more often than not.
But I will say, despite that, I’m a very cautious person, and I take a while to process and think through things. So, it’s not like I’m just jumping to conclusions or making super impulsive decisions.
Are you a logical or emotional person

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Liked by: Tobbe

What was the worse physical injury you’ve ever had?

Ironically, this perfectly coincides with your last question I answered…
It was a chest injury I got from the car accident I was in. Essentially everything I did was painful. Whether it was laying down, bending over, abrupt/sudden movements, picking up heavy objects, taking a deep breath, coughing/sneezing, yawning, etc…
It’s actually crazy how much you use your chest muscles without realizing it.
It took months to heal and I also had to do some physical rehabilitation to gain my strength back.
What was the worse physical injury youve ever had
Liked by: Tobbe


Language: English