

Ask @smashthepie

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And besides, people use new account to make a hue, you use your own personal. Suck up for followers much?

lol hahaha erm, you can actually choose to make a new account or just continue with your personal one. ha

I agree with the other anon, you're doing this because it's a trend, aren't you?

say whatever you want, you guys want me to be out of it? fine.

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Rape jokes isn't funny and you're a part of hue. Where the fuck is your humanity? Being raped is not funny

you're bringing up this matter again? i was referring to a jerk who left, who destroyed me, who ruined everything. you dont know shit what im going through so just shut the fuck up. stop judging for god's sake, why are you so bothered with that one tweet? don't tell me you didn't even once in your life, made jokes or tweet about someone you hate getting "raped" or getting "stabbed" ha ha ha

Im not even in hue but i know what is hue. You dont know what it is hahahhahaha and you asked me to explain you're stupid HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR ENGLISH FUCKING EMBRSMNT TO US

why is my life even bothering yours?

Try to put it into words like just summarise the main points

i cant even explain how fucked up my life is right now, at this fucking moment.

Being part of hue isnt about fame. You used to be normal and happy then put of sudden you're a hue? You're like 14 and in hue. And you dont even knows how to write poems you simply just lift and copy paste from tumblr and you told everyone you're in hue? Stop

are you a hue?

Stop pretending to be a hue just for the followers. Tbqh, your poems are shit. You just put words and sentences in the form of a poetry. What the fuck is that? Go back to your shitty kampung and go fuck guys la slut

lol, i didnt even say my poem was nice(?)

If youre hue you should know what is hue idiot

i know what it is, but you say i don't. so im asking you to explain it for me. ha ha ha, the irony.


before i was a hue or before i even joined illhueminati, my followers was close to 1k.

u're a hue account and i supposed u cannot be tweeting "i hope u got raped by a camel" this is ur account but it is under #illhueminati. getting raped isnt a joke

its meant to be a funny tweet


Language: English