

Ask @smashthepie

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haters gonna hate hate hate hate...... fuck them lepak WCP joms hahaha we chill there

akii ke ni..... HAHA aing

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Love fade? You think what primary school ah love fade only break? Grow up please

haha lagi ape dia bilang kau?

From your advicer ah , just ignore them haters , just do things that makes you smile , the positive ones ... see you soon girl

thank you fir❤️

Ha ha you stupid girl , always choose the fuckboys type . The good guys you friendzoned them .

haha yela aku bodoh la

Lol you cant even have a proper r/s with your fucking attitude

hahaha my fault???? tktahu cerita diam je la

What you mean?

as in most of em attend pap or madrasah, but i went to like a private sch where its more on hands on and stuffs

What kindergarten you went to?

erm i didnt went to pap i went to like a childcare kinda thing idk(????)


Language: English