

Ask @smashthepie

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hi put, we should really meet one day and eat 18 chef tgt again and do the stupid thing we did!! RMBR ?? We can then watch movies or naybe ride the 4D thing again. I hope you're fine & dg okay , im sorry for wtv happen to u . And i rlly rlly love you 💕


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ashes? but they will keep ashes right? a safe place of the deads' ashes? no?

yeah its at mandai i think

(cont) and stay strong beautiful!! Also, don't be too sad!! It might cause you depression and anxiety!! It's really sucks to have depression!!! I've been through like u!! so love yourself!! 💖


(cont) Seeing you being all sad just teared me apart 😞 Listen to me, i know you are really sad but don't you ever hurt yourself. Things might be fucked up for you right now, but you know, tabah syg!!! 💖 Be patience!! Allah is testing you right now!! Make dua's for him alright 🌟


Hello babe💖, i just wanna say that i want you to stay strong 😚 I know this is so saddening!! My hearts teared up too when i heard this news!! i don't really know him but committing suicide, oh gosh this is so fucked up 😔 Society fucks people with depression!! 😓 (cont)


I hope whatever you're going through this moment will be replace with something beautiful in the future .. You're going to have a family, babies and a husband.. Don't let this ruin it.. You're too young dear..


Let me tell u dis.. A person with depression doesnt go around telling the whole goddamn world that she has depression like you so yeah

got it.👌

aye ignore those who are saying that you're faking your mental illness. they dk shit and so do i but stay strong okay? :)



Language: English