

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Later you slap me until my cheeks looks like i'm eating fish balls! Hahaha good good (Y) 100% ready to serve NS already XD

That's how Finn looks like all the time XD XD cause he always fight! Eeyer hahaha im not good enough lorr pls~ ><

I just napped again... later slap me many many okay? XD Help you exercise your arm muscles =P

Hahaha you ahhh. XD alrights. Exercise my arm muscles until i can do many many pull ups!! :p

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Oh! They are required. It is just that the government is kind enough to exempt you all, a privilege that can (and should) be removed :)

And this is why I love Singapore ^_____^

Haha you always reply so fast ^_^, idk why i still feel so sleepy... I should try experimenting when is the best time to wake up *slaps myself awake*

Hahaha dont slap yourself!! >< Drink coffee? Hehe helps me sometimes but i only drink it if im really too tired ><

How do you keep yourself awake in such a nice weather to sleep in...

Slap yourself many many!!! :p Nah just kidding. Drink coffee? My body clock is pretty adjusted to this timing alrdy actually..

But you can run! and maybe your charm will get the boyboys to perform better? ;)

Hahaha running only!!! :( LOL like that they should make girls go for NS also. So boys will constantly be motivated XD


Cannot laaa i will fail miserably hahaha i haven't done a pull up in agesssss D:

But you can wear gloves to throw the grenade! Haha! Oh! And I think the Safety Officer will be more afraid that you pass him the grenade instead of the safety pin can! hahaha

Haha you mean like noah yap in abtm ahh XD XD No worries I shall learn from his mistakes and not repeat it!! XD

What do you think life will be like if you're a boy?

D: I dunno I'll just fear NS a lot because of my sweaty palms!! What if the grenade slips out of my hands o m g T-T...

If you could have ANY super-power/combination of powers, what would it be, and why?

Teleport!!! Because I always lose my ezlink cough and im always late cough ><!! I also wanna be invisible cause i can spy on people without them knowing he he he ^____^

Yes it is me! Not stay as in reside! But when it happens stick close to me and your friends! haha

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Sorry quite confused now T-T!!! Hahaha scary leh what if they're zombies acting as humans so they can eat us up!!! :(

Then make ure you stay near me! So I can keep you alive for a short while longer!

Is this still Linus?! >< hahaha where do you stay again? /slap myself/ dunno why i keep forgetting!!

Hehe thanks thanks! :) Yeahhh my gosh rest is like so important to me, last week I slept in lecture, dozed off in tutorial (IN FRONT OF MY TUTOR OOPS XD), and dozed off in CCA also >_<" must adapt to 6 hours of sleep :X I'm sleeping! Good night rest well and sweet dreams :D

Haha no worries sleeping is for the normal, not only for the weak!! XD i also sometimes feel like dozing off during intern but cannot ah. Sometimes blink awhile also something can happen T-T!! Yups rest well yeaa ^____^

Studying... I think you can guess who I am! XD Really enjoying your weekends heh!! Good good ^_^ You deserve a good rest! :)

Haha yups i think i know who!!! :) Mm yeaa it only comes once a week, must treasure :( You rest well too pls dont stress too much!!


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