

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Is Linus your crush?

Aiyo so awkward hahaha not that he's not good-looking but to me he's more of my advisor?? ><

Yes yes, you most certainly have the wrong person in mind, lets keep it that way! (: - Signature

Really?!?! I think i have the correct person! >< did i give you the sticker only recently~?

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That wasn't me =o, there's a new guy in the house. I will sign off with a signature from now on. - Signature

Which wasn't you?? >< the jw question? Hahaha alrights less confusing also ><!

I really don't wish to be revealed! Even if you really do know, don't ask okay? ): I'm starting to regret dropping so much hints... )': Wai yuu duu tiz tu mi.

Hahaha i dunno!!! Can tell i think. But then again you keep changing typing style and the tone so im not very sure hahaha maybe wrong person T-T!!

What! How can you not know the final quote from Batman the 2nd movie! Oh right, you don't like action movies haha. And don't ask me IRL cause I'll just pretend! ): You are really terrifying when you use ">:(" .. Just drop it okay?? No need to know who I am!

Omggg you know so much about me?!?! YES what is batman yukyuk~ anyways yes im convinced i know your true identity muahahaha ^____^ LOL cause i rarely use it so it's terrifying?? XD

Hahaha, somehow when you typed "jniw" i read it as know, wow my brain is fabulous :P and another typo! But* or should it be...butthen? hur hur don't wanna! we just be virtual buddies okay? I'll encourage and cheer you up from a distance! (:

I seriously think i know who you are!!! Just gonna ask irl. >:( im sure it's you now hahaha but you change your typing style only right?!?!? Hahaha too bad you wont be able to do that. Cause you're gonna be exposed soon >:)

Because i'm the hero that you deserve, but not the one you need right now... and so you'll hunt me... because I can take it... because i'm not a hero... i'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a Dark Knight... *Vanishes into the darkness*

Wait what?!?! Am i supposed to understand this IM CONFUSED T-T

I actually shouldn't have said that /: now I don't dare to say yes anymore if you asked if it was me. You will never know who I am! *Flies away*

Ahhh typo. **know. Anyways why dont dare to admit?!?! >< dont care i will keep pestering you bit i honestly dunno who you are anymore T-T!!!!

Haha you would wish that I'm a girl right? But i'm a guy ): but i'm quite a feminine guy usually, so I don't really like hanging out with guys too much, had a bad experience with having guy friends. Still do in fact. What do you mean by one-sided? You treat them as your best friend but they don't??

Feminine guy?!? >< Such a funny way to describe yourself hahahaha alright not judging!!! Anyways i jniw how you feel hahaha i had a bad experience since young also so maybe that's why i find it easier to talk to guys as well. Mmm yupp haha but doesn't affect me much at least we're still friends ^____^

Hahaha doubt so! If you found out, I predict you'll just be like, uhh... okay.. lalala.. and then you'll walk away ): I'm kidding :P, if you really do happen to ask me, i'll see my mood, whether to pretend or not hah. And you need to start being more loyal to your current best friends yo...

Huh really I dont think I'll do that laa!! But your typing style i really cannot recognize T-T help help gimme clue are you a girl? >< heehee i am loyal okaay but tbh i dunno who are my best friends cause some is one-sided (sadly!!) but my confirm best friend has always been there ^_____^ that's all i really need actually! :)

Haha not as close as that teddy bear in that DP, but okay-close I suppose. Hur hur, if you really ask me, should I deny it? :P

Haha honestly i think i dunno who you are anymore!!! >< you dont sound like anyone i know LOL dont care just gonna ask everyone. XD aiyaaa dont deny! Maybe you can be my future best friend :D

I changed my typing style a little so I won't be too easily recognized. How do you ask me in real life if you don't know who I am! Are you going to go around guessing who I might be? That's quite cute to imagine actually hehe.

Okaaay hahaha then maybe I know who you are alrdy!!! >< I'm gonna ask in real life when I see you! But wait are we close? Hahaha I scared I ask wrong person! D:

Still don't know who I am? Good good, ignorance is bliss :) But I dropped so many hints already! Teacher nana not paying attention ah~ Kidding XD

What hints LOL!! But i dont recognize this typing style eh!! :( How im so confused now hahaha :( nvm i will ask you in real life hehehe sure correct one i think !! ><

Oh oops, it was nearing the end of my question anyway. Haha I won't go and ask for stickers oh please, lol. They're so kiddish, later people judge how? :) O'really? I'll call you StickerNana from now on then! hehe

Oh well :( hahaha why!!! Everyone should like stickers please hahaha next time gonna spam you with them if i ever find out who you are! >< eeek hahaha can call me teacher Nana!! :p

Haha my products don't like stickers, always come off in the end. Ya things won't last forever.. but you gotta strive for that at least! At least then you will have lesser regrets, and those things will be more meaningful, and your life will be more interesting! :) You always say your life very bori

Haha i think your question got cut off!! >< Mm alrights if your stickers ever come off just ask me for more okaai i almost always bring stickers along with me hehe unless it's my lazy day ^____^

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X'D Did you do that all by yourself?!

It matters not who I am, just know that I'm a friend who will always look out for you :) and it's just your mind set! can be changed one! if things are going well, just enjoy them! don't think too much, just love and be more grateful to the things around you (:

Awww ^____^ hahaha thanks ahh. I will spam you with more stickers if I know who you are XD Mmmm thanks l will try but it gets really scary when things go well you want it to last forever but you know it wont last forever and anything can happy anytime s i g h

Why you change your twitter name? (´・ω・`)

Heehee because I really like it when the little kids call me that!!! :p

Don't want! If I look at it then I think of you then I get distracted how? :( haha what kind of tendency is that .__. sounds so destructive >< it's not true! You have magical powers that make good things happen around you as well! :)

Hahaha crazy!! You sound very familiar sia omgg who are you T-T Mm i dunno eh sometimes things are going well and then I'll think that it's too good to be true and somehow destroy everything T-T!!!


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