

Ask @smashthepie

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You are pretty wasted.

hahaha nope? cause once ure older u dont rly have time for all of this since ure gonna be busy with work and all

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Is being rich good?

thr are pro's and con's tbh, but honestly i dont come from a rich family but im happy with what i have and some rich kids are very stuck-up like they dont know what it feels like to go through hardship so yeah kinda wasted

It's scary when a mentally ill person falls in love...

jahah okay???? yeah i guess so cause i tend to push away everyone and i'll even push away my boyfriend and it got to the point where i was so fucking depressed i didnt even wanna get out of bed, i couldnt get out of bed to go to school and to meet anyone, i just stayed in bed contemplating death and i pushed away my ex to the point he had to cheat i guess??? so hm maybe its my fault he had another girl since he was lacking attention in mine at that point of time but what i know is i gave him the best i could and i think thats all that matters


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