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Uma das questões que torna a Matemática, a Física e a Filosofia difíceis é justamente o aspecto lógico. Ou seja, não há como você manipular com palavras. Pois há que se raciocinar e corretamente. Se não não se aprende. E além disso essas áreas aprofundam seus conhecimentos.

SilvioZanin’s Profile Photoslvzanin
Sim. O fato de serem intrinsecamente lógicas, de modo diferente das ciências biológicas e humanas, faz com que seu estudo seja mais difícil. Não estamos acostumados, na vida cotidiana, a ser exclusivamente lógicos, como um Doutor Spock. Nosso falar não é lógico. Esse aprendizado é custoso, justamente porque contraria nossos hábitos cotidianos. Mas seu aprendizado traz vantagens em todas as outras áreas da vida. Exatamente por ser tão lógico. Aqui no Ask eu vejo isso em pessoas que insistem em uma abordagem convencional e prosaica dos tópicos enquanto eu insisto em aplicar lógica a qualquer assunto, especialmente em termos de conceituação do que seja. Como, por exemplo, do comunismo, do socialismo e de outras noções sociológicas, psicológicas, históricas e por aí vai. Há uma resistência por parte dos estudiosos desses setores em usar a lógica. Daí ser interessante que matemáticos, astrônomos, físicos e cientistas da computação trabalhem, também, nesses assuntos.

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Show your doll collection pls 🤩

All? That's definetly too huge to fit in just one photo) And kinda famous either. I have approximately 170 or something.
That is my favorite cabinet near my work area, i decorated it for spring a wee. Received the perfect body for Spock on friday💙
Show your doll collection pls

Salvador, ten una bonita noche buena y una grata navidad ⛄🌲

CiinCa’s Profile Photo°•*☆ ᴄɪɴ ☆*•°
@CiinCa 🎄 Cindy, te felicité en tu Ask, buen fin de año 🎉
"Star Trek Reboot 1" -- "Star Trek Reinicio 1"

USA (2009) Estreno 08-05-2009
Duración: 127 min
Producción: Bad Robot, Spyglass, Paramount
Distribución: Paramount
Music: Michael Giacchino
Guión: Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci
Dirección: J.J. Abrams

Chris Pine (Cap Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Oficial Spok), Karl Urban (Dr McCoy), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Simon Pegg (Scotty), John Cho (Timonel Sulu), Anton Yelchin (Chekov), Bruce Greenwood (Cap Pike), Ben Cross (Padre Spok), Winona Ryder (Madre Spok), Eric Bana (Nero), Leonard Nimoy (Spok mayor), etc.

Franquicia Star Trek creada: Gene Roddenberry (USA, 1921/1991)
Serie Star Trek (TV 1966/1969).
Varias Series (TV 1988, 1993, 1995, 2001, 2017, 2020).
Serie animada (TV 1973/1974).
Saga 10 Películas (1979/2002).
Comics, Novelas, Revistas, Juegos, Videojuegos.
Películas Star Trek:
1 Película. Voyager (1979) Kirk
2 La Ira de Khan (1982)
3 En busca de Spok (1984)
4 Salvar La Tierra (1986)
5 Ultima Frontera (1989)
6 País Desconocido (1991)
7 Nueva Generación (1994) Picard
8 NG Primer Contacto (1996)
9 NG Insurrección (1998)
10 NG Némesis (2002)
Reinicio 1 Nero (2009)
Reinicio 2 Darkness (2013)
Reinicio 3 Beyond (2016)

Oscars, Bafta, Empire, Hollywood, Scream, Grammy, Teen Choice, Productores, Guionistas, Actores, Críticos.
Lanzada también en DVD
Taquilla Mundial: 386 millon dolar

Base Flota Estelar en La Tierra.
Espacio profundo.

Capitán Kirk, Oficial Spok, Dr McCoy, Teleco Uhura, Ingeniero Scotty, Timonel Sulu, Navegante Chekov, Cap Pike, Padre Spok, Madre Spok, Romulano Nero, Spok de mayor, etc.

Una nave espacial de la Federación, "USS Kelvin", explora una tormenta eléctrica que produce un agujero negro.
Una avanzada nave romulana dispara contra los exploradores y los inutiliza.
El capitán de la Kelvin se reúne con ellos y es asesinado por Nero, un romulano que también ordena destruir la nave de la federación.
El primer oficial de la Kelvin, George Kirk, ordena huir en lanzaderas.
Se daña el piloto automático y George se queda para colisionar contra la nave romulana, mientras su mujer está dando a luz en una lanzadera.
Está naciendo James Tiberius Kirk, futuro capitán de la "USS Enterprise".
20 años después, ingresan en la Flota Estelar:
James Kirk, Spock (hijo de una humana y un vulcano), McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, etc.
En una misión vuelven a encontrarse con Nero y la nave romulana...

Cine de ciencia ficción, aventura, acción, drama, amistad.
Buen guión, adaptación, secuencias, acciones, interpretaciones, efectos, música.

https://youtu.be/pKFUZ10Wmbwsalquial’s Video 168498783801 pKFUZ10Wmbwsalquial’s Video 168498783801 pKFUZ10Wmbw

https://youtu.be/ngqGEimtqRYsalquial’s Video 168498783801 ngqGEimtqRYsalquial’s Video 168498783801 ngqGEimtqRY

https://youtu.be/7TSsdMOmDdgsalquial’s Video 168498783801 7TSsdMOmDdgsalquial’s Video 168498783801 7TSsdMOmDdg

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Salvador ten una bonita noche buena y una grata navidad

(If you don't celebrate Christmas, just ignore this question 👍) - Would you prefer someone buy a Christmas present you ask for or have it be a surprise? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 👍 🙃

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I am not sure that they will be able to find and distinguish the original Spock M9487/N5501, so let them give what they can
I'll buy Spock myself.

