

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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you say only wanna come but never come!!!!!!!! -.- no way! you should give me hahahaha

Very busy laaa :( :( :(!!! Sorry sorry. I will try to come. When you working!

i think so coz Anthony ask me come down tmrw?Hehehe

Wah hahaha I forgot who Anthony is alrdy!!! Hahaha will try to go over and see you guys! :( miss miss all of you! I want cheesecakeeeee ^__^

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If you were a superhero, would you tell anyone your secret identity?

Depends on my superpower!!! If it's supercool then I will tell maybe my closer friends he he :p

There you go again...If you're weak at it, it is the other party who should accept you for who you are!

Hahha noo but relationships are also about compromise and giving in etc .. There's only so much he can tolerate :(

psssh dont lie!!! Hah serious? where got! don't lie to liars!

Serious!! Haha I was with another friend so I think you didn't notice me! ><

It is not that I am supportive, but rather that you need to steel up your confidence, and faith in yourself!

Hahaha I do!!!! Just not in relationships hahahah I just suck at it pls :'(

no! when u first saw me u didn't thought im 16 hahahaha!

Hahaha really?? What did I say ah, I forgot! Btw before I started working at nandos again you served my table once heheh :p

If people can know you, and work with you for semesters after semesters after semesters, there is no reason why you should feel inferior to others. Nabilah, please, please, please chin up, smile, and believe that you are, indeed, better and stronger than you know yourself to be.

Haha I'm really okay!! Am i not cheerful enough T-T haha wonder what I've done to deserve such a supportive friend like you hehe thank you so much!! ^_^

So? When you're in a relationship of any sort, work, romantic, friend, etc... the other party should accept you for who the fuck you are (goes the same way for you to him/her/them). No one should ever be at fault, especially the lady, in the event of a failure in the relationship.

Hahaha no point pushing the blame when i know where the problem is :( I think he really really give his 100% but I never did. So really it's not his fault :) it's just that I need to improve myself.

Nabilah, you also another one. Keep saying that it's your fault in every split... Have that faith and confidence in yourself. It is his loss, not yours. You're treating others way better than you should, and yourself way worse than you should. That's one thing you need to learn, and improve.

Hahaha you've never been in a relationship with me before so you wouldn't know!! >< I'm really very.. annoying..and very difficult to understand :( :(

This goes to the idiot asking the relationship questions as well. put yourself in Nabilah's shoes. would you want anyone, and anonymous at that, asking you such questions when the wounds are still open? Cold-hearted dickhead, that's what you are.

Haha relationship questions are fine dont worry I'm okay alrdy! It has been quite some time ^_^ and a lot of the fault was mine I guess! So he should be the one feeling worse heh :X

To the fucker that is asking all those questions, go screw your damned self. Heck, what the fuck is your problem, asking personal questions? Have you not known what the fuck is privacy? Wake the damned fuck up, and respect yourself, and this young girl, you dipshit

Please.. Calm.. down... :XXXX
Liked by: Jin Ron (俊荣)

why the people all keep saying you are primary 5 lol! i think they jealous 'coz they look old.hmmmm

Hahaha ya!!! Maybe :p nvm nvm it's good to look young what hehehehe!


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