
21 people

50 posts


If you could bring one thing from fiction to reality, what would you choose? Sci-fi futuristic tech? Magick? Dragons? Or something else?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I'd love to choose Dragons!😁🐲🐉But there is that off chance they might get peckish...😬😱🤣
So i'll choose the "Med bay" advanced healing pods from the Sci-Fi movie Elysium!😃 The damn things can cure cancer and even regenerate your body from any battle injury! (Apart from a headshot though😬🙈) And yeah that's Matt Damon in the GIF, if you haven't seen the movie yet!
If you could bring one thing from fiction to reality what would you choose Scifi

Много ли тебе нужно внимания по жизни? От кого? Что тебе это дает?

unedes’s Profile Photounedes
personal touch
Единственный вид внимания, который мне откровенно нужен, это личная отдача в ответ на проявленное _моё_ внимание.
Неожиданный положительный интерес без перегибов — это вообще headshot, порождающий целые цепочки дальнейшего развития событий. Ну не прекрасно ли.
Да, здесь всегда хочется "много" :)
А со всякими общественными признаниями я пока не определилась.
Много ли тебе нужно внимания по жизни От кого Что тебе это дает

hahaha pitchfork of shit🤣. I love that, Eliza😊👍. You can always make me smile with the elegance of your crudeness)). If I had any lights, I would give them to you for this answer (I'm minus 1700 at present), so you'll just have to accept these 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Thank u so much! I appreciate your comments cause they're like a headshot 😆👍🏼
For me it doesn't matter how much lights I have. More important the effect that my answers cause from readers. It's known that for writers such thing is the best achieve in the career)))
hahaha pitchfork of shit I love that Eliza You can always make me smile with the
+1 answer in: “Как ты относишься к современному высе.. творчеству артистов?”

Stell dir vor vor dir steht jemand mit einer Pistole und hat eine andere unbekannte unschuldige Person mit der ihr nichts zu tun habt in Gewahrsam und will sie umbringen. Du hast aber auch eine Waffe. wie würdest du handeln, würdest du ihn erschießen und damit die person retten oder einfach gehen?

Mac_Free’s Profile PhotoMirco
Natürlich den erschießen. Ist ja rechtlich legitim, wenn er mich und die andere Person in Gefahr bringt uns zu beschützen. Muss ja kein headshot sein, man kann ja auch in die Oberschenkel schießen 😂
Liked by: cemodo Mirco Shivani

والله صادك فيها و headshot كمان على قولت الفنان العريق كل شي حولي يذكرني بطبخه مش هيك يزم الحياه فيها معاني اعمق شوي من الاكل الواحد بصبح اول اشي مش بسولف هالقد

صبح الاول طييب 🌚😂😂
معاني اعمق من الاكل وين بعديين انا كان قصدي مش بس الاكل مشان هيك ذكرت الاماكن والاشخاص الي باكل معهم 🌚😂
+9 answers in: “رغد صاحية ؟”

Εγω για καλο το ειπα...αν μου ερχοταν τετοιες ερωτησεις..πιστολι headshot απο την οθονη, θα τους ειχα καθαρισει ολους...😂😂😂

Το σε λυπάμαι στο τέλος με μπέρδεψε. Αν τα έπαιρνα κατάκαρδα αυτά που λένε το headshot θα πήγαινε σε μένα, αλλά μου είναι αδιάφοροι οι ανώνυμοι του ask, που απλά επειδή δεν έχουν τι να κάνουν κράζουν πόσα acc. Και είναι τα ίδια άτομα πάντα.
+1 answer in: “Νταξει...διαβαζοντας τον τοιχο σου λυπαμαι τα ζωα που ειναι στο ζωολογικο κυπο 🤔🤔🤔🤔 καις κυτταρα εδω περα 😂😂😂 σε λυπαμαι 😂😂😂😂😂”

Se lo disegno tu, sarebbe carino fare un toonme, anche se un po'di spiace chiederlo e farti perdere tempo :)

iClaud90’s Profile PhotoClaudio
Beh alla fine è una commissione di lavoro, finché le persone non me lo chiedono gratuitamente non perdo tempo ?
Ho evitato lo stesso prezzo di un headshot a colori normale, quindi faccio un piccolo sconto e ogni toonme personalizzato viene 10 euro ?
Poi se una persona non ha la possibilità di commissionarmi, ogni tanto su instagram faccio dei post apposta per degli sketch headshot gratuiti a tot persone in cambio di condivisioni e pubblicità ?
Liked by: Claudio
+3 answers in: “L'hai disegnata tu la meta foto della toonme? Nel caso brava!”

