

Ask @smashthepie

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HELLO hahaha omg it's been a long time since we last talked!! ure getting more attractive now!! cheer up ok don't always be sad and shit like that 😋👌 take care 🙊

Syafiq Mirza
hahaah thankyou mirza and see u around😊👋

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Haha what a joke you fast but you drink??? Lek lek sudah buang mase kau je pahala takkan nak tgk muke kau. Pembusuk nama melayu

kalau ada niat nak puasa, then it wont be a problem

Why you not schooling anymore babe!! Plsss answerrr TT

i've been getting this questions alot and i came clean last month but its okay, i'll repeat myself.....
4 months ago, i was hit with severe depression. it got so bad i couldnt get out of bed, i shut everyone out, i didnt eat sleep bathe, all i did was cry and cry and cry and smoke and smoke and cry. daily routine, i guess??? i didnt went out to meet my friends, i only allowed jurina to come over (she's my bestfriend) but then i pretended that i was fine. it got so bad until my principal had to come to my house to talk things out with me to persuade me to come to school, but i couldnt. i didnt wanna face anyone, i find it so so so tiring to put on a fake smile to school so i dropped out......


ikr hahahaha its like you dont wanna give up but then the pain is too much but bc u really really care and love them, u'd rather be put through hell cause they're just worth it 😔
Liked by: fiqaah

What actually happened?

tbh, idk.. i swear idk.. its so sudden.. suddenly one day i texted him and he didnt reply.. i spammed him and he last-seened me 😔 from monday until today, he still last-seened me.. i asked him if he still wanna continue talking to me or not, but he didnt reply... 😪 im stuck between giving up or just continue to stay... he's worth it, i know he is but.. idk 😞😞 things have goten so hard, its like im talking to a wall on whatsapp. i tell him about my day and i ask him about his, and he last-seened me... 😔😔😔 & the worst thing is, this is the 3rd time he's doing this😪 idk anymore
Liked by: dee ❥

Do u still msg him?

i still text him gdmorning and gdnight and i update him about my day and i hope someday, he'll eventually reply but for now, i guess not

Bertaubat la sikit. Islam tapi minum, da tkde V card abeh nak flirt sana sini. Jangan nak step astarghfirlahalazim ni semua kt replies kau menyampah aku tgk.

bulan puasa kau masih eh nak cari kebencian orang?

those on askfm asking you those nonsensical and unrelated questions. just let them be. you answering them makes them wanna ask more. no point answering if they're gnna disturb you. mocking irsyad and all. one thing, what do they get from mocking your relationship. nothing. they're don't thin#alhafiz

who is irsyad? and mocking what relationship?


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