

Ask @smashthepie

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How did you meet your boyfriend!!!!?

i was suppose to watch insidious 3 with my friend but she last minute paitao so i watched alone...... WHICH IS A STUPID IDEA so i went to jcube since i was alr waiting for her till just now then like wasted if i go home.... the show was about to start la, like still got 5 mins more i think so i just randomly picked a seat and then i brought my popcorn and looked for my seat... then my seat was next to this one guy and it was at the corner. so during the show i was just tryna remain cool then got one part it got really scary i just clenched his hand HAHAH IT WAS SO SUDDEN AND I THINK ITS A NATURAL INSTINCT 😅😂 then I apologised to him and he said its ok and he asked if i was here alone and i said ya, so throughout the whole movie we talked, until the movie ended then he asked where i was gg and he asked me to eat dinner la, so we went 18 chefs and we ate then he sent me until the mrt cause he lived near jurong and then i forgot to ask for his number sigh!!! so omw home, i tweeted "insidious 3 was good and the guy at jcube was so cute" then aft awhile, someone followed me and ITS HIM HAHAHAHA he said he also tweet jcube then he go and search at the searchbox for the word "jcube" then saw my profile SO FROM THERE WE DATED HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEHWHHWHEEHHEHEHEHEHE jk bitches im free and single lol can someone be my boyfriend #imsolonely

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Why piercethenelia?

oh hahah its pierce the veil and caraphernelia so piercethenelia hahah quite lame but yeah lol

describeee 😇

wah this one hahaha!! 😛 vvv cute and vvv fierce ah, straightforward asfuck, same like me la haha huhu😁👌 short hiok and eyebrows always on point!!!! good taste in music also sigh fashion sense all on point mak oiii 😭😭😍 miss u qhu!!! see u soon okei hiok &&&&& lastlong! ❤️
Liked by: qнυ.

describe @shrlhkm yg stell gile tu

ahahah stell hahaah wtf is stell??? haahhaha erm idrk him but he's quite attractive and a pro skater but not so pro but still pro hahaahha stell hahahaaha wtf

tak layak pun sama fikri, perangai kau pergi betol kan .

and you are saying you're good enough for him? cool


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