

Ask @smashthepie

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Kau ckp mcm aloysius bapak kau.lol defend salah org la sia.

what the fuck do u have against me?????????? pls have the tendency to respect someone's feelings

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Hey babe , i wanna tell u that u are a very strong lady 👍 Im sure u can face all this okay 😘 Those haters out there were jealous of ur abilities , thats why they are judging , let them judge , ignore them and they will feel tired to try to be perfect like u . Chins up princess , ur tiara is fallin

sxxxnxxx’s Profile Photoxmorganx

Puteri your last name should be hatred. So many people hate you haha padan muke sape suruh attract attention laki nak jadi popular sgt


Goals in life: for you to fking die cause youre a nuisance to the world. Tgh ade depression kan? Ah mampos bagus pelacoh. What that mouth do? Suck dick minum beer n isap rokok matu sudah sia


sending you direct message at insta. do check it out aight. if you do not want to be friends tell me. straight forward. dont be like others aight. i hope you are diffeent from others tho 😊

there's nothing to hope from me

if you dont know, why do you think you deserve it?

zzz ure asking alot of qns and its kinda pissing me off

btw ignore all the haters. thats why i want to chat you in private. haters everywhere you know

its okay im used to it and i pretty much deserve it

back off anon. don't assume her if u don't even know what she's gg thru for God's sake when will these hates all just stfu.

adriana_xxxx’s Profile PhotoAd
its okay i deserve it

Wtf not schooling LOL spoilt brat

im working and supporting my family??? spoilt brat is you who is sending hates to me


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