

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Taylor Swift or baby dolls. Choose ONLY ONE.

D: Taylor Swift? Cause I alrdy have 5 babies hehehheehehehe

If someone was to give you a present, what would you like it to be?

I really dunno eh hahaha but no matter what it is I'll probably still like it as long as it's cute :3

What did you love before you came to know Taylor Swift?

Mmmm as a childish girl, there's teddies and stuffed toys and of course baby dolls XD

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Do you prefer flowers around your head or diamonds around your neck?

Flowers around my head!!! Always wanted those flowery headbands but I can never pull it off :\

How do you decide what movie to watch?

I just really really don't prefer action movies >< Normal movies should be okaayyy..

Shoot Shag Marry for your male exco

Jiahui Ron and Firdaus?? >< i can't bear to do anything to them!! :(

One more. Shoot shag marry. Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Princess Middleton

>< i dunno them eh....

I'l do anything to make sure you havw that self confidence! You must practice self-talk and remember what we texted about!

It's not that easy laaa you ahh!!! >< hehehe my memory very bad one so i guess i forgot? ><

But they are family!!! So you'd marry the brother*s* and their Father? :0

Haha probably none then!!! ><

Nabilah, you have to stop thinking this way alright? You are fine just the way you are. You are great! And you can do great things if you have more faith in yourself!!!!

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Thanks thanks... T-T trying trying.. Thanks for having faith in me!!! :) You also ahh, cannot be so insecure! :)

Shoot, Shag, Marry. Prince Charles, Prince Harry, Prince Philip. GO

LOL i dunno how any of them look like ><!! Marry all laa huh cause they're all princes XD

Hope you find someone whom you are you comfortable with soon.

Hahaha i've found many, and they're my friends ^___^

Are you picky? Will you accept guys that are decent and have the attributes of a loving boyfriend?

Depends actually im not very sure of what i want also.. :/

Describe your Ideal partner (Physically)

Dont really have a preference really T-T.. But i guess.. Cute and taller? ^___^


Language: English