-انت'ي واقف'ة بعربيتك في اشاره الساعه 4 الفجر ، وطلع عليك'ي واحد ب مطوة!😂 ، حطه علي رقبتك و قالك بطل'ي العربيه و انزل'ي ، عشان متأذيش نفسك وقفت'ي العربية ونزلت'ي قام هو ركب مكانك و هيدور العربيه و يطلع ، انت'ي لحسن الحظ معاك'ي مسدس ، و هو بيدور العربية كذا مرة ومش عارف ، رد فعلك ?

ifoneed’s Profile PhotoMOHAMED HELAL ؍؍
Headshot 🔫🎃
علي طول كده احنا هنهزر 😎😂😂😂

Apa jawaban kalian ketika doi nanya ke kalian mau kado apa untuk ulang tahun?? Alasannya? Terus salah gak kalo w jawab "gak mau minta apa apa, takut ngerepoti" ? padahal doi sama sekali gak ngerasa di repoti😊

Naning Sudiarty Damanik
Jawaban aku "aduh yang. Di ultah aku ini, aku bisa sama kmu aja udh lebih dari cukup kok yang. Aku juga ga mengharapkan sayang ngasih sesuatu ke aku. Tp klo mmg sayang mau ngasih sesuatu yg spesial buat aku, aku terima kok apapun dari sayang sepanjang tulus dari hati & bner2 ga merasa terbebani atas kadonya itu. Ga perlu yg mahal2 juga. Krn apapun pemberian dari sayang, itu udh terkesan mahal banget buat aku"
Salah sih engga. Cuma cara penolakan nya agak di perhalus dikit. Krn artinya klo doi nanya, brrti dia bner2 pengen ngasih sesuatu tp takut salah. Klo dngan penyampaian yang sangat bisa di mengerti & dengan cara2 tersendiri alias ga langsung headshot to the point, pasti bisa di terima bahkan kesan nya pun kita bisa mengahargai pertanyaan dan pemberian dia
+1 answer Read more

Ahaa....😂😂 Amúgy nem annyit lehetne tőlem hallani hogy headshot kill...😂 Tudom hogy játszol..😂❤ Kicsit sem vagy az...😁😂

Rockoscsaj’s Profile Photo⛧ᴘᴏᴋᴏʟ ÚʀɴŐᴊᴇ⛧
Darvasban az infó órák pls.. Fél percenként hallani hogy headshot, a terem másik feléből valamelyik meg már ordít hogy bazdmeg..😂
Érdekesen..Néha jól, néha szarul, jó az úgy xdd
Énis ezt mondom:33
+22 answers in: “Nikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”

İşte bu headshot oldu... Olsun belki aynı denize tükürmüş aynı metroya binmişizdir jsidsjdisk Neyse bebe liseliler için uyku vakti iyi geceler hoş sohbet idi

ahahah aynen o kadar sene illa denk gelmişizdir görüşmek üzere her zaman yazabilirsin 👍🏻👍🏻
Liked by: Sapyoseksüel Öznur

Oki, die Frage wiederholt sich, aber dürfen wir auch wieder bis in die Nacht vom 28. auf den 29. rein schreiben? (& btw, im lowkey dying.. 12 k, noch kein charatext und jeweils die Hälfte beider lovestorys fehlen noch.. headshot ^^' so langsam will ich einfach nur fertig werden ahahah)

dundunduuuuuuuuuun’s Profile Photoe u p h o r i a
Ja, du darfst ruhig in die Nacht hinein schreiben (aber nur, wenn du dann noch genug Schlaf bekommst, ich will ja nicht schuld sein, wenn du dann am nächsten Tag nicht fit bist... :'D <3).
Aber omg, der Steckbrief ist schon so lang? Ich freu mich schon so darauf, wenn ich deinen Kleinen dann zu lesen bekomme, ehrlich! *w* Aber ich drück dir alle Daumen und schick dir ganz viel Kraft rüber, dass du bald mit deinem Steckbrief fertig wirst, du schaffst das! <3

Ariichou❤️ jtiens à dire que j’adore gros notre poignée de main Hahah j’ai eux ben du fun avec toi cette ete bah enfaite c tjrs ben le fun avec toii❤️❤️ jtadore bcp pis j’ai hâte de te revoir peter des lignes pis faire des headshot à Hahaha ❤️😂 à bientôt !!!

Amy Boulet
Awn Amy hahaha que de beaux souvenirs ❤️

In Sarkandaugava there was one of my favorite movie theaters, and I did looked at some abandoned places there online, the goal is to habe an isolated place - no escape, or at least imitate it, but there must 2 or 3 more cool locations next to it. And can you grab a cool headshot with your pig mask?

Yeah, I got the idea. Ah, sorry, I left the pig mask in one of my exe's house, I'm afraid I wont be seeing it too soon. Sad because I really liked it. I still have the bunny, bear, Anonymous mask and I'm pretty sure there's more somewhere in my place.👀

birkaç hastalığım var ve doktora gittim et yemem gerek ama yemiyorum doktor ne yiyip kilo aldığımı sordu bende hamur işi diye cevap verdim ondan sonra bir ağzıma sıçmadığı kaldı yok işte erkekler de böyle kadınlardan hoşlanır aferin sana göbek bağla gerizekalı ol vs. sencede çok yanlış değil mi

Doktorun "insanı kamçılamak" terimini yanlış anlamış. Bu resmen hakarettir. Ama doktorların çoğu böyle. Ben daha 18ken falan şuan ameliyat olacağım hastalığım için "ileride net çocuğun olmayacak" demişti ve lönk diye hani. Amk psikolojim zaten pert, 18 yaşındaki bi kıza böyle söyleyemezsin. Neyse ki ameliyat olup HEADSHOT yapacağım
Liked by: aslı yosshy Sakira

