

Ask @smashthepie

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your anons funny lah , they hate you but still ask you stupid questions 😂 no life or what

ni namanya tkde life hahahahaha

mk botak ah abe hahahah good game man u!!!!!!

andai terlampau permintaanku ini, maafkan la kasih

I understand kalau tak faham bola tapi kalau You dont like soccer keep it to yourself

menyintai dan dicintai, tiada duanya

Takya nak ckp soccer girls lepas main bola ketiak basah lol semua org yg buat sports pun sama pe

seperti insan biasa, aku ingin bahagia

Kalau dah tak tahu pape jgn nak step tahu k girl? Hahahha ah kan skrg kau da jadi bahan lawak HAHAHHA LOL


Kalau kau minat bola, mesti bomb

aku rasa paling bomb is bila kau tk minat bola and kau tk step mcm kau minat ah😊👌
Liked by: astami

Lol bruuh i may not know her well enough but its not her fault that she doesn't know anything bout football😒smh why dont you enlightened her instead and help her explain what she doesn't know instead of doing shit like this


Baik guys , just yesterday she prove at twitter how bad her interest in soccer is . Now mase bole tanye #GGMU stands for ape eh ... Anon best sia . Da kene maki nanti kate rude la ape la ... Lolz at you

tau tkpe otak mati kimak

good game manchester united? nmpk sah step tau 😂 its glory glory man united la

step mak kau bodoh aku memang tk tahu

You can ask him to ss his whatsapp and see for yourself, he changed your name and everything

try harder x2

I only ask where you work than you got to reply in a rude way 😡

dont have to bother about my life ah i hate it when people are so curious about my life just mind ur own fucking business????


Language: English