

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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How do I tell someone I like her?

Just say only :) hahaha I think girls don't really mind as long as it comes from the heart!!

Meh... what about a compromise then? Both Arden and Taylor are just as pretty. (But Arden beats her by a teeny weeny bit more :P)

No no no not true!!!! >< /close ears/

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You forgot who's Arden? :( The pretty singer... the one prettier than Taylor Swift ;)

No no no!!!! Angry ah!! >:( Better reveal your identity now hmph I'm gonna frown at you

Let Arden Cho compose one for you! I tell you... You'd immediately convert to being her die-hard fan. :D

Who's Arden Cho? :p

What do you think of each of the Chubby Bunnies?

AHHHH. Each of them?! T-T
Kiagek: I think I've got a lot of fate with her cause we went through a lot of things together coincidentally and through that I felt that she's really caring and thoughtful. She likes to treat people to things and she's really like the mama of the group! :p
ZiHow: Very nice daddy who looks after us a lot during camp and I realize that he will try to make sure that nobody in the group is feeling left out like when he sees someone alone he will go and talk to them. So he's very sweet! :)
Skyler: Refer to previous one on HOT Exco T-T T-T
JiaWei: WEIGEEEE. Naughty boy who didn't tell me the true meaning of that word and make me embarrass myself LOL! But it's okayyy we all still lub you~ ^______^
Denise: This girl can really talk a lot hahahah I think she's the kind of person who has a lot of HTHT with her friends cause I was sleeping with her in the loft and heard her talking from inside the room XD
ShiMIn: Very super blur girl!! XD I dunno what else to say but she's really super blur!! :X Even worse than me I think hahaha but okay laa at least I don't feel so alone in this world :'D
MayAnn: Nice girl who made us the pixel-ish bunny keychains which I still have now!! :D So touched hahaha and we both share the same love for stickers HEHEHE ^______^
Bryant: I've known him the longest in the whole group ~ didn't expect to know him for so long and be in the same course and CCA and group too!! Sometimes annoying but sometimes very nice!! Most of the time annoying XD
Brendan: Naughty little boy who keep disturbing me and laughing at my signings!! :((( But I'm really glad that he's very patient when I sign & when I'm slow in reading his signings :D xie xie ni~
Christopher: Naughty boy!! Always tempt me with cheap Nandos from Malaysia but I cannot go overseas so I velly velly sad but he still keep tempting me T-T T-T!!
YuShao: Naughty naughty naughty boy!!! He prank called me once when MayAnn found my ezlink! So naughty!! >____< Must frown at him many many!
Dhaniah: Very nice girl from the group but I didn't have much time to get to know her since she didn't turn up for most of our outings T-T
Aneesa: Very quiet girl but we got a lot of fate too! ;) Kept seeing her around school in various occasions and events so I guess we have the same interests :D

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If you could have anyone (alive or dead) stand next to you when all of your dreams and aspirations come true, who would that person be?

My parents I guess? Hahaha sounds like a model answer I know, but really they deserve to see their efforts paying off :) I dunno when it will happen tho T-T

Have you ever walked in on anyone naked or in the middle of hanky panky? How did you handle that situation?

NO!! >< And I'm really glad I haven't hahaha I dunno what to do in such a situation I would probably scream and run away LOL ><

Tell us about the scariest moment in your life...

My life isn't very interesting hahaha the scariest was probably my first airplane ride which was H I G H up in the sky T-T!!

Top 5 favourite Disney Characters!!!

Winnie the Pooh!!! Donald (because of his interesting voice XD), Dumbo the Elephant (teehee), Eeyore and Mickey :)

Favourite Bands/Musicians?

If you still need to ask this means you're not my friend >:( Taylor Swift!! Hahaha but I have others like Boys Like Girls, SImple Plan, The Cab, The Script, The Wanted :)

What would be your Ideal Pet?

I think a cat!! :p Living in Myanmar for two weeks has exposed me to cats and I grew to like them a lot a lot hehehe

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all? O Grand master, Arden Cho's the prettiest of them all. With her good looks and cute puppy, she's only challenged by Taylor Swift, who holds no candle brighter than her.

eh who is this ahhh i frown at you >:(!!

Do you know of anyone who might have liked you before, but decided to keep his/her mouth shut?

Hahaha nope never!! I don't think there is anyone D:

Which is better, being in a relationship or being single?

There's no real answer for this actually.. But you shouldn't ever get into a relationship just because you're feeling lonely. And you should never let the little things cause friction between the one you love if you're in a relationship. :\

"Know the person, know his face, but you won't know his heart." He may be thick-skinned for all you know ;)

hahaha omggg >____< but i don't think the person will know my ask.fm!! so I don't think you're him!

Don't maybe maybe me uh!! Is like or don't like? Confirm is me right?

Haha I really dunno eh just see the person and i feel happy. Dunno what that's called :X The person is not so thick skin one so I dont think it's you!! XD

Anyone u like in ur mind nw? ;>

Aiyeeer who is this!! Naughty naughty! Haha maybe one person but I don't think it can progress to anything I'll probably stay single forever T-T

Who do you think is the cutest in your exco?

The cutest should be me actually ;) HAHAHA just kidding. I think cutest is Rebecca!! ^_____^

What do you think about each of your excos since you seem quite close to them?

Omgg haha each of my excos >< I took super long to type this out!! :X
Huining is a very cute not biantai girl who I really really love cause her blurness and mine are about the same :p so I guess we understand each other better XD XD
Caiwen is the very fierce president hahaha shes president of the bimbz club too!! :p but the good thing is that she knows when to be fierce and she's really nice to her friends ^____^
Jiahui is the one who likes to disturb everyone and talk nonsense and play catching at the interchange. Very weird person!! XD
Crystal is a very sweet person who likes writing letters and making the people around her feel special ^___^ Really thoughtful and someone who likes to plan for outings :)
Hazeline is a very naughty girl hehehe she joined ndp with me just to look at army boys orh horrr :p she's really sweet and bought stickers for me randomly :')
Xinyu likes to eat a lot LOL I have no idea how she can still be so skinny!!!! Very jealous of her T-T Glad that she doesn't mind when we always tease her and say "orh hor I tell junzhe!!" :p
Priscilla is a real sweetie and I remember how she and Val surprised me with a belated birthday present out of the blue hehehe I love them both!! Cannot take it when she frowns I will either laugh or feel damn scared XD
Valerie is another sweetie who really cares for others and she's very organized too!! I thought she would be a naughty person at first but she's really nice and thoughtful but very bimbotic also heh heh :p
Ronnie is a very quiet boy who takes time to open up to you but once he does he will start to keep teasing you T-T naughty!!
Jernelle is a nice person who is very cool!! She's the first girl I know who is in fencing so I think she's someone who likes to try new things ^___^
Rebecca is the awkward person of the group hahaha I think she's very cute tho and her awkwardness makes everyone feel less awkward >< haven't seen her in a super long time!! :(
Skyler is someone who can really talk a lot hahah I dunno how she does it but she's really talkative!! >< it's a good thing tho hehe we hardly have awkward silence moments!!
Firdaus is a very very naughty boy!! He always talks bullies the president XD must frown at him more!!
SueAnn is the one who fangirls over her kpop group hahaha forever and ever talking about them or watching them on her laptop!! XD she's very caring too :)

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