

Ask @smashthepie

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hey babe!! no one are meant to be alone ok? just dont ever let your emotion makes you want to let go of someone you truly love. But whtvr isit, cheer up. ignore those motherfuckers who say stupid things.

ahahah thanks?!!

Put! Even you donno who is me but i just wnna say that be strong yrself. Tht asker sakai. Beliau jeles dengan you and alif. And yeah. Stay strong. I alwys wth you ok put.

HAHAHAH sakai eh ahahah thx?!

Lol stfu you're just a fucking young kid. Go back to school & finish your studies first. Sekolah bodoh, nak matair step adult mane.

shoutout to all youngsters in a relationship ^^^^

Kau ni betina yang tak tahu hargai bende, memang patot la kau tinggalkan Alif, kau tak layakla untok die

ah ye semua salah aku

Kenape kau bodoh sangat gi lepaskan alif? Kau tak tahu ke dia sayang kau? Kau tahu nak sakitkan hati dia je, dulu kau yang tergila gila kan dia abih sekarang kau tinggal kan dia bodoh pe kau astaga

ah ye aku bodoh hahah

Are you&Alif okay?

we're fine... but lately i've been thinking that i dont deserve him. he's such a nice guy, really, its a blessing getting to know him, but me... im fucked up, im a huge mistake. i screw things up all the time, i was meant to be alone. alif doesnt deserve half the bullshit im giving him, i get mad, i yell at him,i push him away, all for nothing. its because i was too caught up in my emotions that i take it out on him, sometimes i feel fucking guilty because he'd do anything for me and all im doing is giving him tons of bullshit.... i cant make him happy, i wish i could but i cant.. there's nothing wrong with him, its just me... i was meant to be alone, and i dont wanna hurt anyone, not even myself. im sorry.


Language: English