

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Your flaws make up who you are! And I love your flaws as much as I love your perfections! I love just the way you are and everything about you!

Hahaha you're crazy I think this is just a prank sobs not funny okaaai but thanks for the cute words T-T!!

Because i like you and i want to be with you!

Thanks!! :) But you shouldn't I have too many flaws!

Then I probably don't have a chance :(

Awww haha why? It's alright there are many birds in the sky, many fish in the sea, many trees in the forest!! :)

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Wow since you don`t look at a guy`s physical appearance, I think I have a chance haha!

Maybe I do look at it more than I think I do? >< I don't really know also actually. All I want is a person I can easily talk to!! :)

Name the top 10 friends you have known for the longest time.

Please don't be offended if you're not here :( 10 is a small number :'(
1. Jazielah, the closest friend I've ever ever had who's damn similar to me (we like lazing around a lot) so we do a lot of things together :') 10 years of friendship <3
2. iDiRiQiNiFiL. I treat them all as one, because we are one. :)
3. YongKang, my go-home buddy!! Haven't known him for very long but yup, I think he's one of the closest friend I've ever ever had ><
4. Dassyalina! Used to be really really close friends who did everything together and she's one funny girl who can talk nonsense forever!!
5. Ting Wei! :) I really didn't expect to be close friends with her at all but I'm glad I met her in my First year in Poly ^____^
6. Hui Ning!! Knew her since year one but didn't get close until year two :') Wasn't very long, I know. But I really love her laa okai :( thanks for everything I know I spam you a lot when I'm worried or happy or sad about school (and xxxx) but thanks for listening <3
7. Amy! :D Buddy buddy since Secondary 1 hahaha still can't believe the stupid things we did back in Secondary School!!
8. Qi Xiang!! So sad that we're not as close as we used to be s i g h time makes everyone drift apart :(
9. Chang Jun! I didn't really know you for a very long time but I'm glad we click so well and pls open up more to the people around you okaaay :D
10. Crystal and Yanhong :) Met both of you at around the same timing and I really wanna thank you for always being so caring towards me <3

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Who do you think of in your free time or before you sleep?

I don't really think of a person >< Just think of how I'm gonna get through the following day~ Or in my free time I'll just stone and watch shows hehehehh :p

Have you ever wondered? What if every anonymous is the same person.

Actually I think for tonight this is really the case!! ><

Is it easy to fall for someone purely for their personality? Honestly.

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Why not? Looks are usually the first criteria but if that's priority then eventually you're just not gonna get along with that person because you never noticed their personality and everything will end and you'll be sad and everyone else will be sad too :(

No! You don't have to answer questions you don't feel like answering just because you are asked to! Exercise your own freewill! :) #freedom #democracy #baldeagles #barackobama

Yeaaa there's this thing where I can delete questions and pretend they never existed #yay :D

Qualities that you look for in a guy. What makes one attractive to you?

A good personality!! :) Without that everything else (looks, abs, hair, body) = Nothing!

Why are you so evasive of so many questions? Surely the purpose of this site is defeated with you avoiding so many!

I'm sorry T-T!!!!! I will try to answer more...

What are you attracted to?

People. I really like looking at people when they think that nobody's noticing them and they're just being themselves and it's really so beautiful esp when they're doing something they're passionate about :)

Who do you think has the Hottest body in Hi Club?

I don't really know a lot of the juniors sooo I cannot really judge NOR DO I WANT TO!!! T-T

Is Timothy from Hi Club very muscular with his 6-pack abs and all?


don't care! I still want! I'll hug you tightly back then! *squeeze you!*

OUCHHHH why squeeze me I'm gonna suffocate cough cough!! D:

Do you believe that people who look alike end up tgt?

I don't think so!! It's my first time hearing this XD But I think it's cute if they are compatible and have the couple face hehehe ^____^

Favourite videogame? :)

VIDEOGAME? T-T I'm sorry I'm a boring person who doesn't play videogames LOL if you mean general games then I guess Subway Surfers hehehehe :3


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