Share some good memories 😊

Ervilin’s Profile PhotoE R V I L I N
A lot of times I remember things based on what age I was, which I recall by remembering what grade I was in. Other times I just remember random bs. Like my mom was about to throw out this nice reclining chair we had, and I remembered going with her to look for it when I was younger and the salesman saying "if there are any problems with the chair, we will come out and fix it, and we will also replace the chair entirely one time". I told her that based off memory from 13 years ago. She had no idea that was even a thing, but it turned out I was indeed correct. As a child and all through my adulthood I have had difficulty expressing my emotions. My grandmother was the first person to start calling me "Spock" as a joke, but it actually stuck and became a running bit for most of my life. Star Trek was always popular in my family, and I have many fond memories of watching TOS and TNG with my mom and dad in the living room, while eating our dinners from TV trays. A few years ago he fought the battle against cancer and lost. I gave the eulogy at the funeral, and in the parking lot afterwards my mom handed me an envelope and told me that he had given it to her near the end, and that I wasn't to open it until the end of that day. Inside was a complete set of Tops collectible trading cards depicting the entire crew of the USS Enterprise. On the Spock card was a post it note, and written in a shaky hand was, "Always remember that Spock was half human. I love you." When my ex and I first started dating, we'd fallen asleep all wrapped up in each other. I woke up during the night and noticed how nice the feeling was, our arms and legs tangled together, the way she smelled, her breathing into my chest. Even though it was sort of chilly we didn't need the blanket like we usually did, and I thought to myself "man, this is the best".
A couple of weeks later we both happened to get foot injuries the same day. We booked our appointments to the university wellness center, and both went at the same time. For whatever reason, her appointment got done on time, but mine was 20 minutes off schedule. As she was finishing up her appointment, she walked past me waiting for the doctor in the examination room. I told her that I was still waiting to be seen, and I was going to tell her that she could leave if she wanted to, but before I got the chance, she offered to wait for me out in the waiting room. I had a rather tumultuous childhood, and that was the first moment in my life I genuinely felt like someone truly cared about me. Nobody saw it, but that was the only time I've ever had happy tears in my life. We broke up in May. I wish things had lasted longer, but I'm getting to the point where I can appreciate the good memories without longing for her. When you hit that stage, you can really be at peace with things.

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Szerinted mikor kell először felvilágosítani a gyerekeket szexuálisan, és milyen módszerekkel? Ki(k)nek a feladata, hogy ezt megtegye? Neked mikor lett sejtésed arról, hogy a gyerekek úgy fogannak meg, ahogyan, és pisilésen kívül másra is lehet használni a...(érted)?

adrianmiskki’s Profile PhototheDrian
Akkor elmondom, én hogyan csináltam.
Amikor a lányok kicsik voltak, ovisok, nem gyakran merült fel a dolog, de azért rákérdeztek, hogy lesz a kisbaba. Akkor még annyit mondtam, hogy van egy-egy magocskája az anyukának és az apukának is, ezek találkoznak, mert szeretik egymást anya meg apa, és anya hasában kezd nődögélni a kisbaba, majd az anyukából bújik majd elő (4 éves korukban tovább nem kérdeztek, hogy hogyan kerül az anyukába, meg honnan bújik ki pontosan, ilyesmiről nem érdeklődtek, de feleltem volna erre is olyan módon, ami számukra közölhető és megérthető ennyi idősen).
10 éves koruk körül már beszéltem a menstruációról és felkészítettem őket fizikálisan is, mik legyenek náluk mindig egy kis neszeszerben, mit kell csinálni akkor, stb. (Jól is tettem, hogy már ekkor téma volt...)
Ennek kapcsán átbeszéltük (többnyire én beszéltem, ők szégyellték a témát, de azért nagyon figyeltek) azt is, hogy a menstruációt követően már - sajnos, még gyerekfejjel - alkalmassá válik a szervezetük arra is, hogy teherbe essenek. Ugyanekkor olyan felvilágosító irodalmat is kaptak tőlem (kamaszlányoknak készült, őket érintő szinte minden témát felölelő könyvet, a fiúk iránti érdeklődéstől a sminkelésen, a barátságon, bulizáson és sok más témán keresztül a szexualitásig mindent taglalt, ami foglalkoztat egy kamaszlányt).
Ha nagyon ritkán kérdeztek valamit (de szégyelltek ilyesmiről), akkor nyíltan válaszoltam rá, bármi volt az. 12 éves koruk körül már beszéltem több mindenről is. Volt, hogy ők is pirultak, meg én is, de nagyon fontosnak tartottam.
Úgy érzem, eléggé rendesen felkészítettem őket, mivel ezt alapvetően a család (lányok esetén elsősorban az anya) feladatának tartom.
Én nem voltam ezzel ilyen szerencsés, nekem a - pedagógus - anyum az égadta világon semmit nem mondott, de szerencsére időben "felkészültem" a kamasz-szakirodalomból (apukám révén, akitől a láthatásokon sok könyvet kaptam). Akkor még csak egyetlen ilyen könyv volt kapható kis hazákban, dr. Benjamin Spock könyve. Manapság, úgy tudom, már nagy a választék. Meg nem is nagyon olvasnak a kamaszok, csak jóformán tudatlanul, ostobán belevágnak. Tisztelet a kivételnek.

