

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Jia Hui not good looking? So who is it?

I DIDN'T SAY THAT! He is!! :) Why do you wanna know he he he I think a lot of juniors don't know him actually!

I jealous! Who's the person who wants your hug?! Hug me too!!

But my hugs are damn awkward!!! It's like I'm just there and there's a space between me and the person it's not even a real hug pls T-T Nah here's your hug! /huggggggg/

Is the good looking guy in HI Club Jia Hui?

Don't tell me this is JiaHui T-T Fishing for compliments onlyyy!!

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1-10 ah girl.... so can only choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. NO '0'. And since you cannot choose anywhere between 1-9, what is the last choice?

LOL is this meant to be a compliment hahaha!!! Thanks!!! But I'm not T-T

Will you hug me the next time you see me? :(

Hhaha i dunno!! Maybe? But my hugs are damn awkward I'm sure you won't like them T-T

Haha Tuesday?? I thought Thursday? ><" Friday got OC so cannot... :(

Oh yes Thursday hehehe sorry i was sleepy!! ><

Hey nabbie, wanna go jogging and play basketball tomorrow?? :) Hau en and the rest (not sure who exactly) is joining us! ^__^

Cannot :( sorry. Probably Tuesday/Friday!!

Will you keep two other babies to save your own baby?

YES OBVIOUSLY!! How can i say bye bye to my own baby :(

Who is the most good looking guy in hi club! *must answer with a name*

I think everyone will answer this with the same name LOL!! >< Just ask any girl about their eyecandy! He's the most common one ;)

On a scale of 1 to 10, how sexy are you? 1-9 is not an acceptable answer.

LOL!!!! So you want me to answer with a 0?!?! ><

What's one thing you hate sharing?

BEN AND JERRY'S ICE CREAM >< But I'll still share because it's socially unacceptable to not share nice things with your fwens boohoo

What is your favorite flower?

:O someone wanted to ask me this once but the question disappeared. Mm if it really must be a flower then anything with bright colours!! And ones that wont die so quickly T-T

But then, it makes it apt for you to be in chubby bunnies.

True true!! Maybe that's why they put me in that group ahh! D:

Seems like lots of people want to pinch your cheeks.

That's because I'm really very chubby!!! T-T Not a good thing!

Do you like keeping bangs?

Yes!!! :D I think I've kinda gotten used to bangs but my fringe has alrdy grown hehe! And most people say my current fringe looks better on me sooo.. Bye bye bangs ><

It really seems like you have a whole line of people out there who are interested in you ;)

HAHAHA NO I DON'T!! >< Don't make me laugh!


Language: English