

Ask @smashthepie

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What do you mean?

FROM MY POINT OF VIEW LA OK. its like, posting your cuts on internet with the caption, "im sorry" or what. you're like gaining sympathy from other people to care, & then when they start to say things like "hey, im here for you." they'll be like "i have nobody." bla bla bla. no offence, but i think if they're truly depressed, they'll hide their scars from society. & not post it on the net to show they're "depressed". ok hahahaha, no judging ok. this is my p.o.v
Liked by: dan

Hey qt :-) Chin up , haters gonna hate . They are just jealous of you being cute hehe . They have nothing better to do other than hate people . Just ignore them okay ? I'll always be there you , you can share it with me if you need someone to talk to alright ? ;-) Iloveyou :-) xxx

nurafiqah99’s Profile Photofiqaah
hehe thank u cutie :-)
Liked by: fiqaah

stop hating on everyone and get a life you shallowed, low self-esteem bitch.

congrats, u just made it to my #1 hate list. :-)


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