

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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If you want to be happy, let go of the people you shouldn't have feelings for. For instance those who already have girlfriends. Jiayou

It's not about letting go. I'm okay with him having a girlfriend or whatever he wants. It's normal. I'll get over it. He just did something horrible and I just..... dont know when im gonna be okay again. I just want to be okay.

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If you were a serial killer, what would you leave behind at the crime scene? What would be your "signature"?

This face: >:)

Girl, chin up. Really, it hurts to know that you're upset, bottling up your feelings. Vent it on someone. It's time for you to be a bit selfish and care more about yourself already... :(

Hahaha I'm alrdy venting a lot here because nobody actually uses ask.fm so I guess this is good enough hahahha. I don't really feel comfortable sharing with anyone actually so I've never told anyone anything much yet. I think I gotta handle this on my own... but thank you for being so nice and supportive :)
Liked by: Jin Ron (俊荣)

Maybe there were barriers like your race and such that kinda made him think that he's better off with someone similar to him than you and it's really not your fault. Just do your best and move on alright

HAHAHAHA shit I think I know who you are!!! Thank you for this :') dont worry about me u dumdum. Slowly but surely I'll be okay :) you've got other things to worry about which are def more impt so pls worry about yourself first!! :)

Then it's his loss. Yes, he hurt you, but that showed how much he cared. Of course, it would have been good if he didn't leave, but leaving showed you his true colours, that he ain't the one you should be with. I'd rather have him leave you now, than later, and hurt you even more.

Yeah. Maybe he didn't care. Didn't spare a thought for my feelings. He has someone else now so why would he, right :/ If only I could forget him as easily as he could forget me. If only I could delete him from my life just like he deleted me. If only he could feel.. How hurt he made me feel.

That's the thing with you. Always thinking that you're inferior to others. If he lasted that long with you, it means that you have, in one way or another, gave him happiness.

If he was happy he would've stayed. And he would've thought twice before doing what he did. He would've known that it would hurt me so so badly. He wouldn't have done it because he wouldn't want me to be hurt. He would've done the right thing. But he didn't.

Come on, you are better than what you think you are, knowing you for the amount of time that I know your existence, and getting to know you more through the years.

I'm really not as nice as you think. Friendships and relationships are totally different. And I didn't treat him very well, so I guess I kind of deserve all of this. But thank you friend. :( you make me want to cry hahahha.

Fuck. You don't deserve the shit that you got. Trust me. It is wrong, in every way, for a guy to hurt a lady he likes. I swear, if anyone dares to hurt you the way you were hurt, I'd skin, and salt him, alive.

I've hurt him as well so I guess we're even.. And no, he doesn't like me. He's alrdy attached. To someone else. Not me. And I hope he's happy. He did give me 7-8 months of happiness.. And I probably didn't. I hope he can receive as much happiness as he gives, this time.

Chin up. You're stronger than that. The truth hurts, but it is what hurts that make you stronger, better, and more resilient.

Thank you. Really. :') With so many caring friends around me.. I know I'm gonna be okay.

Why do you sound so upset with the last question? :(

Because I'm hurting :'( I'm hurting so bad. So bad that I can't even hide it as much as I try to and it sucks and I'm trying my best to get back up and be happy again but it's so damn hard.

Can you truly love more than one person?

No no no. The only reason you'd have another person in mind is if the person can give you something which the first person can't. And that's not love. Just leave. Both of them. Alone.

Is there a difference between sexy and pretty? If yes, What?

Hahaha weird question! Sexy would be less reserved maybeeee

Hahahaha you dont even know me! Want ask me text you see is who ahhh. HAHA

HAHAHA so smart. But really I wanna know!!!


Language: English