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Nenne mal drei Fakten über dich. Zwei sind richtig und eine ist falsch. Ich errate dann, welche falsch und welche zwei richtig sind.🤓😁

Okay, aber dann muss ich es ja kniffelig machen, weil du verhältnismäßig viel über mich schon weißt 🤔
Ich habe in Österreich an einem Wasserskisteg gearbeitet und das war mit Abstand der geilste Job meines Lebens. Von meiner Wohnung aus waren es vllt 30m Luftlinie zu einem Glasklaren Badesee.👏🏻
Ich bin letztes Jahr aus dem dritten Stock gefallen und hab mir fast das Genick gebrochen.😅
Ich kann auf Teufel komm raus nicht diesen Spock Gruß 🖖🏻. Keine Ahnung warum, es klappt einfach nicht😂
+6 answers Read more

Które z Twoich postaci były lub są najtrudniejsze do prowadzenia?

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Nie pamiętam wszystkich swoich postaci,⠀⠀więc
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀zostańmy przy tych, które prowadzę.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Już z samymi ⠀postaciami kanonicznymi⠀jest taki
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀problem, że trzeba przy nich przestrzegać jakichś
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀tam zasad, a ja z zasadami zwykle jestem na bakier.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Na⠀pewno⠀sporo⠀pracy⠀wymaga⠀prowadzenie
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Doktora.⠀ To on jest centrum swojego uniwersum,
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀a⠀wydarzenia⠀nie⠀toczą⠀się⠀linearnie,⠀⠀ więc
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀utrzymanie tej postaci w miarę sensownie wymaga
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀obszernej⠀znajomości⠀świata przedstawionego,
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀a także researchu różnego rodzaju ze względu na
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀oszałamiający umysł samego Władcy Czasu.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Postacią, która jest dla mnie najtrudniejsza - z tych,
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀które mam w # - jest Spock.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀Kiedyś ⠀w⠀rozmowie z @your_favourite_trickster
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀doszliśmy do wniosku,⠀⠀⠀że ja nie miałem prawa
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀pojawiać się z tą postacią i do dziś nie wiem skąd
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀wziąłem ten pomysł. Jego spokój ducha i zdrowy
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀rozsądek,⠀ta⠀chłodna,⠀pełna logiki⠀i⠀stoicyzmu
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ osobowość stanowi dla mnie wyjątkowo trudną do
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀przekroczenia granicę. Bardzo go lubię i na pewno
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ go nie porzucę, ale żeby nim pisać potrzebuję się
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ właściwie nastroić, ponieważ prywatnie bliżej mi
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ do Jima niż do niego.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙

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¿Qué opinas de los intercambios de 🔥 Recompensas, Monedas, Coins, Fueguitos o como sea que quieran llamarlas?

VillalobosIJ’s Profile Photo@villalobosij
Creo que es interesante, pero no lo hago ya que los estoy acumulando, supongo que de algo me servirán en un futuro..
#RubyRose abandona inesperadamente #Batwoman por lo que ya buscan una sustituta para protagonizar la 2da temporada. Al mismo tiempo CW confirma que #WarrenChristie sera #BruceWayne / #Batman en el #Arrowverse!
Zack Snyder y Warner habrían llegado a un acuerdo para que el #SnyderCut de #JusticeLeague llegue a por #HBOMax sea como film o miniserie! Incluso se grabarían nuevas escenas para completar esta versión no oficial
#DisneyPlus prepara una serie live-action de #AhsokaTano protagonizada por #RosarioDawson. Ella debutara en la 2da temporada de #TheMandalorian y podría aparecer en la serie de #ObiWan junto a #EwanMcGregor!
#AdamSandler protagonizara #Hustle, film producido por #LeBronJames para Netflix, en el cual sera un caza talentos que tras su despido descubre una joven promesa desea llevarlo a la NBA
#TomHardy protagonizara la nueva miniserie de #JoshTrank sobre los orígenes de la CIA..
Trailer de #Da5Bloods, film de Netflix dirigido por #SpikeLee y protagonizada por #ChadwickBoseman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFyVJ86ZKbE&feature=youtu.beJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 GFyVJ86ZKbEJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 GFyVJ86ZKbE
#TimothyOlyphant se une a la 2da temporada de #TheMandalorian
La 7ma y última temporada de #AgentsOfShield mostrara las consecuencias del snap de Thanos
2do Trailer de #SpaceForce, la nueva comedia de Netflix protagonizado por #SteveCarell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO19K7oqZMc&feature=youtu.beJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 nO19K7oqZMcJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 nO19K7oqZMc
La 2da temporada de #TheUmbrellaAcademy llegara el 31 de julio a Netflix
#ColinFarrell adelanta que #ElPingüino no tiene un papel muy importante en #TheBatman
Primer póster de #SupermanAndLois, la nueva serie del #Arrowverse
Muere a los 86 años el actor y comediante #FredWillard por causas naturales
Portada oficial del videojuego #MarvelsAvengers
#DavidArquette regresara en #Scream5
Portada de #WW84 en la revista #SFX
#StarTrekDiscovery tendrá un spin-off protagonizado por Spock y Pike
#ErinKellyman se une a #FalconAndWinterSoldier
Nueva imagen de #WonderWoman1984
#MindyKaling y #DanGoor escribirán #LegalmenteRubia3
Trailer de #ForceOfNature protagonizado por Mel Gibson y Emile Hirsch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLaFyIgo18g&feature=youtu.beJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 mLaFyIgo18gJonasRiquelme’s Video 160443367898 mLaFyIgo18g
#RooneyMara y #JoaquinPhoenix esperan su primer hijo
Ving Rhames y Vanessa Kirby volverán en #MI7 y #MI8
#MahershalaAli comparte un dibujo de él como #Blade

