

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Do you ever want to have children? If so, how many?

YES. I wanted many many children cause they're sooo cute but then I realized they had to come out of me so maybe 1 or 2? :p

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Do you exercise or workout? If so, how often and what is your workout regime? :)

I try to make it as often as possible :( But my schedule now is just... :( Twice a week at most!

Any advice for a final year student in Poly/High School?

It's your last lap alrdy, just give your 100%! :)

If you were to be known to be a badass for anything, what would you like it to be?

No I cannot and will never be a badass hahaha ><

If you were to be known for a signature move (a physical move) what would it be?

Punching people!!! I do that all the time cause everyone says it doesn't hurt ~_____~ /even when I really really punch using my maximum strength/ T-T

Spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider, and thus gained spider powers of superhuman proportions. If you were to be bitten by a radioactive animal and received it's powers, what animal would it be and what would some of your powers be?

Bunny or hamster hahaha my powers would be being super super cute until nobody can tahan and they will give in to my wishes muahahhaha >:)

How long do you take to Shower? How long do you take to have a Bath?

I take forever hehehe it ranges according to my mood from 15 to 30 minutes ><

describe joel c'mon

LAMEST PERSON EVAAAAR. :p dunno why we can click so well man hahahha must be fate that I got to know you through YL!!

I should be asking you that!!! Do you know me?

I'm not sure. But your typing style a little bit familiar. So do I know you? ><

Then don't answer those questions lah!! Filter them out! Haha

Hehehe a bit lazy to use alrdy.... :p teeehee. Are you someone I know?


Language: English