

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Will you go out with someone whom you used to be very close with but its so awkward between both of you. Will you give a second chance to the person?

Aiyo why awkward! Haha I always try my best to make things end well and not so awkward but sometimes cannot help it cause the other party is like that.. then I have no choice? :(

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What are you working as / where and what are you studying now?

Working as a teacher! :) at bukit merah. Gonna start school in Jan~

First date stories?

Think I've told this one a thousand times. He asked me to watch a movie with him after one of my events and 2 other friends who I know. (We happened to be around the same place) I was shy so obviously I said no. Then he told me that he bought the tickets alrdy. I felt quite guilty so I just went. Then when I met him he was like, "okay let's go buy tickets" freaking cute. Favouritest first date ever ^_^

Best/Worst Date experiences? (Don't tell me and say there's no such thing as a bad date...)

There is no such thing as bad dates. Just awkward ones! ^_^

Best/Worst Dating experiences?

I don't really.. date.. so.. :X hmmm.. I don't think there are any worst date. It would just be uncomfortable? Like when the silence is more awkward than comfortable. And best would be when I can find myself laughing and smiling until my chubby cheeks hurt ><

Describe each of the bunnies. Hehe this should be interesting ;)

I'm gonna take forever :(
Bryantee: annoying hahaha but very photogenic and nice to talk to at times! :) didn't expect to have such a long friendship with you from sec 1 until now omg you are everywhere!!! XD
Mayann: super cute girl who can really pull off short hair (not many girls can!!!) and looks damn good with it! A pro chef at cooking enoki mushrooms for our bbq :p
Kiagek: our mummy!! ^__^ very easy to talk to and super caring also! She's encouraged me a lot when i was down twice and I'm really glad she's such a positive person who offers advice and encouragement so willingly :') really deserving of a 'mummy' title!
Skyler: this girl is super full of energy and confirm extrovert! Hahahha not sure where she gets all her energy from but she's super nice to be around, i never get tired of listening to her stories hehe and she's definitely a good friend as well ^___^
Zihow: very nice person who always looks out for the people around him and he likes to be referred to as a penguin! He looks really funny when he signs his sign name!! A really good GL and happy to be under him during eurekamp ^___^
Jiawei: a playful boy who likes to disturb people! Very into kpop, always seeing him retweeting something about kpop almost everyday!! >< a naughty boyboy but good friend! ^__^
Aneesa: this girl.. you'd never think she's annoying until you know her for 2 years!! Hahahha she has unleashed her true colours to me alrdy and now I only got one word to describe her: naughty!
Brendan: this boy keep disturbing me about my signings hahhaha so sad laa because my sign language is... cui beyond words can explain. Haven't been practicing except to myself when I listen to songs :( so I feel quite disconnected with him sometimes cause I can't read his signings very fast </3 but really appreciate that he always signs slower for me!! :p
Christopher: the person who I look for when my laptop/any device has problems XD he's a really good friend and basically the organizer of all our BBQs because he's that good!! Really dunno what our BBQ will be like without you! :') thank you for all the time you spent making yummy scrambled eggs (or is it french toast? :p) as well!!
ShiMin: very bimbo girl who can also pull off short hair very well! (I jealous T-T) and someone who always pangseh us because of her work!!! Naughty bunny! Glad that she'll be coming for the next bunny lunch though :3
Denise: this girl is really nice to talk to hahha I still remember we were in the same room together during camp (I think because we old birds in hiclub LOL) and she told me all about her love story hehe so cute ^__^ really admire her and javis (favourite couple evaarrr) and hope they'll last long long!! :)

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That is an interesting qn. Only which you have the answer to. Hahaha XLB

HAHAHA WE SHOULD REALLY GO AND EATT. Then can have a more things to add to our description alrdy!!! XD


HAHA I was describing it using my imagination!!! AND WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE THESE CONVERSATIONS LOL (kcan) XD


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