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Qué opinas de los intercambios de  Recompensas Monedas Coins Fueguitos o como

Ist es nicht sehr gefährlich mit künstlicher Intelligenz zu hantieren, in einer Gesellschaft wo die natürliche Intelligenz nur sehr primitiv entwickelt ist?

simonalein_’s Profile PhotoSimona ⁽⁽⁽i⁾⁾⁾
In einer Gesellschaft wo die natürliche Intelligenz nur sehr primitiv entwickelt ist?
Ich kenne deinen persönlichen Background nicht, weiß nicht in welcher Gesellschaft du dich bewegst, in meiner befinden sich viele Menschen mit hoher Intelligenz, tatsächlich auch sind und das nicht nur von sich behaupten... Ich beteilige mich nicht an Verschwörungen und wohin uns K.I. bringen wird, liegt in unserer Hand. James T. Kirk und Commander Spock hatten noch ein Klapphandy, pffff

♡ * ‣ ᴡɪᴇᴄᴢᴏʀᴇᴋ : Gdyby Spock został zmuszony do pozbycia się wszystkich swoich wspomnień, oprócz jednego, na które padłby jego wybór?

YXUR_REVDER’s Profile Photoreisa's place ⋆ ♡
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✉ ⠀⠀ ⁄⁄ ⠀⠀ a͟u͟t͟h͟o͟r͟'s͟ l͟o͟g͟
Spock nigdy nie przyznałby się wprost do tego, co leży mu na duszy, ogłosiłby wręcz, że wybieranie wspomnień w emocjonalny sposób jest nielogiczny i gdyby ktoś stanął przed takim wyborem powinien kierować się bardziej racjonalnymi motywami, jednak bez względu na to jak bardzo by się wypierał, nie można zaprzeczyć, iż wspomnienie, które jest dla niego najcenniejsze dotyczy jego matki, z którą łączy go wyjątkowo silna więź.
Amanda chroniła go w młodości, kiedy był w niebezpieczeństwie, kiedy miał kłopoty i doskonale rozumiała jak trudno było mu pogodzić ze sobą ludzką i wolkańską część osobowości.
Decyzja byłaby jednak o tyle trudna, że Spock ma dwie inne osoby, na których mu zależy i których nie chciałby zapomnieć. Mowa oczywiście o Leonardzie McCoyu i Jamesie T. Kirku. Wspomnienia dotyczące Bonesa są szczególnie cenne dla Spocka, którego ja prowadzę, ze względu na uczucie, jakim komandor darzy pokładowego lekarza.

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀{ @cthia_ }

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀LOST ⠀⠀IN ⠀⠀SPACE
⠀⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⠀⠀⠀ ╱⠀❛ ᴼᶰᶜᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵉˡᶤᵐᶤᶰᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ⠀ IMPOSSIBLE,
⠀⠀⠀ ʷʰᵃᵗᵉᵛᵉʳ ʳᵉᵐᵃᶤᶰˢ,⠀ʰᵒʷᵉᵛᵉʳ⠀ᶤᵐᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇˡᵉ,⠀ᵐᵘˢᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵗʰᵉ TRUTH.
⠀⠀⠀ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶰᵉᵛᵉʳ⠀ᵘᶰᵈᵉʳˢᵗᵒᵒᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵉᵐᵃˡᵉ ᶜᵃᵖᵃᶜᶤᵗʸ ᵗᵒ ᵃᵛᵒᶤᵈ ᵃ ᵈᶤʳᵉᶜᵗ ᵃᶰˢʷᵉʳ ᵗᵒ
⠀⠀⠀ A⠀⠀N⠀⠀Y ⠀⠀⠀Q⠀ U ⠀E⠀ S⠀ T⠀ I⠀O⠀N. ⠀❜
⠀⠀⠀━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀ˢᵖᵒᶜᵏ & ᶤʳᶤˢ⠀━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ https://justpaste.it/StarNews_07
⠀⠀⠀❛⠀ᴵᶰˢᵘᶠᶠᶤᶜᶤᵉᶰᵗ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ᶠᵃᶜᵗˢ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ᶤᶰᵛᶤᵗᵉ ⠀⠀ ᵈᵃᶰᵍᵉʳ. ⠀❜

"Einander kennen? Wir müßten uns die Schädeldecken aufbrechen und die Gedanken einander aus den Hirnfasern zerren." [Georg Büchner. Dantons Tod, Akt 1, Szene 1] Was denkst du darüber?

quetzop1’s Profile PhotoFritz-Ferdinand von Pinguin
Kommt mir fast so vor wie in alten Star Treck Folgen, wo Mr. Spock Gedanken überträgt ^^
Ne, das muss nicht sein. Man kann doch den verbalen Gedankenaustausch praktizieren. Das ist wesentlich schmerzfreier. ?

“We can’t get greedy with both now, Jim. Besides kisses are a hundred times better than hugs. Especially my kisses.” He said playfully.

“Someone's being playful. Alright then Mr Spock. I'll take the kisses.” Jim replied with a smirk on his face. God bless Christopher Pike, wherever he is now, for actually teaching Spock that his more human side is always there and he should embrace it

Me he sentido muy pero que muy identificado con tu respuesta. Ayer mismo le dije a mi madre lo entusiasmado que estaba por Avengers Endgame (Marvel también fue una válvula de escape para mí) y me dijo que madurara....A mi las personas que expresan sus emociones como tú y yo me parecen valientes.

