

Ask @smashthepie

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daily reminder: you are beautiful just the way you are, don't let anyone take that away from you. Don't be insecure because you are perfect to me. Don't be sad as it makes me sad too. Don't cut cause it's like a scar on someone else's heart. Don't let anyone say you ain't pretty as you're wonderful.

thank u

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Whats wrong? ;(

everything's wrong. i spend about 10 minutes every morning trying to convince my goddamn self that today is gg to be a good day, that its worth it to get out of bed. & guess what??? its never a good day. ill end up walking to the sofa and just start to fucking cry, i keep telling myself the exact same thing "its going to be okay, im doing fine, i just feel empty" every single fucking day just to get me by about like 100 times a day lol, ive managed to push away almost everyone, & no one even wants to talk to me now, i cant blame them, ive changed and tbh, i dont even wanna be around me either.... i just fucking hate myself and the person ive become now, i dont think a day has gone by in about a month that ive actually havent cry, and to be fucking honest with all of you, idk what happened to me, how i actually got this low, and how things ever got fucking bad. i feel fucking alone despite the incoming msges and calls, i guess i only want him to text me to ask me how im doing. i feel so pathethic that im still hopelessly waiting for something thats never gonna happen, yall wont understand and idk how to explain either... ive tried to feel this space with everything that i am left now, but nothing ever fucking works, trying to convince myself to be happy, but ill just end up crying every single fucking time, im telling everyone that im doing fine bc i want to believe that im actually doing fine, & thats what they want to hear as well... there are times where i feel so fucking sad i just want to pop too many pills but but i couldnt bc i know its gg to upset my parents.... just a month ago or so, i was so fucking happy, so excited for life, i'd wake up and get dressed and make fucking plans, but these days it just takes me forever to pick up the phone and to text or even reply people, idk whats happening or what has happened to me, im lost and confused and sad and alone and fucking hopeless. i dont see the fucking point anymore, my happiness is gone. he left along with my happiness, i cant believe im like this bc of love, bc of a guy. this is what love do to us huh? it rips us apart, & if im being rly honest, i dont even want to be here anymore, anf that scares me.

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describe zah hehe miss u

i miss u more:-( remember first time we met??? hahahaha at cck mrt with wafi maria zak akmal weuuuu && then in the train talking about syawal HAHAHA sigh then we went to cv rmbr??? then go back jurong east then ask bangla help beli rokok HAHAHA funny sia then we photoshoot HAHAHAHAAH ccb i fucking miss u ok like i miss pakulu papito palabuto ya bye wantu cry

I miss us tbh , i wish you wld not push me away anymore . I feel sad that we are not close anymore and that we used to be so fucking close like wtf hahaha . Cheer up and sorryfor not being there fr u when u needed someone .

u can always ws me anytime put, im sorry too :(((d


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