

Ask @abbeysuffer

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I don't need to get someone to get potato bc ur other dog attacked him. Work through get them to know each other I had the same problem when I got my other dog and now their best friends :)

my mom refuses i can't do anything and don't make me feel bad about it I'm heart broken

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we've been dating for like a week and idk I just never asked him but then he says he believes gays shouldn't be alive or whatever like whyyyyy can't everyone in the world just be happy and healthy and perfect I don't understand (I am the girl with the homophobic bf btw)

Well that's unfortunate

there's this guy in my school that's bullied me for years. I went into the cafe at school and when I walked past his table and he started chanting my name and saying "most attractive." Like its so annoying and is yannow hurtful so I was curious if you had any advice. I always just ignore it

if ignoring isn't working stand up for yourself. he probably thinks he can tease u and get away with it, surprise him AND CLAP BACK AND SMAXK HIM WITH HUS FOOD OR SOmething

i just found out my boyfriend is a major homophobe and ummm in a couple hours I won't have a boyfriend anymore bc he has zero reason to act like gay people are terrible humans, he's not religious he's just an opinionated butt so um boi bye

how did u not know this before

omg thank you to whoever mentioned valentines resort!!! ive always wanted to gonto the bahamas and i looked up valentines resort and im staying there this spring break!!!

it's fun!

So my friend is dating someone but she just made out with another guy but it was peer pressure and she really regrets it now. Her big doesn't know and she feels really bad cause it was all peer pressure. Should I tell her bf like idk what to do

no don't tell her boyfriend!!! 1. that'll ruin you and your friends relationship. 2. that's only your friends place to tell him, not yours. just support your friend and that's all you should do


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