No entiendo por que la gente piensa que esas cosas son para niños, este tipo de películas están siendo poco a poco más para adultos que para niños. No me imagino a un niño de 8 años viendo algunas escenas de Deadpool o Venom por ejemplo.
Pienso que si el mundo fuese un poco menos cruel, hubiese menos acoso, abusos y cosas así nadie tendría que usar estas películas como escape o como lo único bueno en su vida.
En mi entorno mostrar emociones siempre ha sido algo débil, malo o motivo de burla, así que ser taan empatica siempre me ha parecido algo malo, siempre he intentado ser una pequeña Sheldon Cooper, si ves Big Bang lo entenderás, o un Spock de Star Trek, pero no funciona, así que me toca ver spoilers para no reaccionar .
¿Por qué las personas normales y comprensivas siempre viven tan lejos...? Estoy rodeando de pequeños Thanos, o de gente como Odin que es aun peor ..

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+3 answers in: “¿Cuál es vuestra relación con los spoilers?”

“I hope I can see you on your feet.” Charlotte teased, her bag slung over her shoulder as she looked at Kirk. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
“Is this a challenge?” Jim smirked, McCoy rolling his eyes. Of course. Typical Jim. “Me and Spock are busy here but we will see you soon. Enjoy it for now.” he smiled, McCoy finally softening his expression “Okay. Rest, Jimbo, I won't be here to fix you if you mess yourself.”
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

The vulcan had heard his captain saying the last line countless of times.So this time he did try to calm down as he was informing Sulu about Jim's orders. Though he looked at the wound once again.

⚫James Aston⚫
Jim was holding Spock's hand tightly, until the two were beamed on board, McCoy and some nurses taking Jim away.
Jim was awake and well after two hours. Spock couldn't know. So the captain thought he'd surprise him. He was still stumbling slightly, but the ship moving slowly helped a lot. “Told you not to worry.”

“Look at that.” She said as she walked back inside the med bay, chuckling. “They’re not arguing over anything. It’s revolutionary.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
“Oh, but we don't always argue” Kirk smirked, even Spock raising an eyebrow, McCoy simply rolling his eyes. They were close to earth. They would deliver Lenore, they would wait for the trial, all this would be over
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

Charlotte smiled a bit brighter, standing up. “I need to go call my kids and let them know I’m coming home.” She said, chuckling. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen them.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
McCoy nodded, taking out his communicator “I'm coming home in a few days. I'm taking her.” was all he said. Him and his wife didn't have much to discuss.
Spock didn't leave Jim's bedside. The captain was still sleeping peacefully, recovering slowly. He would be okay. Spock was sure. McCoy too.
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

“I’d be happy to be her aunt.” She smiled, going to lean on on of the biobeds. “But how do we convince Kirk to get us shore leave?”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
“You have it..” a weak voice came from Kirk's biobed, Spock already holding his captain's hand tightly “Once we reach earth there's a gap of two weeks before the trial. You are free to go anywhere.. you too Spock..” were his words, you could barely hear him. He was still exhausted. He closed his eyes almost instantly “We'll go to riverside together as I promised you Captain. You can show me your hometown..” his Vulcan partner spoke, Jim nodding in a heavy exhale
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

Charlotte called the other guards back in, shaking her head as she left the room. She would have just k.illed her, but it wasn’t her fight. She had other things to worry about. She walked to the medbay to try and find Bones in the meantime.

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
Spock didn't say anything. He just took Jim's hand and held it tightly on his, letting his touch telepathy do the work.
In the meantime, McCoy moved closer to Charlotte “Looking for me?” he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder “You look like a mess.. Wanna talk to me about it?”
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

"Over my d.ead body." She spat at him, going up to the glass. "I'd rather d.ie than be given over to the federation," Lenore said but got a little quieter once realizing that her words had little to no weight. She was already in the hands of the federation.

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
“It's not up to you.” Spock exclaimed, moving away instantly. He walked away, heading straight towards the med bay. Jim was the most important one for him. He was a priority. Engaging with her right now wasn't important. After all, as he said, it's not up to her.
He walked inside, finding Jim peacefully sleeping on his bed. He exhaled deeply, moving by his side.
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

Charlotte huffed and followed him into the room, shaking her head. “Fine.” She mumbled, eyeing Lenore as they walked in. She gave a head nod to the other guards to signal them to leave for the time being. This was private.

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
As Spock walked in, his expression became cold, standing right in front of Lenore's cell “I do not care what exactly you told my captain. The only thing I care about is that he's unconscious once again and this is thanks to you so I will be brief.” he paused, moving even closer to the glass “You will be taken to the federation headquarters were a trial will follow and you will be punished.”
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

“Spock she threatened to k.ill you!” She said, grabbing his arm to stop him from going in. “She’s obviously mentally disturbed, talking to her won’t amount to anything.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
Spock seemed hesitant, yet he shook his head negatively “No. I must talk to her. Make myself clear. Logic must stay aside for this one.” the Vulcan spoke. He would rarely say that. He only said that went something was personal. And this was.
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

“Not if the captain is stuck in medbay.” She sighed, following Leonard out and then going with Spock to Lenore. “Spock, you shouldn’t talk to her it’ll just give her more ammunition to hurt Kirk with.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
Spock didn't seem to be listening to the female as he kept on heading towards the cells “The captain needs you now that he's vulnerable more than ever before.” he added, stopping before entering the cells “Whatever she told Jim made him injure himself further. I am here to end this.”
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

