

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Did you go back to school on thursday?

Yes!!! I had a presentation on Thursday and a meeting aft that so I stayed until quite late.... ><

Who are the anonymous people that you know asks you questions?

Hahaha i really dunno who asks me questions anymore!! >< unless they admit it. I know xinyu CJ bryant asked me once?? :/

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Who are the more common people you have asked questions on Ask.fm?

I dont really ask questions actually... T-T Dunno what to ask.. I think Linus Tingwei CJ Sammy? ><

Haha! Why? Only a few can call you Haliban?

Nuu haha but only the few people call me that what!!! So are you one of them~~~? ;)

look through and screen. Simply put, you don't answer all questions you get, no?

I do answer all!! >< I think some flew away!

Haliban, why you laugh? O.o Good luck for your FYP!

Hahaha why cannot!!! Why you call me Haliban omgg it's so cute XD XD Thanks i hope it ends well too!! :)

Shave eyebrow or wear thick make up forever? >=)

Shave eyebrow!! :( Make up will make me have lots and lots of pimples :(

Are you going to buy the new Taylor Swift perfume Haliban?

Dont make me laugh pwease!!!! XD Yes i am gonna buy when i actually save money T-T!!!

How was your last day of intern?

It was damn good ^____^ Had a great lunch with the teachers and had a picnic with my favourite boy the day before my intern ended too!! :3 Really love my lead teacher she's so nice :')

Shave head forever or shave eyebrow forever! >=)

Shave eyebrow forever then get bangs to cover that part!!!! ><

If someone you know professes his love for you, would you accept and go into a relationship with him?

Dont think so hahaha I'll really need to get to know the person first i guess!! :) And dont know if im ready for one yet~

Have you ever exposed yourself (intentionally or not)?

Yes??? Hahaha my zipper i think I forgot to zip a lot lot of times!!! ><

Shave your head forever or lose one eye's sight forever? =P

None of the above can... T-T Hahaha maybe shaving since I can get wigs and change hairstyle everyday XD XD but losing my eyesight is too scary and dark and lonely I cannot... T-T

Why do you say youre boring???

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
I dunno eh. I really think I am. I dunno why but with a lot of people im just really quiet and i can't start or continue a conversation well :( if i can do that with someone then I'll really treasure the friendship a lot a lot :)

If there was one thing you would say to me, be it mean or nice (as long as it's honest) what would it be?

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Mmmm i dont have much to say actually... T-T You're a really caring person who always nagggg when im sick and i like that you can send long messages!! :)

It is!!! A dare is to do something. that something is to answer a question. #TRICKED So please complete the dare. :P

>:( hahahah how about no! If I say no will you believe me!!

The dare is to answer this question TRUTHFULLY. Have you lost your first kiss to a relationship partner?

WHATTT This is not a dare!!! >:(

Since relationships is on the table now, have you truly lost your first kiss?

What do you think he he he :3


Language: English