

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Carly? Just one of them?

>< what's carly... I think even if i say you wont know hehe i have a secret life :p

What about the other 2 eyecandies? How do you meet them?

The other two are pretty random onesss. Cannot say if not a bit too obvious. But i meet them quite carly hahaha so sad right I have no fate with anyone :'''(

What color do you wear most frequently?

BLUE!! My favourite colour~ But my friends say I look nice in coral ><

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Can you describe the scene when you first met him?

Actually I dont really remember LOL my memory is damn bad... I wonder if he remembers. But basically we both weren't talking hahaha cause it was a situation where we didn't have a chance to talk ><

If its meant to be, it will come. :) anyways, where do you know him?

Dont think so laaa!!! :S He's kinda like a friend's friend hahaha which made it less awkward but it's actually quite funny how we always get into awkward situations with each other heh heh ^____^

Why you can't see him often?

I think we just have no fate D: but i think he also wont like like me or anything actually....

Ok, just describe the one that you think you will have the most chances of being with in the future?

Okaaay. Hahaha I'll just describe the person okay T-T It was a super awkward first meeting cause I didn't expect to even see him there. Then eventually aft getting to know each other we kept disturbing each other when we saw each other he he he's super nice and easy to get along with ^____^ but i wont get to see him much alrdy i think!!

You think the whole world know your askfm meh?

Actually no laa just scared the person see T-T!!!!!! Or his friend see then tell him. I will die omggg

Then how you meet all of them?. Elaborate on each one of them.

Are you crazy!!!! Then the whole world will know who it is alrdy T-T!!!!

How many eyecandy do you have? And where are they from? Answer fully!!!

I feel so unfaithful.... :( I think I have 2/3 but dont have crush ba!!! They are not all from school :)

Is he from HI Club? Is he K?

No it is not who you think!!!!! >_____< Yongkang is this you LOL slap ni ah!!!!

Because you never answer properly. Hmph! >:(

T-T!!!! Dont be so fierce hahaha actually i cannot reveal laa if not i think it'll be damn obvi then later we awkward how. Maybe you're my eyecandy sia hahhahah XD

Is he year 1,2 or 3?

3!!! :) and super nice boyboy hehe but dont think we have a future together he he

ohh looks like i should talk more to hms people then. i will be able to get reliable info from them arh :P

LOL so you're not moh joe?!?! Nuuuu~ very few people know!! :xxx

does moh joe even style his hair? and is he thin? LOL

Hahaha I mean mohjoe always asks me the same question!!! Cause he anyhow guess :(

Errrr you sure you noe who i talking about? I think you are referring to the wrong person? o.o

><!! Who are you talking about then!

Ohhhh i dunnid to text you also know that you got one in HMS arh. thin right? and got style hair?

IS THIS MOH JOE AGAIN. Enough laa it's not who you think it is okaaay :'( Serious!!! He very innocent one!

Is your eyecandy from HMS?

I think i'm a bit unfaithful yeaa but I actually have more than one LOL!!! T-T One is! :)


Language: English