“Kodos’ daughter threatened to k.ill you.” She said, shaking her head. “And he ran here, despite the fact he has healing injuries. I’ll call McCoy.” She said, pulling out her communicator. “Don’t worry about the daughter. I’m sure Kirk will rest easy knowing I personally will be protecting you.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
McCoy had already replied to his communicator before Charlotte finished explain “He did what?!” he asked, exhaling deeply “Agh, dammit Jim, will you ever - ” but he stopped himself, heading to Spock's quarters with a stretcher “Here, place him here.” he commanded, running a quick scan on the captain as Spock laid him down “Shit kid, your heart's racing..” he whispered, taking out a hypospray to calm the captain down as his eyes were locked on Charlotte, taking Kirk away.
Spock raised an eyebrow “It would be bold to assume I can't protect myself. Besides, as Chief of security your duty is with the captain and this ship. Protecting me is... illogical.” Spock explained, as he started heading for the cells. Him and Lenore needed to have a talk..
+38 answers in: “Charlotte obeyed, getting on her communicator and ordering the guards that Kirk demanded. She briefed them on their responsibilities, shot Lenore a look, and then went after Kirk. She knew by running away so quickly he’d hurt himself somehow. Even if he was with Spock.”

Eventually she slumped to the ground, onto her knees. “All of this, for nothing. You k.illed the most important thing to me in this galaxy.” She said, looking up at Kirk and wiping her face. “When I get out of here, I’m taking yours.”

ᴇʟʟᴇ (Chandrelle) Gᴏᴜʀᴀᴇʟ
Her simple phrase was enough to trigger Kirk. The captain's eyes widened, looking at Charlotte “Put 6 guards on her, she gets out for no reason, understood?” he commanded, as he rushed out of the cell, running towards Spock's quarters, ignoring all the pain coming from his trauma “Spock! Spock baby!” he shouted, the Vulcan turning to him surprised “Captain?! What are you doing you should be -” but he was interrupted by Jim's kiss

Diana needed a distraction, and she knew what would help, combat. She convinced Kal to spar with her.“You’re not doing yourself any favors, Diana…” Kal grunted after a particularly rattling blow.“By going easy on me…” Kal blocked another blow, then another. She was distracted by her thoughts of Kirk

For a while, Kirk didn't know what to do. He was just standing at the edge of his bed, looking around. How did she know? Why was she acting strange around him? His ship? Where was his ship? Is Spock okay? His crew? Kirk exhaled deeply, and finally decided to use all his strength to walk away. Soon, he found himself lost in what looked like a palace
+14 answers in: ““Do not think I have not seen the same as you, Diana. That is not - “ “Thank you, Menalippe. But, that is not necessary.” Diana looked, at the unconscious man she rescued, she was having the weirdest feeling of Deja vu.”

"Look...you'll be waking up in the midnight because you'll have to feed it...or because there was a nightmare...or because there is the need for the toilet...also you'll need to know many fairytales..." He ended his sentence and smiled . " But apart from that , it will ne wonderful... "

☆ʀᴘᴜ ᴠᴇʀsᴇ☆
Jim smiled, nodding his head as he listened to James. He looked at his abdomen then back at the blue eyed male, smirking “He's lucky then. Spock and I agreed it would be better to raise him the human way, so his dad is gonna take care of everything.” he spoke, looking at James “Bet you he's gonna love Lana.”

"Jim?" James asked as he walked in the corridors of the hospital. He was in a fight before and he had a few injuries on him . And of course Jeremy wouldn't let him get away from it. But the captain being there in a hospital bed was something a bit out of place " Why are you here are you okay?

⚫James Aston⚫
☆ ʀᴘᴜ ᴠᴇʀsᴇ ☆
(Alright, before moving one, this storyline contains the infamous mpeg tag. In case you ain't a fan, you're free to avoid this plot. Reminder this is the RPU so whatever happens here isn't canon or in my general Jim. It is on only for members of the RPU. Thank you.)
When Kirk and Spock made this tricky decision, Jim wasn't feeling super sure about it but he wanted to do it. For Spock. For Vulcan. For himself, perhaps.
It was almost the time Jim wasn't looking forward to, same going for Bones who would have to take part in all this.
The captain eyed James up, smiling slightly “Hey dad..” he giggled, raising a brow “Well, are .you. alright? You look messy” he giggled. He wasn't wounded. Yet James didn't know yet. Ironic no-one actually told him.

“When you are feeling better we will talk,”Diana said. At the moment, she was concerned about the man. She was clad in gold-tinted leather with an eagle cut into the chest. Her dark hair cascaded over the fur of her cloak collar, and upon her forehead was a diadem with a starburst in the center.

Kirk didn't always have "sweet dreams". Being alone in his quarters was something he didn't really like. He was screaming often when nightmares decorated his sleep, and considering Mr Spock's quarters was right next to his, it was not really pleasant. He didn't want Spock to be concerned.
It happened again. He was awoken by a nightmare. When he woke up, he was somehow stronger than before, yet he still wasn't sure what exactly was going on.
+14 answers in: ““Do not think I have not seen the same as you, Diana. That is not - “ “Thank you, Menalippe. But, that is not necessary.” Diana looked, at the unconscious man she rescued, she was having the weirdest feeling of Deja vu.”

"I'm good. Just a little... tired," Hela nodded, turning her head to throw a glance at Jim. "Sioux talked with her.. " she made a face. "That Captain. And then she ran past me and locked herself in her room."

