@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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How many layers of blankets etc. do you usually sleep with? Does the seasons play a role in that? 😴🛏👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, being cold natured, I’m basically under layers of blankets all year around! Plus, I just love how cozy it is to have several blankets on me. 🥰
The seasons somewhat affect how many blankets I have, but even during the summer I have usually one or two, and during the winter, I tend to have three…I can’t help myself! 😆
However, a few months ago now, I got a weighted blanket, and it’s so thick and heavy that I’ve exclusively used that one since! I have feeling though, once winter really hits, I’ll still have an extra blanket on top of this one. 🤭
Also, how many times can one say “blanket” in a single post? Haha 🙈
How many layers of blankets etc do you usually sleep with Does the seasons play

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Did you also starting with buying Christmas presents 🎁 or is too early 😄 ?

SimonHess’s Profile PhotoSimon says
It’s definitely too early, in my opinion! I don’t start buying Christmas gifts until late November, early December.
I find if I start too early, then I get sad when Christmas time comes around, because buying gifts for people is one the of the way I show people I care about them. And it really gets me into the Christmas spirit to start shopping once it gets closer. If that makes sense!
Also, I listen to Christmas music when I do my online shopping, and if I started in like October, it’d just amp me up too much, haha!
Did you also starting with buying Christmas presents  or is too early

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Whats your wake up routine?

I don’t exactly have one routine that I stick to from day to day. My routine changes based on what I have to do, and how I feel.
I’m chronically ill and disabled so those two factors largely dictate my plans and how my day turns out.
But, in general, I’d say my routine is… After I wake up, I have a protein shake, then I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get dressed, put makeup on (if I wish), and go do whatever I might need to do that day.
Also, I’m not much of breakfast person, which is why that isn’t included. 😂
Whats your wake up routine

What kinds of accounts do you like to follow on Instagram?

Stranded in Starlight
I follow sooo many different kinds of accounts, honestly.
From activism, to celebrities, to body image related accounts, disability/chronic illness content, art, Cosmetology, makeup, gaming related things, news accounts, etc… ☺️
What kinds of accounts do you like to follow on Instagram

If you game, what got you into it? 🎮

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My step-sister, from a very young age absolutely loved computer games. So really, my love for them sparked because of her. We went from playing games online, to playing Wii and Nintendo, to Sims, and other games, and then playing the switch when that came out. ☺️
The other major reason is that when I was a kid, my grandpa and I used to play Super Mario Bro’s on this super old television he had, for literally HOURS! Basically, we played until we both got a headache from staring at this poor quality, fuzzy screen for so long. 😂
And then, after he passed, it made me nostalgic to play Mario games, in general, because it reminded me of all the times him and I shared together. 🥰
Also, gaming has just always been a safe space for mind, and has helped me deal with intense anxiety. And it made the monotonous days of being ill go by a little quicker. Which is certainly a bonus! 😁

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If you game what got you into it

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What is something you're really good at?

Stranded in Starlight
Writing is something I’ve been consistently told I’m very good at, and I’ll admit… I have a few writing pieces/stories I’m really proud of!
Truthfully, I think I get it from my dad. He is an absolutely incredible writer himself, and he was the one who got me into writing when I was 6-7 years old, and I just never stopped. ☺️
What is something youre really good at

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How often do you go cloth shopping

NineGDxFour’s Profile PhotoDemure♡
Not too often, to be honest!
In the last year, I’ve actually been in the process of changing my wardrobe after it essentially stayed the same for like 4 years.
I’m not the type to change up my clothing very often, just cause I tend to feel guilty spending money on more clothes when I already have a closet full. 🙈
How often do you go cloth shopping

What do you usually do when you're sick? Do you actively do anything to alleviate your symptoms? 🤒

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I try really, really hard to take extra time to care for myself, and just give myself some extra kindness.
Like, treat myself to some yummy comfort foods that I really enjoy, take a hot shower, snuggle up in bed or on the couch with a blanket and have a movie marathon, have something warm to drink, whether that’s like hot chocolate, tea, coffee, etc…
If I’m not feeling absolutely exhausted, I like to play games that don’t require much active thought/response time, work on a simple project, read, cook/bake, create a new music playlist, or go through my camera roll and edit/delete photos. Something to just take my mind off of how I’m feeling!
Also, of course, it’s important to get plenty of sleep, drink looots of water, medicate (if possible). Also, to just be all nice and cozy and not demand so much out of myself is so comforting to me when I’m sick. 🥰🤗

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What do you usually do when youre sick Do you actively do anything to alleviate

When was the last time you had something repaired? What was wrong with it? 🚘🚲💻

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My car needed to get fixed like four different times from the fall of 2020 to spring of last year. 🥴
First time, I had to get it towed because the battery was totally dead, and needed to be replaced.
Second time, I got the brakes fixed as they were making an awful screeching noise every time I drove.
Third time, I got the battery replaced… AGAIN. Apparently, the first time they replaced it, that battery like malfunctioned and just died after a couple months.
And the fourth time… was kinda my fault. I had to get all new tires because I had driven through an area with a lot of construction, and unknowingly drove over some nails or something because there were a bunch of little holes in them, causing a rapid loss of air pressure. 😅
When was the last time you had something repaired What was wrong with it

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Drop 3 Anonymous crazy/weird facts about yourself!

