

Ask @smashthepie

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Be happy for him

i cant keep lying to myself im not happy that he's not around i want him here i want him back down here

He probably wants you to be happy and do things you like and take care of yourself

yeah haha like drinking a cup of warm milk to help me go to bed but i dont think 10 cups will help me sleep now

Yes people make mistakes but for how long are you gonna sit and cry about it?

its never a mistake, its a choice i made

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Anon fk off and leave her alone ok someone may not looked depressed but damn they sure feel it

its ok i deserve this

actually i don't get how you are depressed with him going? Weeks before he decide to end his life , what were you doing with your life? I bet not even a speck of him were on your mind. Did u even check on him asking if he's okay? If u did then its my bad

its my fault, i get it

What do you think it means when someone says 'it's so hard to let you go because deep down inside of me I still hope you'll love me back'?

idk pls dont ask me

um im sorry.... but what made him go home like was it depression? im rlly sorry if im invading your privacy

he went home cause he didnt like it here

hey uhm errr can i get to knw u? i find u rly cute tho hehe

im not in the mood to get to know anyone im sorry

hey beautiful! have been scrolling my tl and saw ur tweets lately! cheer up alright! stay strong and insha allah everythin will get better soon!! :-)

rieqa evasqa

Would you want a tattoo if it wasn't a sin? Oh I truly wish it wasn't, I really want one but I can't have one since I am Muslim

i actually have one on my wrist hahah and yeah its a sin actually..............................

I have been fasting as I am supposed to, but I lose so much weight very quickly doing this, which makes me very self conscious, when I'm allowed to eat what do you recommend eating?

ermmmm eat the food that is the most nutritious????? i'd recommend drinking milk as well… however, its not your physical appearance u should be looking at during this holy month hahaha and may Allah make it easier for u :)x

Hi, I have just completely shut down. My mind is numb and I can't feel anything. I'm tired of being so insecure about my appearance. What should I do?

well that feeling is hard to ignore, but u have to be urself and after a while u start noticing that other people wont judge u (and the people who do judge u, are insecure themselves. so they try to get other people down, so that they feel better) im sorry if this isnt much of a help cause i have that problem myself, but i just try to be who i want to be, and other people have to accept that and there will always be people who like u for who u are

Haikal mana? Alif Haikal?

tkkan la yuzwan haikal HAHAHAH duh alif haikal bruh 😴😴😴😴😴


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