

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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If you're part of a Bank heist, which Role will be yours? (Gunman / Hacker / Strategist / Driver / Mechanic)

Hahaha I wouldn't even... I cannot.. I'm gonna be the burden T-T
Liked by: Gregory Ang

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If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

Sadly I have no skills hahahha as in not very special ones!!! Unless you want me to teach you maths or English or something XD
Liked by: Jin Ron (俊荣)

Can you solve this paradox, what happens if Pinocchio says "My nose will now grow"

Means... he's.. lying.. about lying?

Where's the worst place you've ever thrown up?

When I was a kid, on my own self in my uncle's car cause I had motion sickness. I told him, "uncle I want to puke" and then "uncle I want to puke again" XD hahaha he has been teasing me about this incident up to this day!!

Video ah!! More stalker-ish... Haha, Just take only!!! Especially the reaction. ;)


Keep me updated ah!!! I'd like to see you do that :P


What how? Just tell the counter staff you're going to pay for his/her meal!! And get the counter staff to pass a thank you message/note to the service personnel. That's easy, and direct enough, right? :o

HAHHA OMG SO COMPLICATED :( Scared I screw up hahahaha okay i will try!!!

I think it is me... haha Nope!! Has to be some random person. At Macs/KFC/SB/Nandos/etc... There's the challenge :D

Hahaha shiettt cannot very shy!!! :( what if he says no HAHAHA :'(

Whoops!! Did I ask you this already? :o Haha You make sure you do it ah!

Haha I don't know if it's you!! Yeah will do! But a little bit shy HAHAHA can it be someone I know :DDD

Nabilah, I challenge you to anonymously pay for, and thank, a uniformed service personnel (SAF/SPF/SCDF) for his/her service. Post a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram post on your kind act, and pass the challenge on to 5 more people. http://youtu.be/KGPKpIuX3cY (Yes, don't guess, it's me)

HAHA BRYANT IT THIS YOU. HAHAHAH I received a similar question to this alrdy! Was gonna answer it when I've done it hehehe ^____^

We used to be very very close friends. Then we got closer and closer and something happened. After that we became so awkward and now we're not even friends anymore. Sigh ): Hope you're doing really fine :) Looks like you're much happier now

Oh no haha hmm I hope you've been doing fine... Dont keep blaming yourself pls >< If it makes you feel any better, I really missed the times we spent together. You're like a stupid blur friend who is so nice to disturb!! Hahha and really really thank you for being so nice to me for that period of time :)

You're a really busy girl ): Guess I took things for granted in the past. I failed to treasure....

Haha yeah super busy!! :( think im a little bit over committed alrdy.. hahaha dont say that laa! :)

Nabs, pls ignore the perverse questions that you receive here. It hurts to see you bombarded with them and still answering them :'(

Hahaha omg you're so nice haha okay!! >< I will try! :) thanks for your concern ^_^

Aww.... you still use our pretty please photo :)

Wah of course hahaha miss yall leh pls!! :( :( :( pretty pls let's meet up soon!!

I'm not sure yet!!!!!! tmrw I'm coming down!!!!

Tmr cannot T-T... tell me when you working again after you meet Anthony! Eh a lot of people quit alrdy right :(


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