

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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that means you're actually a guy!!! :0 what have you been living your life on?!?!?!

HAHAHA maybe I'm secretly a guy he he he ^_^ I really can find my things but I just lose them a lot LOL like in public I will just leave it and forget about it

it's called organised clutter. girls appear neat, but when you need them to find something, it almost always takes forever, read never.

Hahaha that's not true! I can find my things!!!! ><

hello... guys, messy? no lor... guys may appear messy, but we can find what we want, whenever we need it. can girls?

Hahhaha at least girls are neat!!! I have 3 brothers. Almost all same same. Super messy!!!! I feel like throwing everything out of the window LOL T-T

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What's the one piece of advice you'd give to someone of the opposite gender?

Please stop being so messy!!!!!!!! T-T

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First I would admire my own face because IM DAMN HANDSOME HAHAHHA (Dylan o brien <3333) and yeah pretty screwed because evil people are doing weird things to me :(
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To be very honest it's the red lobster in powerpuff girls it just looks scary :/
Liked by: BATMAN

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(A) pleaseee. Sad things shouldn't be remembered!

If you could be a God from any religion or culture in history, which God/Goddess would you be? (Google this one! Learn a lil)

Dont want google leh ^_^

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Hahhaa sekret :3

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Hahha I don't really have a favourite... green tea maybe ^_^;

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All the countries in the world ^____^ birds dont need to pay for a plane ticket. They are their own plane T-T so jealous

Is it possible to support a person, but not support his/her decision at the same time?

Yes! Personally experienced it before where my friends weren't very supportive of something. Even though it really felt like shit and like I can never talk about that situation with them without feeling weird.... I know that the only reason they aren't supportive was to protect me so eventually I became okay with that I guess!

If your enemy had a phobia, what would you want it to be and why?

The same phobia as me. Then we would have no choice but to rely on each other for support and eventually end up becoming best franz yay!!! ^_^

Whats your most Hated/Favourite daily activity? (other than eating, sleeping, socializing and pooping)

Favourite: Watching shows, talking to my family members, texting my friends and mummy, annoying people... :p Hated: Getting out of the comfy comfy bed :(

Eh... The Tan Yan Ni that you know... is she the same Tan Yan Ni that won the Wushu medal in the Asian Games in Incheon?

Nope she's not! That doesn't look like her.. ><

Any advice for someone struggling with shyness, social anxiety, and being socially awkward, etc?

Why shy!! Haha I think I used to be quite shy also. Now still shy so I can't really help you! Just be a little bit more confident in yourself then it'll mask a lot of the shyness >< And I'm quite awkward also actually.... :( just be yourself la okay! Sometimes awkward is cute and amusing you know! XD

Awkward coz some things happen la ): Very very sad things.... ): so if the person ask, you will agree? Hahahahaha

Haha I see i see. Then dont dwell on the past alrdy!! I'm sure I alrdy forgive you(?) if you did something wrong and I hope you alrdy forgive me(?) if I did anything wrong ^_^


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