

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Are you ever interested in any hearing-impaired boy before?

Most of the people I was interested in were only actually after I got to know them. I wasn't very close to any hearing-impaired guy before though.. ><

Why you cut your hair?

Haha because I didn't cut it for a very long time. Scared I'll have split ends if I don't cut regularly hehe :$

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Check my phone and just roll around in bed for awhile hehehe

Have ever tried to logically explain a cartoon to a child? E.g. Explaining that in reality, tom and jerry should be very much dead by their stunts or at the very least, in a body cast.

Never D: I think cartoons are not supposed to make sense but to create imagination and creativity in kids maybe hehe and teach values too!! Other than that it's just for entertainment hehe let them be kids while they can, we shouldn't influence them with our boring grown-up grown-up thinking :(

Would you want to suffer from Dementia or have to care for a loved one suffering from it? (I apologize if this question becomes too sensitive...)

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
I'd rather care for someone hahaha I think it'll be difficult since they'll forever forget me :( but making others feel hurt when I forget them is worse. And I'll be their burden forever >______<

If you suffered from Amnesia (For the sake of the question, let's just say you have to suffer from it), which forms of Amnesia would you prefer suffering from? Antergrade or Retrograde? Anterograde: Unable to remember new events or people. Retrograde: Unable to remember anything that happened to yo

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Retrograde I guess. Cause it'll help me forget past events and help me forgive myself for the things I wish I didn't do. And new events are the present. The present is what matters more and what I should focus on instead of looking back :)

Eh... always say eat at nandos but never go one! Hmph! >:(

Who are youu. We go soon soon hehe super nice. But aft that I will laosai XD XD

Ooi!!! What annoying? >:( We spice up your life leh :(

Aiyeer haha okai thanks for all the spiciness!! Next time (whoever you are) we can go eat nandos!! Super spicy can spice up your life even more XD

Haha Nabimbz! You have to guess who to settle score XD

Hahaha lazy to guess laaa. My friends all too annoying le :p

what about your babies? don't you cuddle them?

Of course ^______^ hahaha and my pillows and bears so fluffyyy ♥♥♥

what women want ?

I'm not really a woman yet.. too immature sigh but I guess they would want happiness and someone to give them ♥ and attention~


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