@anonamouse89887#9 🇺🇸


Ask @anonamouse89887

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Are capricorns women evil?

Well, I am one… And I don’t know if I’d say I’m evil but ya know, maybe we all have our tendencies 😈
Are capricorns women evil
Liked by: Tobbe

Has a movie, book, show, game etc. ever made you emotional? How easily does it happen? 😄😡😥

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would say movies, TV shows, and games, make me emotional more than anything else. I get emotional quite often from them and especially if it’s something I’m super invested in… I cry like a baby. 🥹😭
As for books, I rarely get emotional… I don’t know if it’s because I’m not as attached to the characters or I’m disconnected from what’s truly going on, but it’s really hard to make me emotional from just reading. The only exception to this is poetry, which makes me emotional fairly often cause it’s far more personal and it hits harder for me.
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you health-conscious?

Well, yes… I mean, I have no choice. Chronic illness is one of those things you never have the luxury of ignoring. It’s also something that is on my mind 24/7. I’m always asking myself questions like:
When is the best time to make plans?
If I make plans, how much time do I need to give myself before/after to prepare/ recover?
Is it safe to do ‘x’ or will it make me sick?
Is my desire to do ‘x’ worth the risk/consequences?
What do I do if I get sick when I’m not home?
What do I do if I’m with friends and get sick?
Am I safe here?
And the list goes on and on and on…
Liked by: Tobbe

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Do you wear pants/shorts when you're home alone?

Depends on how cold I am 😆 I’m almost always cold, so I wear pants. Though lately, it’s been quite nice out, so I’ve been wearing shorts a little more than usual.
Liked by: Tobbe

Tell me one thing you admire about each of your parents

Ooh I like this… Alright, this might be a little long. Brace yourself 🤭
The thing I admire most about my mom is her curiosity and love of knowledge. Like, just from what I know about how she grew up, she was determined from a young age to teach herself as many life skills as possible, in order to be independent. And she’s done exactly that, plus more. I’ve never seen another person so dedicated to acquiring knowledge, just for the sake of having it. She’s incredibly driven and resilient. I’ve always been in awe of her, and how much she is able to do/figure out by herself. And even now, I’m fairly confident she is one of the most capable women I know.
As for my dad, I’ve always thought of him as a warrior. In almost every way imaginable. For one, he’s battled his way through severe, potentially life-threatening illness in a way I’ve never seen before, and has given me the courage to fight my illness the same way.
Two, he fought so hard to provide for not only me, but his family, even when he had nothing. And three, he’s so charismatic and has such an impact on others that he’s built an incredible community… Like he has people all over the world who have his back in the same way he has theirs. It’s incredible.
I admire his courage, and his strength as a person to overcome everything that’s been thrown at him, and still come back smiling and ready for another challenge.

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Do you like Granola Bars?

They aren’t my favorite, but I’ll eat them if I’m desperate or if I just want a quick snack.
Liked by: Tobbe

Ever received a compliment from a stranger on the street? If yes, what was your reaction?

Chloe 4️⃣ner
I have! Someone stopped me on the street when I was in the city once, and told me I had an infectious smile. It made me blush, but I said thank you 😆🤭
Liked by: Allison Marie

What's a bad habit you have?

kennylover024’s Profile Photodog water
I mindlessly hum while doing different tasks… Like constantly. More often than not, people find it incredibly annoying 😂 And I don’t even realize I’m doing it.
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you a meat eater or no? How come?

I am a meat eater, yes. It’s a long story, but basically, because of my health issues, I have a ton of diet restrictions, and I can’t eat most things the average person does. So eating meat is like one of the few things that I’m allowed to eat on a regular basis. And it’s one of my only protein sources. I’ll spare the details of all the restrictions, cause we’d be here all day. 😆
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you like to read?

javacow’s Profile PhotoJavacow
When I’m in the mood to read, I love it! But I’m the type of person to get burnt out if I read too much, and then I don’t read again for months. 🙃
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you think age matter in a relationship

As long as you’re both consenting adults, I’m not judging. I don’t know if I’d personally like to date someone significantly older/younger than me, but I think you just have to do what makes you happy.
Liked by: Tobbe

What’s something that caused you to have a panic attack?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
There are a lot of things that give me panic attacks.
But the main one is, I’m incredibly claustrophobic. Tight spaces, large crowds, tunnels, feeling trapped/being unable to move, etc…
And then, to list off some other things, here’s a few more examples…
Being unable to hear or see what’s going on around me.
People I don’t know standing too close to me.
Being approached from behind without warning.
Liked by: Tobbe

How do feel about this app do you think it's safe to be on

I like it. I’ve met some great people that I’d never meet otherwise. However, there needs to be more guidelines and safety measures on here. I’ve seen and heard far too many horror stories about creepy people, stalkers, predators, etc… lurking on this site. I also think it’s a mistake to let kids on here, given how little security there is and reporting/blocking does almost nothing. It’s why I refuse to share personal/identifying info, even as an adult, as it makes me so, incredibly anxious. I think people need to have their guard up, as it seems safety isn’t a priority. But that’s just me. People are gonna do as they please.

How do you feel about body shaming on the Media?

I hate it. I hate body shaming in any form, but especially in the media. As that’s what young children are viewing and potentially even adopting as “normal.” I know the media had a big influence on me and my body image issues, growing up, so I can only imagine what kids must be thinking when they see people with body types who look like theirs, being openly shamed. It’s horrible.
Liked by: Allison Marie Tobbe

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d wanna be Nyx (Goddess of Night) from Greek mythology.
Mainly because I’m a night owl, and I tend to have to the most energy at night. She’s got so many cool powers like being able to control the movement and rotation of planets, which allows her to change the flow of night and day. She also becomes significantly stronger at night, and can heal minor injuries in darkness. Amongst other things, I’d love to have those abilities specifically! 🌚✨🌙

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Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

Do you wear shoes in the house or kick em off at the door?

I wear shoes in the house, but, not by choice. I have pretty severe inflammation in my feet and legs that makes mobility/walking painful and difficult. So, basically, unless I just don’t wanna walk or I wanna walk super slow, I almost always have to wear shoes.
Liked by: Tobbe Allison Marie

When you cry do you cry loud or a silent cry ?

Eh, it’s somewhere in the middle. I’m not super loud by any means but I’m not like totally silent either.
Liked by: Tobbe


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