

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Just some stranger.Yeah agree,its better to take it a pace they both agree too. And with time , things will be good and work out. Oh i forgot, you have to respect yourself enough to walk away from what doesn't do any good.

hahaha yeah. walking away isn't as easy for some people as it is for others, though. takes time :)

Oh i see.You girls deserve better but then when we are always, lets just say most of you are unsure or yeah the 'ex' variations comes along . Anyways , there are still good guys out there,sincere and all the good and bad qualities that makes him imperfectly perfect.Goodnights, thank you very much ?

hahaha do I know you? the way you type is quite familiar hahhaha but yup it's not easy moving on either. it takes time :)

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Ohh i see , hmm okay then . Last ques , do most of the girls want to give herself and the ex another try at being together and why ?

hahaha I think for most girls yes because it's not easy to just let go of someone after giving them your everything and if there's a chance to make things better then why not. it's actually really tiring to get to know someone new all over again, to let them experience you on good and bad days and accept you for you. so... yes :)

As in going away for a few months ? Depends on what ?

hhaha I think depends on if the feelings towards the other party is strong. if yes then everything will be fine cause sometimes absence does make the heart grow fonder :)

Hahah lol give a good guess then. Heh! Oh ummm if he something big on for a short term, like about 2-3 months , do girls wait or ?? And what's the reason girls would or wouldnt wait ?

hmm what do you mean by something big? Hahahha it really depends >____<

Believe so ??!! Haha xD . What do you think ?

hahaha are we talking about the same person here?? ><

Agree but then would that guy have a chance or ?? And as far as i can see he has been honest and sincere about everything. Its okay if you answer is common. (:

hmmm I believe so :) hahaha are you his friend?

Okay . Errmm do you really care about the guy's background when you are going out with him or ??

hahaha I'm not sure if I would mind but I think it's okay as long as he's a good person hehe very model answer i know :x but honestly a person with a good background doesn't make them a good person automatically right :)

(: . Are you up for a deep convo ? I need to ask your view about some things. Hahaha :D

hahahaha depends on the qn! :)

Haha it does look really painful, I'm lucky I've never been kicked in the nuts.

yes yes it definitely will be quite painful hahaha just don't offend anyone to the extent that they would wanna do that to you!! :s

But what if the person is still waiting for you to reply?

waiting for me to reply? I'm sorry hahaha sometimes I forget to reply :(

hi the same guy here. So no text be a man and face her, got it. what if she rejects him, you want him to stop trying or keep trying?

hahahaha depends on the girl actually but I think most girls would want the guy to fight for her unless her heart's alrdy taken or she's just unavailable or.... she isn't interested :x

Will you suddenly stop talking to someone on whatsapp if you dislike them?

nooo hahaha I don't really dislike anyone... just that I've been busy so i tend to reply *really* late haha and if I try to continue the conversation but I'm unable to then I'll just let it end... :(

your perspective as a girl. how do you want a guy to confess his feelings to you? and this guy is not someone you expect to confess...

hahaha just be brave and tell her honestly how you feel :) but I don't know. I would prefer him to do smthg cute rather than through text cause it's quite common ><

you prefer to talk in person or through media?

in person if we're close but if not then through media would be better ^_^


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