

Ask @abbeysuffer

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I took a bad fall and shattered my elbow. I am nearly better and am about to be cleared. Any advice you can give me to not be so nervous when I get back into the saddle?

find a horse and trainer u trust and trust yourself

did you like the GPA first lady? I'm thinking about getting one and I have been asking around to see what people thought of it

no in my opinion both the speed air and the First Lady aren't safe. many of my friends wear them and have gotten injuries from falling off and the helmet visor breaking and going into their face. I've had both and I agree

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how many times a week do you jump high?

only when I show the highest I jump at home is sometimes like 1.15

please do the tutorials/riding rules they would be so helpful and i actually need to know how and what to use to clean a cwd saddle and if you do some tutorials/riding rules can you do something about auto releases and how to look in equitation classes


I know, but you asked if you "ride 3 times a week" and I wanted to clarify because I value your opinion in the equestrian world 🙈 yes, it's 3 riding days


Leo you like your dynasty equisports bridle? Would you recommend buying one for a show bridle?

yes 100%

Do you recommend parlantis and do they break in good?

they're very comfortable but wear down way too fast in my opinion

Favorite hobbies other than riding? What do you do when you're not riding?

idk I do a lot of random stuff like one day I'll go out and hang with a bunch of friends and do fun stuff and then the next I'll like go into a cocoon
Liked by: Madeline Canipe

How long do you warm your horse up in walk?

it depends on how far the barn is from the ring but usually like once around each way stretching their neck and doing leg yields and stuff unless we're in a rush


Language: English