Anisa Bahrami
-I almost never watch TV. Like, it doesn’t interest me… At all. The only time I might watch it is if I’m bored and there’s nothing else to do, but that doesn’t really happen much. 🙈
-I absolutely love chocolate, in pretty much every form. But, I hate hot fudge. Specifically, I hate the kind that is put on sundaes at places like McDonald’s. I don’t know what it is, but I cannot stand the taste of it. 🤢
-I’m a hairstylist, by trade... Doing hair is something I’m extremely passionate about. However, I’m extremely lax, and low maintenance about my own hair. Besides getting it cut and highlighted twice a year, I don’t do anything else with it. It’s quite contradictory, I know. 🤔
Drop 3 Anonymous crazyweird facts about yourself
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How handy would you say that you are? Like, would you know how to unclog a drain, defrost a freezer etc. if the situation called for it? 🛠

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m not handy at all… 🙈
I mean, I would say most anything that involves tinkering or repairing, I’m not the person you wanna to ask to handle it. I’m less than helpful. Haha.
Like, I could probably, with quite a bit of time, figure out how to fix something… but it doesn’t come naturally, and I’m not time efficient in those areas, at all.
I really should learn some basic handiness, in all honesty though! It certainly wouldn’t hurt to have those skills at the ready, when I will inevitably continue needing them in the future. 😬
How handy would you say that you are Like would you know how to unclog a drain

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What are you grateful for?

🌺 Having a fulfilled life, where all my basic needs are met consistently.
👥 Family and friends who make my life so full of love, laughs, and fun!
💊 My medications for keeping me well, and out of the hospital.
☀️ Getting to do and experience all that I have so far, from traveling, to meeting people, to becoming a licensed Cosmetologist.
🐱 Animals, who instantly cheer me up and put a smile on my face, no matter how down I am.
What are you grateful for
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What’s the best/worst feature about Ask in your opinion?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I love that Ask gives you the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world. I think there can be a lot of potential in that, and you can form friendships you might’ve never had otherwise.
However, I think the fact that children are allowed on here is a big issue. There’s too many creepy people that roam on predominantly anonymous or pseudo-anonymous sites like Ask to have it not be 18+. It’s just a recipe for predatory behavior.
Whats the bestworst feature about Ask in your opinion
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What's the longest time you've had to wait for something? Like a certain event, a thing you ordered etc. 🕔📦🎟

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm… I think my longest wait was for the Hawaii trip that I took with my family in 2018.
We had been talking about it for probably 5-6 years. And we were actively planning it for at least 2 or 3 of those years… The last year or so before we went, being the most intense part of the planning, of course.
It honestly felt like the actual day would never come, haha, so when we got there, it kinda felt like one big dream. 🤩🥰
Whats the longest time youve had to wait for something Like a certain event a
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what's the weirdest question you've been asked on here?

Well, I’m not gonna go too much into detail, but…
The ones asking me to take up-close pictures of different body parts. 😰 Cause those tend to get very inappropriate… Not to mention specific.
Also, I’ve gotten PLENTY of sexual questions, and I’m most definitely not a fan of those either.
So, I guess I would say, in general, those are amongst the weirdest I’ve been asked since being on here.
whats the weirdest question youve been asked on here

What way of learning do you usually prefer? 📚👂

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m mostly a hands-on learner, but I would say I’m a visual learner too.
Like, I definitely retain information by seeing it. But I feel like, for most things, having some sort of hands-on, physical interaction is what really makes all the information stick. If that makes sense! 😄
What way of learning do you usually prefer
Liked by: Tobbe

Does knowing that you’re going to die someday ever prevent you from enjoying life?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
To be honest, not really… If anything, it just makes me wanna make the most out of the time I do have. Enjoy the life I’ve got, while I still can, you know?
Like, it motivates me to go out and have as many new experiences as possible, so as I get older, I can be content and fulfilled knowing I did exactly what I wanted to! 😄
Does knowing that youre going to die someday ever prevent you from enjoying life
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you read?

I do, though I’m not consistent with it. I have periods of time where all I want to do is read, and then I’ll get bored, and won’t read anything for months.
That being said, I’m also the type that when I do get sucked into reading, I’ll finish an entire book in like 3 days. 😆
Do you read
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What three words best describes you?

Hmm… It’s so hard for me to come up with describing words for myself. 🙈
I guess I’d say kind, anxious, and affectionate.
What three words best describes you
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What's the most expensive thing you've ever held in your hands? 🖐💎

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Probably this ring, honestly…
The birthstone in the center is real, and it also has real diamonds all around it. I’m not sure how expensive it was exactly, but all I know is that most rings that I’ve seen similar to this one start at like $2000 and go up from there.
I would assume given how many diamonds are in it, and also the size of the stone, it would cost even more than that. Plus, if it’s like 24k gold or something, that raises the price a lot too. 🤯
Whats the most expensive thing youve ever held in your hands

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How do you usually feel about going to the dentist? 🦷

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t mind the dentist at all, really! I mean, it’s not something I actively look forward to, but I definitely don’t feel any particular way about going.
Honestly, I think a major reason for that is because I have very good teeth…
Like, I’ve never needed anything done to my teeth outside of getting them cleaned. I’ve never had a cavity, or needed braces or anything like that.
Which, to be fair, was extremely lucky as my family is notorious for having really bad teeth. So, to say I’m grateful for having good, strong, straight teeth is an understatement. 😮‍💨
How do you usually feel about going to the dentist

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