

Ask @smashthepie

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Lol, you are being so immature. Just let her do what she wants.

me? immature? firstly, me voicing out my opinion doesnt make me "immature". just bc i said something that other people doesnt agree with, doesnt make me "immature". she said something that sparked this whole twitter trend thing, and u are saying i am "immature" for "trending" her? oh cmon, jgn step yang kau tk pernah trend orang la. when u saw that caption, kau pon akan fikir that its fucking stupid. dont try to be a goddamn saint here and say im being all "immature" bc if she didnt say that sentence (even if its a joke LOL) we wouldnt start this whole frenzy shit. and yall may say "oh she's just saying it as a joke" or whatever dumb crap, but to some people, its a fucking load of bullshit and if i cant voice out my opinion on how i feel about that post, then u have no goddamn rights to voice out urs too. have a nice day. :)

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Liked by: nxxd ♡ ddddddddd

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And babe, do takecare of urself .. dont hurt urself pls, i cant bare seeing u getting hurt ..yeah takecare takrcare goodbye uhm love ya puteri

woah ok thanks??

Heyy i miss u so much, when ever i saw ur sad tweets i wished that u could be better soon.. and everytime i see ur snapchat.. everytime u smiled or laugh.. it makes me smiled too(': and please babe, cheer up okie.. miss u much xoxo


Put dont leave him put! Stay with him you guys are perfect together! Dont listen to haters babe! Stay with him. You leave it will be worst for him. Just stay with him and talk things out. Leaving is not gonna solve the problem.

there's nothing to talk about im sorry

My point is you should appreciate the little stuffs he do, I'm not someone to tell you how to mind your relationship, but one day you're going to lose him if you continuue your fucked up immature lame ass attitude

ya its my fault everything my fault la i dont deserve him, thats what ure saying right??? hahaha yeh i know that alr he's too nice for me yeh okay im not good enuf fr him thanks

Wtf girl?! Just because he needs some rest, you're mad at him for not meeting you?? Gosh..

haha sorry ah i not understanding ah kk

Amboi, mentang2 date kau Alif , kau step mane nye rabak eh girl, dia atasan kau pe ?



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