

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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but then... you let youself be used then you ok one meh? haiz.... :(

I don't think I've been used before laaa! So it's okay!! :)

AND SO DO YOU!!! Why let yourself be used!!! :(

Aiyaaa nvm one~~~ Sometimes cannot really tell if im being used also s i g h :////

Dolphins in the zoo? You siao uh? haha The ship so big you scared for what!!! :(

Dont want laaaa. Ship big doesn't mean bad things wont happen. You heard of the titanic cheer?!? XD "They built a ship titanic, to sail the ocean blue. They thought they built a ship that no water can go through~~~"

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Why be used!!! You may well be manipulated... :(

Because you asked me to choose one >< But being used > using others really it's just really mean to do that nobody deserves to be used T-T!!

Jiahui or Yongkang?

Of course i will pick my go home buddy no matter what!!! >< (sorry jiahui~~~~)

Use or be used?

I rather not have either one :/ But i guess being used is better. At least im useful to someone? :/

Haha! What JW or JW!!! Bryant, Steel Rain or Xian Yao?

HMM let me think... None of the above XD XD XD

Why not Navy? You get to travel the world, see cute dolphins, and spend time with nature!

Because I may drown and I'm scared of deep waters :((( Aww poor dolphins. I shall go to the zoo and visit them!! :)

Jiawei or jiawei~

Wait gimme a moment i need to think..... This is one challenging question. I think my answer will be JIAWEI :)

Have you ever had the intention of answering the higher calling (being a member of the Armed Forces)? If you had to choose, where would you want to be posted to: Army, Air Force or Navy? Why?

NO >< But my dad likes to playfully ask me to join LOL. If i had to join I'll probably choose Army cause I'm afraid of deep waters and have a fear of heights ><!

How is it possible that the dish ran away with the spoon when both of the aforementioned subjects are inanimate objects?

Anything is possible ^____^

You deleted an answer!

Yes you stalker hahahaha XD I'm sure the person who wants to know has alrdy seen it!! :)

Hug me more! I'll absorb in all your non-existent fats! Because you are already very skinny! In fact I should give you my fats!

Hehehe alrights bear, but I'd have to go all the way back to the shop!! >< No thanks no thanks I alrdy have a lot of fats to deal with right now.... T-T

The one on who are your top 10 close male friends. ;)

LOL that's because I'm still thinking.... I just realized that I don't have a lot!! I only can think of 6/7 ><

I secretly absorb the fats from the food you eat! You should be grateful for my sacrifices!

Aww really!! :D Thanks for doing that. Hope that you'll grow fatter so that you're nicer to hug! :)

I'm the bear that you are hugging in your profile picture.

Hahha omg then I must tell you something: You're damnnnnn heavy!! :(

It's not exactly a prank, but I do feel that way! So you should have more confidence alright? Oh and don't bother guessing who I am. We are not that close.

Huh really :( Thanks then!! Hahaha really? Where do you know me from D:


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