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
Jim exhaled deeply, shaking his head “He told her the truth..” he whispered, Spock seeming surprised “Jim” but, the captain was hit by a hypospray “Dammit!” he cursed, McCoy rolling his eyes “Yeah, sleepyhead..” he muttered, moving closer to Hela

"She won't talk to you," Hela said, loud enough so Jim could hear her. She had seen her on her way to Jim, how she had rushed past her and locked herself in her room. "Or at least I heavily doubt it," she sighed.

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
“You are right..” Spock replied, gentry rubbing Jim's hand on his own, slightly raising Kirk's head so he can now look at Hela “Is there something I should know?” he questioned, looking at the witch “Are you okay?”

Hela opened her eyes again and looked up at Spock, but she didn't try to sit up again. "I'll never stop being a witch, Spock. But I am no longer the goddess of de.ath." / And so did Luke, while on the Enterprise Belle had retreated to her room. She had sat next to her bed, curled up and was sobbing

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- quietly. The news from Stanley, the shocking loss of the crew of the Destroyer and Kodos' comeback had shook her. -
Spock looked down at her, a soft grin, you could say it was a smile appeared on his face "I owe you an ap-" but Spock stopped, hearing Jim's soft moan. “Excuse me” he spoke, quickly rushing by the captain's side. He hugged Jim softly, Kirk giving him a soft kiss. “Is everyone okay?” he asked, Spock giving him a full report on the injuries. The captain exhaled deeply. “Contact Belle. We need to talk..” he commanded softly, Spock nodding

Hela moved her eyes to Spock, not saying anything for a while. The Vulcan had just thanked her. "I would do it again, if I needed to," she told him and pushed herself up, arms shaking. She had to lay down. / Luke stood outside the Destroyer, when Belle hurried past him. He didn't even have the time

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- to stop her, or Stanley who followed a few seconds later. These family meetings were always pleasant. "I will help my crew, by bringing them home. All of them. The.. way back will just be difficult," he sighed, shaking his head. "So no. But you can invite me for a drink next week," he chuckled. -
McCoy had moved to the other patients, so a nurse stood next to Hela, helping her lay down “Rest.” she advised, Spock looking at her before moving to kiss Jim's forehead.
Morgan nodded, William gesturing him everything was ready. The captain exhaled deeply and nodded “Nearest pub to the headquarters buddy, meet me there.”

When Hela saw Spock approaching she leaned back, focusing on the window again, watching McCoy and Uhura. "He will be good. He'll have some stomachache however," she spoke, blinking. Belle pressed her lips together, still holding the phaser. "Yes, yes it's always someone who promised something to

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- someone else. But this wasn't between YOU and HIM, Stanley! I have a RIGHT to get to know these things!" She yelled angrily and threw the secured phaser to the ground before she turned around and headed outside. -
Spock turned to Hela, nodding his head as he rushed next to Jim, who was still sleeping, looking peaceful “Thank you..” the Vulcan was never expecting he could say this, but if it wasn't for her, Jim wouldn't be here now.
Stanley grabbed the phaser, stepping outside. He wanted to say something but instead turned to Kevin and nodded. Few minutes later, the Percival was gone. Morgan made a face “You need help?” he asked Luke

Nyota jumped up again and got inside, looking at the nurse and then at Bones. "What can I do?" She asked. / Navy didn't even flinch when Spock hit the wall. "Yes, but can you protect the rest of the crew as well?" She asked, with great amusement about his emotional compromise. / Belle inhaled

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- deeply, before she pushed Stanley away from her. "I don't know what I would have done! Okay!? But I should have been there! They sIayed my family and.. and again I did nothing, like I'm never of any help!" She yelled at him and clenched her fist. -
McCoy smiled to her, giving her the oxygen mask “Hold this in position if you don't mind. I need Christine to finish patching up and most nurses are quite busy.” he spoke, moving to check the cut on Jim's back of the head “Gosh, it's deep.”
Spock stepped back, clearly not amused by her trick “We will be safe.” he whispered, moving in circles around the room.
Stan took a step back, eyes widening “You've always been blaming yourself. You even blamed yourself for uncle and aunty being chosen by Kodos as the expendables. But you don't get to raise your voice at me like that. I'm stating the facts, Belle.” he spoke, turning to Kevin, who was waiting at the entrance “Let's go.”

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Uhura couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, Spock sent me. And I will.. stay until you're done. Tell me if you need help," she said and sat down outside of the room. Navy on the other hand kept on standing. "I choose all my words carefully. But can you say the same about your decisions, Mister Spock?" -

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- the brunette countered, looking him in the eye. "Recall your nightmares, if you dream, as a Vulcan. This will get close to them, and there's nothing you can do about it," she said, blinking calmly. / "Or maybe it's the reason they're de.ad," Belle sobbed, burying her face in his chest. He couldn't bring up the strength to go further than the hallway. She couldn't make it to the bridge. "Stanley I-..." She was crying at that point. -
Leonard giggled “I guessed it...” he muttered, checking the monitor for a second “Get him some oxygen, the planet's atmosphere is too thick for his condition.” he spoke, tapping Jim's shoulder gently “Well, no matter what I do you'll keep on making it harder huh Jimbo?” he muttered, with a sad smile, before turning to Uhura “Actually there is Ny, get inside.”
Spock was suddenly filled with anger, as he smashed the glass that was separating them, yet his Vulcan strength was nothing for the glass. “I'll make sure I protect him from them.” he spoke, angrily
Stan shook his head. “What would you have done huh? Tell me?! Would you have taken 20 men all by yourself? We were twice as many and they injured 10 of us! As you see they don't care that you are a tarsus survivor! They would have started with you! And then they would do the same just to get to the Enterprise and then, they would take the Enterprise to come after the Percival and me.”

