

Ask @ugottafriend

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When eating cereal with milk, do you pour the cereal or milk first?

I pour the cereal first. Doesn't everybody?

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What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday?

I'm not sure anything I want to do qualifies as crazy. The craziest thing I've ever done was run off to Florida to learn how to paint like Bob Ross. And I climbed a lighthouse, which could have seriously harmed me (it did induce an episode, and I was alone, but as you can see, I survived). So I've already done those things.
I'd love to find a travel buddy and RV around the country.
I've never been to Disney, so I wouldn't mind being a big kid for a week and doing that (especially Epcot World Showcase, because Geography).
I'd like to ride a hot air balloon someday (tethered is fine).
I used to want to ride on the back of a Harley Davidson, but only once and not very fast, haha.
I've never been on a plane, and I'm not sure I'd physically handle it well, but I wouldn't mind trying it once (I'm normally a highly independent person, but I think I would want someone with me to hold my hand, ha).
None of that is very crazy to the average person, and as you can probably tell, I'm cautious about anything I'm unfamiliar with.
Lately, I've wished I could be a personal chef or open a soup kitchen, but I am incapable of consistent physical activity due to my health. You said dream, though, so there it is.
It's not something I'm pursuing, but perhaps someday I should try finding someone to love who is respectful, kind, mature, and not a sociopath, for once. In my current condition, that idea is definitely crazy.

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Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

On the beach, but you have to understand that it's because the beach is where I've always been. I know nothing about mountains or living in or among them. I certainly don't dislike them. I think mountains are beautiful. In reality, I have to take my disability into consideration, so I would have to ask a few important questions before making such a drastic change. Climate, elevation, barometric pressure, accessibility...all of that matters to my physical ability and quality of life.

Which element of nature are you – air, earth, fire or water?

In my mind, I feel like I'm fire, but in reality, I'm probably more like water.

What books would you recommend for developing better interpersonal skills?

I can recommend one: The Stress Solution: Using Empathy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience by Arthur P. Ciaramicoli
Don't let the title confuse you. Yes, it involves stress therapy, but it's much more than that. It taught me a lot about myself and ways that I need to improve upon interpersonal communication. Patients, doctors, spouses, parents...I feel like just about everyone would benefit from reading this book.
I also think it's wise to seek multiple points of view in regards to communicating with others, so for that reason, I recommend reading as many articles as you can find online on improving interpersonal skills. I believe it could also be beneficial to research different types of personalities and temperaments. Understanding how to identify what type of person someone is, for example, a sanguine extrovert or a melancholy introvert, can help you to learn how to communicate most effectively. Individualized care is always best, even when you're simply talking to people.
Psychology Today magazine has an online test - check it out here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/tests/relationships/interpersonal-communications-skills-test
They also have many articles on communication: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/search/site/interpersonal%20communication
I hope this helps. My skills could use some work too.

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Who killed the Dead Sea?

Mother Nature? God? Take your pick. It's uninhabitable because of the high salt content, but I'm sure you already knew that, silly asker. :-P

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

I get out of bed because I have to, not because I want to. :)

What is the one place in the world you wish you lived in?

That's a good question. I'm not sure I have the best answer because I haven't experienced a lot of places, so I don't have much to compare. If I was forced to choose a place to move to today, and money was no object, I would choose Ponce Inlet in Florida. I stayed there for a few weeks and felt more free than I've ever felt in my life. I cried when I had to leave. I haven't been able to travel much, though, as I said. I'm sure there are many places that I would like.

What's the best part in life?

I enjoy conversations with my nieces.
I like finding beauty in simplicity.
Moments of inspiration and compassion keep me going.
To love and be loved to whatever extent it's possible (the definition is variable depending on the parties in question).
Human kindness and respect are things that I seek out.
Social justice is important.
Silly humor, because we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously all the time.
The right words can make life worth living.
Passion matters.
And a whole lot of naps.

If something happens to you who's your "go-to" person to tell, someone you trust ?

It very much depends on what that something is. I don't have one specific person that I tell everything to anymore. I have experienced a great deal of victim-blaming and ableism in my life in addition to other trauma. I find it hard to trust people, but now that I'm "40 and fed up" (ha!) I'm starting to talk about some things again. It is very stressful, though. I have a few friends online who are good listeners, and even if they don't understand, I know they care and I appreciate that they let me vent sometimes. I occasionally tell relatives things, but I have to be careful what the subject is, especially with them. I am planning to seek counseling to help me process issues of the past, but that costs money, so it's not going to happen very soon. I guess if something physically traumatic happened to me in the present, it would be ideal to tell one of my doctors.

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Can there be a friendship after love?

Sure there can, but it depends on the circumstances. Some people have endured abuse or other toxic behavior and are right in removing that person from their life. But yeah, I think if a couple ended intimacy and decided they were better off friends, all the best to them in their friendship.

What is a primary fear that is holding you back?

Holding me back from what? Be more specific and I'll be able to respond.

Fav cartoon movie/show

I have nieces who are absolutely obsessed with Pokemon, so they got me started. It's the first time I've followed the show even though it's been around for two decades. I'm trying to watch all of the episodes so I can be fully informed (there are about 600 episodes). I'm finding that some seasons are far better than others. Kanto was bad. Johto was ok. I'm currently watching Advanced and don't like it much so far. I'm not familiar with Black & White yet. I loved XY/XYZ and even cried, and I like Sun & Moon more than most people do.
My older relatives (including 44 yr old brother) are keeping up with Voltron on Netflix, so I am too. I loved it in the 80s even though it was terribly sexist back then (I was too young to realize it). The reboot is fantastic in comparison to the old series.
I like a few Disney movies. Not many. Frozen and Mulan were great. The less co-dependent the female protagonist is, the better I feel about it. That shouldn't surprise anyone.
Although I don't watch them anymore, I'll never not appreciate the cartoons I grew up with - TMNT, Looney Tunes, Garfield & Friends, pretty much anything in the "Saturday Morning Cartoons" genre that I would consider nostalgia.

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If you could buy any car right now, what would you buy?

I'm perfectly fine with a Toyota Avalon. But, I will say that I do like looking at classic cars. They're pretty.

Flip-flops or sandals?

Neither, to be honest. I have too much trouble walking as it is. I need something more stable, therefore, I mostly live in athletic shoes.

What would your dream date be like?

I'm not sure. I've never been the dating type. What I do know is that I'm not materialistic, and I don't like surprises. I prefer to know exactly what a plan is before I commit to it. There is one certain person that I'd like to get to know, although I'm not anticipating that ever happening. Coffee and conversation with him in a safe and comfortable setting would make me pretty happy right now, and finding out that we have similar interests and views would be a huge bonus. Alas, I'm not going to hold my breath on any of that. I'm crazy for even thinking about it.
In regards to going out in general, I guess I like soup, quiet beaches, and sunsets. I hate shopping, and I don't drink. Dreamy isn't really something I expect from anyone, but sober, respectful, and authentic are essential.
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