

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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What would you do if you see a friend alone in a corner during a group outing?

I will try to talk to the friend :(( but sometimes two people cannot click and it's very awkward so I will try to bring the friend over to the group >____<

Is it possible to be surrounded by friends and yet still feel lonely?

Yes!!! Most of the time when you feel this way it's probably cause you cannot connect to the people around you. But slowly get to know them and you'll feel less lonely ^_____^

Know any really good places to eat? (In Singapore of course)

I don't really eat out but I think 18 chefs and nandos are really nice :DDD

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You are right some girls do it and some start later. But in the end no girl ever admits it lol

Haha there are girls who admit but those are the more open minded ones I guess :)

Really mehh? U fly here hug me ahh?

Hahaha siao ah. I haven't pack my bag yet!! :p and I'm not sure if I know who you are yet sia LOL :X

Funny how studies prove pretty much everybody masturbates but ask girls and all of a sudden "nobody ever does it" for all kinds of creative reasons lol

Noo girls do it too and it's normal but I'm quite sure some don't :X

Wahh so im not your favourite bimbz :'( Sobsobs

Xue wei ahh?? :p teehee eh I don't have a favourite okai im not biased one hehehe

Ya lorh!! You havent give me sticker! That time say forget to bring then until now havent give! :'(

Omgg who are you sia :'( sorry!! I dont really bring out unless I'm going for tuition and giving my kids :( :( remind me next time!!
Liked by: Xue Wei

Hahaha glad u know u lucky! :D

Hahha yalor so I must show my appreciation right!! :3 who are you come come I give you sticker!

Anywhere to get ezlink stickers around bishan area? :( JCube is like so far!

Haha why you so cute!! :X I don't live around the area so I'm not sure hehe if you know tingwei maybe can ask her she lives there >____<

Do you know where to get ezlink stickers?

Haha omg why so cute >___< err can get at JCube Level 4!! :) there's this cute shop that sells stickers and ezlink stickers and birthday stuff too :)

Where did you get those beanies from and how much? The one you posted in your blog with the title 'But something pulls you back again' :)

Are you like.. STALKING ME XD Hehe I got them from H&M cause of my bangs :( I think it costs around $7.90 to $14.90 depending on which type you get :)

Nana, why you so sad ask.fm always kena shoot? To the perverted person that keep asking those question, just leave her alone lahs..

Waaa so nice ah +_+ Hahaha im quite used to it alrdy actually and I'm not very affected so sometimes I just play along hehe :3 Thanks for your concern!! ♥

You said girls masturbate too as it is normal. Why do you think its normal? I agree

But not all do!! Haha I guess cause they have needs too? :X

Its not that guys are more horny. Its just that guys are more honest than us hahahaha

Hahaha no!!! Not true! Really a lot of my girl friends are quite pure >_____<

We guys may be perverted and horny, but it is only to a few specific people. Some people whom we care for, and take pride working/playing/studying/mucking around with, will never get degraded in that way. Ladies, trust me. It's the same as how you would not visualise having sex with your dad/bro.

Really?! Then who are the specific people! :X haha I hope that's true!! Some guys are really ......

as girls we are expected to portray this good girl image so dont ever expect us to admit we masturbate, want sex, watch porn, get horny, lust, have fantasies, etc. we go through those things just like guys, we are human too, but will always deny it lol

haha yes this is quite true but still not all girls are like that i have some really innocent friends i feel like protecting them from this perverted world T-T and i really believe most guys are more.. horny :X


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