

Ask @smashthepie

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define fafafafaffafafafafafafa idcfafafafafa

HAHAHAAHAH my anjek ainggggg hais my sister la since sec3 camp we bonded till now we do all stupid stuffs tgt and she knows all my ex dates like dafugnigga HAHAHAHA kk cerita lama but ya always having that "minah" vibe in her and tadi kecoh gila kat macd hais HAHAHAHAHA okok i love i anjekka and lastlong with riz ok baby love u xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: idcfafa

Describe your @ahleafhaikal

dk whr to start also ok so ermmmm HAHAH he's very very gay as in very sensitive la but thats good and he's clingy asf && thats good oso he's very short ok taller than me but short for a guy HAHAH im sorry and erm he's very insecure idk what for tbh like he's always worrying that i will fall for another guy or smtg like that which is stupid la bc obv i wont??!?!?!!!! idk how to describe him bc AHHHHHHH he means so much to me kkkkk i know this sounds gay as fuck and i dont do this normally but really la, he's really a nice guy like fuucking nice and everytime i pms at him everytime i get mad at him, push him away, ask him to leave, he will keep reassuring me that its not gg to happen and all that cheesy stuffs which is very gay for me but also at the same time, makes me feel assured la bc everyone needs reassurance sometimes aye??!???? im sorry for always making you feel jealous or whatever with all those boys not staying in their lane and esp your schoolmate, zzzz but we're just friends and i know "just friends" is bullshit bc we started out as "just friends" but i dont think he can give me that vibe whenever i see u tho and sometimes, its not ur fault if we fight, its the fault in our stars i love you ANNNNNNDDDD I JUST REALISED THIS IS SOME FUCKIG GAY SHIT ok im out peace yo alif haikal

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ay define me ah

HAHAHAHA errr annoying small boy??? hahaah jk cute la mcm smurf gitu kecik je hahaahag and ur snapchat ah ahahahahah so farni hAHHAHA okok cya in sch wee

Tell us a story on how you met your bf.

HAHAHA okok so i was on twitter and then ive been admiring him for quite awhile but i just fav fav fav his selfies la hahahahahah then one day i actually got the guts to mention him "gdnightttt" HAHAHAH then he reply me "ayy goodnight" then i like HAKAJAJAJAAHAH ok sorry so aft that i tweeted "can someone read me a bedtime story plz" then he mention me with a stooopid bedtime story which is shitty asf Hhaahahahahah but very funny so we continue the mention until he say he want sleep and then the next day, i posted a picture which says "rt for a tbh" then he rt so i compliment him all then we mention again then we got to the point of asking for his bank account then he say he will dm me for his bank account and check check..... HE DM ME HIS NUMBER HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH fucking yolo then i ws him la then i met him then ya HAHAHAHAA btw he is not my bf la hahahahahaah havent yet

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Thoughts on dion ng

welllllll very good drummer not bad erm and lastlong with ur gf ah boy HAHAHAHAHAHA and ver sachok


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