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Uhura stayed outside, watching them with crossed arms. "Making sure you're doing a good job," she said, looking at Jim. On a stretcher. Again. "How is it going ?" Navy turned around, facing Spock with confidence. "You. Your behavior, Mister Spock. And that you really believe all this is a good

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- idea," the brunette said, stepping closer to the glass wall separating them.
/ On the Destroyer, Belle shook her head, but she didn't fight Stan. "I should have been here, Stanley. I could have helped," she sobbed, eyes locked on the de.ad people.
Jim's head was softly position on a pillow, some bandages under it, decorated with the crimson red liquid. McCoy did not turn to the female yet started talking “Well, you know him, he never makes it easy for us. While falling he managed to injure the back of his head. Thankfully, there's no internal bleeding but the cut is deep. Fixing the mess the phaser made is a priority but I'm afraid I won't be able to use any advanced treatment for the cut. I'll let it heal on it's own, I'll just prevent it from getting infected.” he spoke, connecting Jim with an IV. He'll need some medications and this was far better than constantly hitting him with a hypo. Not to mention he was connected to a monitor because they didn't have time to get him to a biobed. “Did the green bIooded hobgoblin sent you?”
Spock made a face, moving closer as well “My behavior is completely logical, considered the fact you injured my Captain and other crew members but also kiIIed various crew members of the warship Destroyer. Yet considering the fact I share a bond with my captain, which can make my actions quite unstable, I would advise you to choose your words and actions wisely.”
Stanley shook his head, getting in front of her “It's alright, please, it wasn't your fault, you couldn't predict it, no-one could. You being on the enterprise is probably the reason you are alive.”

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Uhura looked at Spock and nodded slowly. "I'll tell you when he's out of surgery," she promised and left, while Navy stumbled forward. Vulcans weren't really known to be charming. It made her chuckle. / "Belle, no!" Luke ordered, but the blonde didn't care and ran inside, heading towards the bridge

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- first. She expected to see them there, but corpses already plastered her way there. Sioux slowed down and looked down, covering her mouth with one hand. -
McCoy was still operating on Jim, checking some medications, trying to find the proper one for the captain. Jim was stable, which was actually something extremely reassuring for the chief medical officer. “What are you doing here Ny?” he questioned, finally finding the correct one “Alright, this will help repair the vital damage” he spoke, to Chapel, who was working on the burn close to the captain's kidney.
Spock made a face, walking closer, locking the cell “What's so amusing?”
Stanley rushed behind the female trying to stop her but it was too late “Alright, that's it, you're coming with me!” he spoke, stepping closer to her. With his fury, he was about to grab her hand, but didn't. Instead, he hugged her, trying to burry her face on his chest.

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Yes, I do believe in justice. In the art of war, if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the approaching battles. But if you know only yourself and not the enemy, for every victory, there will also be defeat.

Sillybutt26’s Profile PhotoB u t t e r f l y Q u e e n
“You know, in the vast place called space, you can't really know every enemy you might face. But, you do it anyway, for yourself, for your ship, for your crew, for the fleet.” Kirk explained, keeping his professional expression, yet breaking it with a smirk “You said that you were in fact, a fascinated fangirl. Mr Spock loves that word and I couldn't help but think of him. My apologies.”
+2 answers in: “Justice, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim. Others will see evil incarnate getting exactly what's deserved. / Followed by a fascinated and intrigued fangirl.”

"Whoever takes her has to promise to be that he makes her stay a living hell," Luke said, knowing Spock would insist on imprisoning her on the Enterprise. "After kiIIing some of the most important people to me, she deserves nothing but hell," he added, looking at Spock; he knew the Vulcan thought

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
- the same. Not only because they had so many Tarsus survivors on board, but also because his lover was one. Navy focused her eyes on Luke, then shifted her look to the other three men. -
Spock seemed quite bordered for a second but nodded his head. Logic didn't matter when this woman sent his captain and bondmate to the med bay with an open kidney. “I'll make sure she pays..” he muttered, stepping inside the ship.
William walked towards Morgan “We are going to return to earth, we can take some wounded with us.” he suggested. It would be hard to go back to earth will all those b.odies, this he knew. Stanley turned to Belle, hugging her “I better go as well.” he stated, rubbing her back “Be careful”

Belle shook her head, but eventually wrapped her arms tightly around Stanley. "I can't face him a second time Stan," she whispered, biting her lower lip to fight her tears. While that Luke tried to stand on his own. "Who wants to take her?" He asked Rockford and Stan, nodding at Navy.

✝ нelα ✝ (Hiatus)
Stanley shook his head, rubbing her hair as he whispered “We're gonna be okay.” to her ear.
Morgan made a face, thinking about it “Considering the Wallace's mission is to collect evidence, she belongs to my ship.” he said, but was interrupted but a clearly upset Spock walking towards them “Aboard the USS Enterprise are three Tarsus IV survivors. She belongs to our ship.” he explained, Stanley smirking “He's not wrong. The Lancelot only has me and unfortunately Morgan - ” he was cut off by the helmsman of the Wallace “We have nobody, considering I only arrived to help the survivors.” were his words. He knew Jim. Poor kid was barely alive when taken off tarsus. He held his hand, trying to reassure him everything will be alright. He was 34 back then, helmsman of one of the ships that arrived on the colony after the disaster.

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Language: English