

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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you made a difference to the girl's life. rewarding, ain't it?

Quite. But the teacher told the translator that she cried the whole night before we left. So I really feel bad for giving her happiness that didn't really last :((

Which Singer & Song (Alive or dead) would you like to sing or be sung at your wedding?

Taylor Swift Love Story/Enchanted hehehe ^___^

When was a time you were completely Speechless?

When the girl from thr orphanage gave me a knitted bear which was meant to be hers :'( how can they be so nice and selfless :( :(

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Mayb u shld give the person a chance since u still hv feelings fr him (;

Aiyo who are you!! Hahaha maybe we're talking about different people... >_____< I don't think he likes me also laa haha

Will u wan to meet tht person if he asks u out again?

Haha I dunno what decision to make also. What do you think I should do :/ :/

U say u maybe hav one person in mind but dnt thnk will progress to anything...how long u havnt see d person ;>

Haha quite long but not very long :X I think we will eventually forget each other's existence :( :( :(

what are your opinions on having a bf?

Hahaha I dunno what kind of answer you're expecting T-T I think it's normal?? It should happen very naturally I guess. Must get to know each other very well first if not surely will face a lot of problems :((

How've you spent your Holidays? Was there anything you regret doing? Was there anything you wish you did?

Mostly was spent with friends, work, YEP and camp hehehe ^____^ not much regrets but I wish I managed to learn something new and spend more alone time with myself I guess >_____<

Why you sleep so much?

Omggg hahaha sorry laa I dunno why I sleep so much today LOL did you see me just now?!?! ><

If money was no object.... What toppings would you put on your Pizza?

A lot of things hahaha like gummies and chocolates and yummy stuff +_+ +_+

If you could instantaneously learn any one thing/skill/field of study, what would it be?

I dunno hmm my mind constantly changes but I wish I could sing hahha I mean like sing nicely!!! :( I sing all the time to myself with my childish voice I cannot stand it T-T

When was the first/most recent time you felt an utter and complete sense of loss for something or someone?

Most recent was when I left the orphanage. I really felt like a part of me was left behind with them and I didnt really wanna leave the orphanage :'( sobbb

When was the first time you rebelled against your parents?

When I was in primary school I think :(( I think cause they were too protective :( :( :(

Do you think Videogames are directly responsible for violence and shootings?

Nope hahaha sometimes parents also influence their children I think and also tv shows...? >____<

If you could change any event in history, what would you change? (Note that even saving lives from mass murders can create negative outcomes.)

I wouldn't change anything cause everything happens for a reason!! :)

Favourite Cereals?

The honey one with little squares hahaha I dunno how to explain im so sorry next time I buy and share with you ^___^

f one day you woke up and found out your genitals have been swapped to those of the opposite gender, how would you react? What would you do? (other than freak the F*ck out)

I will just pretend nothing happened ><!! And hope that it will switch back the next day hehehe

Thoughts on long-distance Relationships? And Have you ever been in one? (I mean cross borders, not just across the island)

I think eventually it wouldn't last but no harm trying laa hehhe anything is possible as long as we believe!!!! :) Never been in one before hahaha my life is not so dramatic XD


Language: English