

Ask @smashthepie

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I'm so sorry!! I didn't see your bio.... gosh. I feel so bad for saying that you like you're 16. sorry!!!

its okay lol people says i look 12

hi tepung. idk whats wrong with the fucking haters but idk i adore your selfies because ur so cute

i love u orang minyak mwa

Heyyy..umm just ignore those anonymous persons..I mean they dk u well...only u urself know who u really are...dont be discourage by all these shits...Sabar separuh daripada iman and there is always a blessing in disguise:) So stay strong..ps ahh..im a stranger but umat islam patut tlg one another!

hahahaha thank u. x

I feel like punching your face. eh wait, I don't have to punch your face because it's already messed up.

hahahahahahahahahahaha u should join just for laughs u r funny :-)

you look like you belong in the zoo. with the animals. in their poop bins. because you look like poop.


I feel so bad for your sister. I can't believe she has a fucked up sister like you.

you want to hate on me? yeah, go on. but dont drag my sister into this u fucktard

and if you're not afraid, answer ALL the questions/remarks/comments that you received. yeah, I admit, I'm a coward because I don't dare to tell you this face to face. and if you think you're so brave, answer everything that you received.

lol i am answering every single one? lol not brave? grow some balls yoooo

You're not the only one, but you just happen to come across as attention seeking. If so many people say you are, why not consider that you actually are? Or are you in denial, in your own little perfect world where everything goes your way? Because it's not like that in reality. Wake up.

hey if im sleeping i wouldnt be answering these stupid questions

Heyyy..umm idk u but umm i just wanna say that just ignore the haters out there. U know urself the best...not them...so stay strong kays? People that is patient wil be rewarded:) Sabar separuh daripada iman kita:) Stay strong always!


and no, you're not the only one who's annoying. seriously, use your brain if you have one. you're the MOST annoying person.

lol u must have talked and befriended all the singaporeans or teenagers in singapore to actually find out im the worst fuh u must be somebody damnnnn

no, I'm not saying that you're the only one who backbites. eh, use common sense la. there are tons of other people who backbite, but you're the worst.

lol as if u know all the singaporeans hahahs fuh u must be somebody huh

you also talking bad about someone. hiding behind people's back

lol tell me a perfect soul who never once talked bad about someone and i will reconsider :-):-):-)

what that person is trying to say is, you backbite about people. that's haram. you should know that. you're a Muslim. if the person you backbite about didn't forgive you, you will not enter jannah. so please, stop backbiting about people.

oh so among all the other muslims, im the only one who backbites???? OH WOW WOWWWWEEEEE

look, you're ONLY 14. you're NOT supposed to be in a r/s. plus, if you're a Muslim, you should know that BGR is not encouraged. seriously, don't claim yourself to be a Muslim if you don't have any knowledge about your own religion.


oh, please sarcasm? No. i am not a sarcastic person. seriously, im not your hater but these days your making me annoyed

sila unfollow :-)


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