Tbh//: Ma chaudière, ma partenaire de Lazy Town, la fille qui est traumatisée en science par les acouchements du prof... je vous présente Megan Tessier!😂❤ La meilleure, la belle, joueuse de soccer que je connaisse qui me headshot au mini tournoi hahaha!! Entk jtm bcp pis je veux pu jamais te perdre❤

Tkt la chaudière est présente haha, "go go go go the lazytown" best émission ever, caliss la prof est à côté de moi hahaha, thx laue j'te renvoie ça❤, my bad srx ctait pas fait exprès hahaha, moi non plus jveux plus te perdre ma chaudière preff💘

Du hast dem Jungen den heftigsten Headshot den ich jemals sah gegeben. Präzision--> 💯 Ich weis noch als du dich bei ihm entschuldigt hast und er voll Angst vor dir hatte XD

Selbst jetzt wenn ich daran denke wie das ablief bekomm ich einen Lachflash😂
Ich glaub ich habe noch nie in meinem Leben jemanden durch einen Ball so weit wegfliegen gesehen😂

What is one of your favorite "non-meta"/non-optimal DPS guns to use during raids? (Besides Hawkmoon since it's the obvious answer) Really asking based on how it feels to shoot, but any reasoning is fine.

The First Curse during Warpriest. It's a gun I rarely get to use, but is actually pretty good in that encounter specifically. As long as you wait until your gun gets low ammo, the thing can hold a lot of shots and can snipe cross map. Plus it's one of the few hand cannons I have that doesn't cause explosions. The bonus range on headshot kill is helpful for the brand phase, even though it's rarely needed.

- Ask như cặc người ta :) Bớt xàm lồn đi bạn trẻ :) Mới mở lên là gặp thứ gì đâu rồi :) Khùng thì chết mẹ cho rồi đi :) Sống chi cho chật đất vậy bạn trẻ :) ĐM bạn :) Thứ chó gì đâu :) Não không có nếp hay sao mà đi ask mấy câu không văn minh lịch sự như vậy :)

Tau ask nhìu người lắm nên không biết mày là con ml nào đâu kkkk bỏ ẩn bố mày cho 1 slot headshot chéo chéo

Krdşm sana headshot atmak istemiyorum bak elim ayağıö titriyo beyninin pekmezinden niagara şelalesi akıtmayim krdşm tmm mı

bundan sonra yeni dalga konumuz niagara şelalesi olcak tşk ederiz bize yeni bişi bulduğum için
Liked by: Elif Hazal Yoldar

Je suis d'accord avec l'anonyme ! Tu es une très belle femme quel naturel quel sourire ! Super jolie vraiment et c'est sincère !!

Je ne me sens pas du tout comme une femme et encore moins comme une belle femme haha. Mais c'est un message qui me tournevrille le cerveau tout en me faisant du bien. Donc merci beaucoup pour ce message, si tu savais comme il va m'aider à remonter la pente la prochaine fois où mon moral ira se cacher dans mes chaussettes....
Sans rire, vos messages comptent beaucoup pour moi. Merci, sincèrement.

Mogę odrobinę wolniej odpisywać.. Szkicuję postać. Nie lubię używać czyichś artów a muszę narysować aż dwie bo Ash, czasem jest dziewczyną. A po za tym to się wkurzam bo wyciągnąłem kolczyki z warg i nie mam się czym bawić.

Ash Skyre V. Tarranto R.I.P.
Spoko loko Maroko, ni ma problemu.
Ja ostatnio naszkicowałam headshot mojej ponysony. Dwa razy. W przeciągu dwóch tygodni.
I progress niezły zrobiłam xD
To je załóż z powrotem, co za problem jprdl

Goeiemorgen allemaal.❤ Hebben jullie ooit wel eens iets gedaan, waar je achteraf heel veel spijt van had? Zoja, wat dan? #quoteoftheday Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they are behind you for a reason.💫

Een headshot gemaakt bij mn slechtziende overgrootoma met een nerf-pijltje 😂
Liked by: demi ELISHA

🌺Hello people!~~🌺 ✨MANGANIMEDAYS✨ #18. What anime was better then expected? // ➡ https://ask.fm/OP07/answers/142497689228

Probably Keijo.
At first, I wasn't quite into it because of all the inappropriate scenes, but the plot turned out nicely and, at the end I found myself anticipating and hoping for a second season. I'm curious and I need answers.
Headshot at its finest.

https://ask.fm/sehrish774/answer/142377359246 Don't worry 😊 Life is the most difficult game , it ought to cross your limit of imagination ! Just breathe in , and play alertly as next time devil comes thru , headshot that bastard and scream 'Yes I'm a Warrior, nd u cannot take away whatever u want'

PulkitSharma62’s Profile PhotoJustice
Thank you so much. I have been recently receiving so much love from India and this is overwhelming. It makes me believe there still are nice people in the world.🙂

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