

Ask @smashthepie

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Woots bro, i wasn't adding pain. I was just trying to awaken you back from being lost from the religion. Please ,do not jump into conclusions like how u did when u said it was your fault he died.

stop talking about him

Cheer up put. Jangan layan ah ni pkmk semua. I mean eventhough we aren't close anymore , i do hope u'll use me if u ever need anything :)) . Even a listening ear. 💕💕 So much love put

Liked by: SASHA

Wait, hold up bro. How are they angels? Furthermore , they will be punished in the afterlife for doing so. Come on bro. We are Muslims. Don't let your depression affect your religion. Istighfar. I know you're in pain but don't let that feelings take control over you

if u know im in pain why r u adding on to my pain?

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Nobody said you are faking ur mental illness? That anon clearly address "you" generally and not to you? Why feel the pinch? 😂

wow i sure have alot of haters

I can say nothing then..sorry about that..goodnight oh and you're really pretty just thought of telling you that


Oh dear, i'm sorry for what it may sounds. I was just sharing for the sake of sharing, to spread it around....god...:(

if you dont know anything i've been through then just dont say anything, cause im not that pathetic to be faking a mental illness and u think depression comes just like that??? i had a fucked up and a very traumatising past which led to me being depressed and eventually dropped out of school, thanks for the share of knowledge but i dont think it's necessary

Hate? Thats too strong.. don't take it that way. I was just politely sharing :)

so you actually thought i was just faking my depression? its so ironic cause u said u knew how it felt like to have depression yet ure assuming stuffs u dont even know? hmm cute

People should stop romanticizing depression. That shit is scary, if someone do not have depression do not even pretend that you have. Some symptoms are familiar but not all are because you have depression. Coming from someone who has depression eversince primary. Xo

is this a hate question?

U will get over depression. I know everything seems like a dark hole and there's no light (escape) but if you choose to get better. You will. I've been there done that. And honestly recovery is a long and slow process but my dear it's worth it in the end. I'll continue praying for you❤️stayStrong


Why didn't you talk to Ahloy?! And now he's dead, you're sad? You should have talked to him considering you're his gd fren!

r u blaming me for his actions? thats so unfair cause im alr blaming myself enough okay?!!!?!!?!!


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